Friday, February 26, 2016


Hi KIIT ians, very best wishes for a grand success of KIIT FEST 2016. KIIT FEST not only should set the standards of “young organization” to show case the inherent talent of student community of India; but, it must also look at transforming the entire locality of “C.Spur” as the KIIT TOWNSHIP just like its counterparts like OXFORD in Britain and HARVARD in Boston in USA. While, I wish KIITians during the fest must enjoy to the full while displaying their Engineering, Management and Leadership Skills and other entertainment domains; they should and must also think about how to deploy their “Knowledge & Skills” for the benefit of society by solving real problems of the day. Therefore, I would urge KIITians to think about “ADOPTING” the Chandrashekharpur residential area in their out reach program so as to Transform the Area into a Global Standard “KIIT UNIVERSITY TOWNSHIP”.     

I would rather plead with the 25000 student’s community of KIIT to take leadership of their locality and identify the problems, find solution, generate resources and implement their plans to Transform the area of Chandrashekharpur as no one would have expected, ever. The Founder of KIIT and KIIS has been admired Globally and brought laurels for the country. Now, it is about time the Students of KIIT to show case if they belong to the same “enterprisingDNA as their Founder Shri Achyuta Samanta.  

What KIITians could do for the locality?
While taking the walk in the morning on the main road of KIIT, the stanching smell from thriving business would greet you at first and garbage dump littered in the area which is far cry from well architecture buildings of KIIT University. Why the young students should suffer such an environment; instead of taking the challenge and finding solution which will help them to hone their knowledge & skills and validate their readiness for taking bigger responsibility in life- at the work place and Family. The outcome of such effort of KIIT students would also project a “can do” image with the recruiters.

  1. First is awareness

Can 25,000 students take an initiative to create awareness among people?—residences and business establishments to maintain cleanliness and hygiene for our own health and advancement?
         When you direct your mind to solve a big problem; then, your mind would come up with new Ideas and you will find source of new knowledge & skill and when you do this in a group, you shall create a revolution. In India we do not have a tradition or precedent among student community to “Identify Problems” and Research for Solutions in recent times. Therefore, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Face Book and Twitter are all Western Inventions and we are only consumers of Global products and services. Shall we change this? KIITians will decide. In this project of creating awareness about cleanliness, health & hygiene so many KIIT Schools competency could be tested. Like Communication, Content generations, Volunteers recruitment and training—spanning Engineering, Medical, Management, Fine Art and others.

  1. Second is to maintain cleanliness in the locality

Charity begins at home and therefore students have to first maintain the cleanliness of their hostel room and wash area and also share “Gyan” to residents and business establishments. Here, students would face challenges from the Old Habit of people and Public authorities like BMC and BDA. You have to find new methods and tools to persuade the Civic Authorities to do their job 100% perfectly, Campaign to convince residents to convert their Organic Wastes into Compost for use in the garden as manure---and, that would reduce the quantum of Solid Waste by 50% and therefore less work for our Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation which has become complacent after becoming Numero Uno in the SMART City competition.

3. Water Conservation
 “Water is life and life is water” KIITians should also consider doing advocacy on water conservation in their operational area of C.S.Pur. That should include among other things, persuade people/residents/business/apartment complexes to go for Rain Water Harvesting System that would over a period of time could raise water table and support better quality green cover. KIITians with their engineering skills could design and execute Rain Water Harvesting Structure for Residents and Apartment Complexes at a reasonable cost, the surplus generated out of such activities would help the student’s body to spread their wings in its outreach program. The objective here should be to convert the entire area Rain Water harvesting Compliant.

4. Green Cover
KiiTians could also consider improving the green cover in the locality. They could raise volunteers and go for massive plantation in the locality so much so that Bird species would like to inhabit the place and create a conducive environment with their chirping sounds for education and research in the KIIT TOWNSHIP.

5. Solar Energy
Kiitians also could choose to promote Solar Energy by persuading people to use Roof Top Solar Panels for their captive energy needs. That should give an opportunity to KIIT Engineering students to go for R&D to develop world class photovoltaic cells to offer cost effective solution to people in the area and to become the role model all over the country.
Friends, if you like this proposal please share this with the KIITians in the beginning and end of your KIIT FEST to see their response. I wish to see an Arch at Kalinga Hospital Square that reads “Welcome to KIIT UNIVESITY TOWSHIP”.
Bikash Chudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Email: Mobile: 9853426657  

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