Wednesday, March 2, 2016


29th February 2016 would go down in the annals of history as a historic day on which a land mark and path breaking legislation--finance bill was introduced in the parliament with a mandate to lift the socio-economic condition of people from the bottom of pyramid in consonance with investment and improvement in the quality of infrastructure & a stable and predictable financial architecture. All these are intended to bring a “transformative” change in the lives of maximum number of people in the country. However, unless and until we plan for a proactive execution strategy all the good intentions would just remain on paper inside the bureaucratic red tape. Therefore, GoI could also plan for an efficient strategy to capture the outcome of such good policy drafted at great pain and huge cost.

  1. Apart from other existing arrangements for efficient execution; GoI could take additional care to implement its policies effectively by bringing GoI into the doorstep of all State Capitals once in two months by drafting the union minister of respective States to take stock of the execution of GoI programs, policies for the benefits of people in a constructive and accommodative manner keeping the larger and greater welfare of the people in mind. Identically, GoI could persuade State Govt. to depute their ministers of respective districts to review the execution of policy & programs with the District authorities once in two months. Similarly, District administration would be expected to take stock of execution at Tehesil/Block level; bringing a synergy and high level of co-ordination between Block level administration to central government, thus creating additional capacity for command control mechanism in the entire chain of Governance.

  1. That apart, GoI could assign specific task of touring their respective constituency and mobilize their constituents behind the people welfare programs of GoI wherever required and also to collect and share information about the quality of execution with the State and Central Government in order to offer a non-bureaucratic assessment for better monitoring of socio-economic programs at far flung places of the country.       

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