Saturday, March 12, 2016


Quit India Movement of 1942 was one of the successful popular people’s movement that eventually drove British power from India in 1947. It could reach the hearts & minds of ordinary men and aroused the passion for the freedom of the country. India now needs one such popular movement that would fire the imagination of people on Swaccha Bharat, Water Conservation and Afforastation. Government of India and all State Governments could deploy the High School/College/University Students in this “Summer Vacation” to raise awareness across the country and also to mobilize people to adopt some basic goals towards Swaccha Bharat and Water Conservation.

1.                      Students Community could be deployed in 600 Cities and Towns during the current Summer Vacation to raise awareness and convince house holds to adopt conversion of Organic Wastes into Compost (Manure) that would reduce 50% Solid Waste. Further, segregation of solid wastes at “Source” could be targeted for recycling that would create valuable employment opportunity.
2.                      Students could also raise awareness against Open Defecation/Urination in the Cities and Towns which would have immediate and substantial health benefits. Government and respective Civic authorities could provide necessary infrastructure like public toilets/urinals in sufficient quantity to achieve 100% compliance.
3.                      Students could raise awareness about water conservation and afforestion in “Rural Areas”. They could also mobilize people in rural areas to actually renovate all existing water bodies to enhance their water carrying capacity during monsoons. Plantation work could also be taken up wherever it is feasible in rural areas.
4.                      This program should take the color of a popular public movement with the Leadership of Members of Parliament and involvement of Celebrities and Prominent Citizens of respective locality. This program should be extensive and intensive enough for a limited period so as to leave its mark for long time.
5.                      Other creative pursuits like Art, Music, and Dance/Flash Mob could be embedded in the movement to make the activity more interesting and lively for both participants and general public.

6.                      This activity/ program could Kill all such residual Negativity and should be able to Create a “New Spirit of India” for social and economic progress of the country soon.      

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