Friday, July 8, 2016


Bikash Choudhury

Arun Maira, former member of planning commission and CEO of Boston Consulting Group said “this land has power to change the world” referring to Odisha in his CYSD Memorial Lecture at Bhubaneswar a few years back; however, he did not elaborate. The famous Kalinga war in 261 B.C that changed Emperor Ashoka from Chandashoka to Dharmashoka would have been at the back of his mind. History and Geography of our land bear ample testimony of economic and political power of this ancient civilization that is known as Odisha at present. The moot point remains; can we turn the wheel once again in such a manner that Odisha would become the role model for India both in economics and politics? This is the thought that transcends one’s mind when Lord of the World (Lord Jagannath) troupes out of his abode to meet his subjects in his specially made chariot. India goes through many problems simultaneously which defy a sustainable solution for over 70 years since our independence; abject poverty, unemployment, farmer suicide, flawed education system and non-existing healthcare infrastructure; however, the biggest of them all is the “lack of political unity” at the top and this was the main reason for which our country suffered from colonization for five hundred years and the same holds good even now that hinders a resolution to all intractable problems cited earlier. Architect of modern Odisha, Biju Babu was a man of, and for, consensus who took on the role of consensus builder in Janata and later National Front Government at the centre that gave Odisha a much bigger profile than numeral 21( number of seats in the lower house of parliament). Odisha could once again take on the role of “Political Unifier” amidst stark and staunch Ideological & Political divide in the larger socio-economic interest of our Nation & Nationality. Ideally, GST tax proposals could have been implemented for the benefit of all, much earlier. In fact there is an opening for the role of a National Consensus Builder and Odisha could take on this role to its own advantage. Odisha has already been a role model in management of Natural Disaster, with extraordinary handling of Phailine. We could once again become the role model if we fool proof our coast line with Mangroves and off shore wind mills; making us power surplus for next two decade and attracting Global Industry while earning brownie points on carbon credits. This journey could continue uninterrupted if we adapt to a new entrepreneurial “culture” in our governance, revive our ancient competence in International Trade and creativity in Art, Craft & Architecture. We have already earned laurels for our capacity of imagination in urban management in the SMART City sweep stakes; however, we can actually surprise & shock the country by making all our city and towns free from mosquitoes and providing potable tap water making water purifier redundant. Our buildings and road could sport of rain water harvesting facility combining with roof top solar energy & vegetable farms that would make people of Odisha healthy, wealthy and wise. Shall we?

Authors Bio: Socio-Economic-Political Activist and Freelance Writer on Socioeconomic and Political Issues. Contact:

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