Sunday, December 20, 2009

Healthcare Industry-Healthy Bottomline

Bikash Choudhury

Our Idea is very simple for a Healthcare company to grow faster with healthy bottom line.Since Corporate Hospital involves high capital expenditure with long gestation period and low margins. And Govt. run Hospital system have almost reached breaking points on the load of free services, poor infrastructure and suboptimal services. There is a viable option for a Health care company to take over all State run Hospital & Medical colleges at State Capital/Major Cities Lock Stock and Barrel on long term lease with suitable arrangement.

1. Healthcare company can Invest in the Infra of State run Hospitals to offer a Reasonable Healthcare services at an affordable cost.
2.Govt. current expenditure need to be maintained to underwrite the free services to poor people as per suitable provision in law applicable.
3.Healthcare company can charge for specialty/super-speciality healthcare services at concessional rates and can refer critical cases to its Corporate Hospitals with better facilities.
4.Healthcare company can turnaround State run medical colleges by investing in Infrastructure & Technology in world class Medical teaching aids at a PRICE(from students or Govt.).That would also work as a long term brand building exercise for Healthcare company.
5.This exercise if implemented successfully can create a Nation Wide Healthcare Super Highway for Healthcare company at an approximate cost of Rs.1000 Crore in a span of 5 years and add 3-5% to the existing bottom line and save Capex & Management time in building Corporate Hospital.
6.Marketing & Brand Building:Healthcare company can Institute suitable awards and can offer scholarships on merit in top 100 Medical Colleges, Nursing Schools and Pharmacy Institutes in the country to buy the Mind share of very Important resources in Healthcare Industry.

Next Generation Oriya Movie

Bikash Choudhury

Dear Nirad Babu,I have seen your movie "Maya Miriga" and that was the last Oriya movie left an Impact in my mind about my attitude towards my parents and conditioned my response to my dependent brothers when I started working and earning. Many viewers would have similar experience with your movie. Other Oriya movie, I steel remember is "Sesha Shrabana". Why such movies we don't see these days? Is there no market for such movies? or Film makers are tired of taking risk in making such movies? I did not find any answer to this question till date. May be you and your colleagues at KIIT School of Film & Media Science have an answer.

Recently, Columnist Mr. Barendra Dhal had written 9 eloquent articles on the state of Oriya Language in Dharitri News paper.
I consider along with creating awareness about- having a feeling for mother tongue(Oriya) if we can make good quality movies in Oriya just like in Tamil & Telegu films then Oriya Language can survive the Taste of time.


1. A few Big banner commercial Oriya movie with strong storyline in a year can make Oriya Movie audience seatup &takenotice
2. Bilingual Movie(Hindi & Oriya) with Ideal mix of Bollywood & Ollywood Stars.
3.Music and Choreography in Collaboration with Tamil Movie makers.
4.Art direction & Set design in collaboration with Mumbai studios
5.Dedicated Film financier & producer from Odisha's rich and famous persons.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Bikash Choudhury

Esteemed Smt. Sushamaji, Congratulation on assuming very important office of Leader of Opposition.I am one of your great admirer. Listened to many of your speeches in Parliament and in Party rallies in Bhubaneswar. Your moderate thought process and image would help you set the agenda for Governance by the Govt. Country would look upon you to drive the Govt. to implement their party manifesto and many of BJP manifesto which are in Immediate interest of the country. Briefly: Internal Security, Police Reforms, Judicial Reforms are the key areas for action to preserve a healthy & Peaceful society towards faster growth. Secondly:Infrastructure need attention for faster connectivity and logistics for a competitive economy. Thirdly:Agricultural Reforms & Rural development for a faster growing & stronger economy.Fourth:Education reforms, Research and Innovation are some of the Important areas that need your attention.

I suggest for a Shadow Cabinet for Leader of Opposition, formally to operate effectively.This will kill many birds in one stone-your team could get enthusiasm and wisdom in Parliament and at the same time, this will add unstined support from your colleagues in Parliament and in Party.
I seek blessings of Lord Jagannath, Puri in Orissa for your continued success.Request you to visit Orissa as your first tour after being Leader of Opposition in Loksabha.

Monday, December 14, 2009

NH-203 in Bad Shape

Bikash Choudhury

There were news report on spate of fatal accidents of foreign and other tourist on NH-203; that connects Bhubaneswar-Puri, one of the most important tourist corridor in Odisha.Traffic has grown manifold in recent times on the high way even in the late evening.However, the facility of NH-203 has not improved maching the growth in traffic.Recently, I travelled back from Puri at late evening with a friend on a bike and appaled at the danger to mortal life.In a distance of over sixty kilometres, three times I had to climb down from black top road to accommodate speeding four wheeler from the opposite direction and five times nearly hit a cyclist in complete darkness. As luck would have it; saved from 8 potential fatal accidents with just one life of mine. No wonder, Indian roads are considered one of the biggest killing field in the World.With little ingenuity, NHAI can save hundreads of human lives. Edge of the black top road of NH-203 can be eqipped with red colour flourocent markers, mud foot paths in both sides can be paved with stone or concrete along with the alignment of black top road, appropriate traffic signalls can be put up at suitable places to indicate drivers about rummblers, diversions and semi circular and blind turns on the high way.Most importantly, NHAI must take up complete overhaul of very old and severely damaged Dayanadi Bridge and plan for an alternative bridge sooner than later to keep the tourist moving to the most important tourist destination in the State i.e., Puri Jagannath temple. May good sense prevail upon NHAI.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Resolve Dispute in Land Acqusition for Industry

Bikash Choudhury


Background: In past decade a few big ticket Industrial Projects have been held up due to conflict and dispute in land acquisition. TATA Kalinga Nagar, POSCO Paradeep and Vedanta University Konark Project are prominent ones. Needless to mention, if these projects gets implemented in due course; Orissa economy will thrive due to Industrial activity, employment opportunity could be created for educated and technically qualified Oriya young people in the State and quality of air connectivity to metro cities would improve further. That will strengthen the virtuous cycle of prosperity in Orissa. Can we afford to miss the opportunity?

Assumption: There may be a gap in understanding between various stake holders. Therefore, an open dialogue, among stake holders in a suitable atmosphere, from a neutral platform could be the preliminary step forward towards the resolution of core dispute in larger interest of the State.

Framework: Utkal Chambers can offer to facilitate to setup a neutral platform by drawing on eminent people with competence on the broad subject area from various walks of life in the State. Further, the chambers can create a frame work for dialogue among stake holders with the objective to arrive at consensus to implement the Projects.

Modalities of Dialogue: (Draft)

1. Stake Holders can be broadly defined as:
• Groups representing displaced people of the project
• Promoter Company of the Project
• State Govt. of Orissa
• Political Parties in Opposition in State Assembly

2. All stake holders should be invited for an Open Public Debate on the specific project to arrive at consensus.
3. Format:
• Track One- Presentation by each stake holders articulating their view point in this public plat form with arrangement of live telecast to record the response of general public of State.
• Track Two- Maximum concession that each stake holders can offer on the table for a consensus.
• Track Three- Bilateral/Multilateral negotiation to build consensus around the project
• Track Four- Joint Press conference by all stake holders to announce the outcome of the dialogue process(either way)

4. Moderators: Moderators can be identified carefully from eminent people with suitable background to facilitate the live public debate driving towards a consensus. (Suggestion)
• Retired Chief Justice of High Court
• Director of IIT Bhubaneswar
• Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University
• Director of XIMB
• Retired Chief Secretary of State Govt. Ect

5. Financing: Ideally, the bulk cost of organizing the event should be reimbursed by the revenue from media rights of live telecast and sponsors other than the stake holders.

Concept proposed by: Streben Marketing Services,Bhubaneswar

Friday, December 4, 2009

India & Pakistan:Case for common defence

Bikash Choudhury
In response to article published in The Hindu on 28th Nov'09 by Pervez Hoodbhoy of Quid-e-Azam University,Islambad

The author in the guise of Intellectual opinion, actually trying to push typical Pakistani insecure mindset from inception into Indian throat and trying to blame India for all the evils, self created by Pakistani establishment.Kashmir is not and can not be the actual reason of discord between India & Pakistan; but, the continuous negative mindset of Pakistanis about India definitely is the reason.And, same is being used and misused by various Global powers in their own interest.Creation of Bangladesh is of their own making.India does not harbor any ill will against Pakistan and certainly, not at the mercy of Pakistanis for its survival.Democratic liberal secular system and growing Economic strength can weather any storm emanating out from present prevalent conditions inside their country.Though, existence of Pakistan in current form in the World political map would largely depend upon the competing interests of Global forces in years ahead.Instead of threatening India with their Nuclear power and problems arising out of inevitable collapse of Pakistani state;author should make an effort to strengthen the civil society of Pakistan to see reason and writing on the wall. In my opinion, The Hindu should stop publishing such columns in National interest.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How NDTV can make money?


NDTV is a very strong contemporary brand but it has not been able to create success at the bean counters. In spite of having best of talents i.e. news Anchors and technology at its disposal. Is it because NDTV still living on its past laurels? Or, NDTV does not wish to renew itself in terms of look, feel and content? Recent slide in its TRP ratings against upstarts like Times Television shows sudden saturation in the mindset of NDTV organization; in spite of being one of the best reference points as top class broad casting organization in south East Asia. It is time, NDTV need to reinvent itself to survive the onslaughts on the street. What NDTV need to do now?

NDTV must adhere to following three broad strategies:

 Concentrate on News Business
 Leverage its strong Brand Image
 Add contents from bottom of pyramid

New Business: NDTV can launch news paper, magazine by leveraging its news and editorial contents, in association with partners and thus create new revenue centers without adding to the numbers of cost centers.
Brand Image: Again ndtv can rollout education centers on broad casting across the country in association with leading coaching centers.
Bottom of Pyramid: NDTV has up till now gave coverage to news of metros. In the ever changing demographic scenario the news content air time should be distributed in the ratio of 60:40 in between metro and non metro contents to remain relevant to the viewers.