Monday, August 13, 2012



Advaniji’s blog created a minor furor on a cloudy Sunday morning. The issue was about Non Congress & Non BJP Prime Minister in 2014; as there is no absolute truth in politics one can’t disagree with his contention having a high degree of probability of occurrence. He is not an ordinary soothsayer after spending five decades of his life in hurly burly politics of India as an activist, campaigner and parliamentarian with incisive intellect and deep understanding about patterns & trends in politics. One thing though he left unsaid—India would need a  PM who can rise above left-right & centrist fault line in Indian polity to take bold decision to solve very basic problems in his own wisdom; he should have the Intellectual depth of Nehru, Aggression of Sardar Patel, Shrewdness of Chandrasekhar & Indira Gandhi, Oratory of Atalji and Charisma of Rajiv.

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