Sunday, August 12, 2012


6 August 2012
Dear Mr.G. Pathasarthy,

I am a regular reader of your column and viewer of your exposition on news channels. I wish to share a thought pertaining to Pakistan knowing fully well that you would rather prefer a cautious approach in relation to Pakistan due to very many practical reasons.

  1. With available information and some amount of intuition; I strongly feel that the ice on the other side getting little warm and the changing economics and geopolitics would compel Pakistani people get closer to Indians; but, very slowly.
  2. I for one deeply believe in the concept of “Sampurna Bharat & Samparna Bharat” and “One Nation with three countries”. Apart from socio-economic-politically empowered Indians; I also mean an India of pre 1947 geography. (this may or may not be an utopian Idea) At least we can target a socially, culturally and economically networked undivided India; though, politically we could remain three neighboring countries with common currency, defense forces and one foreign policy.
  3. My argument is India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are complementary economies and if we are able to release the synergies then each economy would grow much faster; I guess this realization has struck in Pakistan to an extent.(refer K.K Ghori’s article in TNIE) Apart from the savings that would accrue against defense expenditure owing to a less volatile South Asia.
  4. This would require a time line of 10 years of purposeful negotiation with aggressive calendar of cultural exchanges program, people to people contact at various levels (students, teachers, professionals, journalists and businessmen etc.,) Idea is to reach out to as many sections of Pakistani people as possible to create a favorable public opinion for India & Pakistan friendship/unity.
  5. If this actually happens as planned; then, we may get a bonus in terms of recasting our relationship with China at pre 1952 level with an autonomous Tibet and sovereignty over Aksai China.
  6. To make this happen we will need to make Chinese/Pakistani boys and girls dance to the tune of Oddisi, Bharat Natyam ect.,.And, we need to learn to invest in diplomacy like USA.

For a long time I wished to share this thought with you and seek your considered reaction/response.

Thanking You.
Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

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