Saturday, March 12, 2016


Quit India Movement of 1942 was one of the successful popular people’s movement that eventually drove British power from India in 1947. It could reach the hearts & minds of ordinary men and aroused the passion for the freedom of the country. India now needs one such popular movement that would fire the imagination of people on Swaccha Bharat, Water Conservation and Afforastation. Government of India and all State Governments could deploy the High School/College/University Students in this “Summer Vacation” to raise awareness across the country and also to mobilize people to adopt some basic goals towards Swaccha Bharat and Water Conservation.

1.                      Students Community could be deployed in 600 Cities and Towns during the current Summer Vacation to raise awareness and convince house holds to adopt conversion of Organic Wastes into Compost (Manure) that would reduce 50% Solid Waste. Further, segregation of solid wastes at “Source” could be targeted for recycling that would create valuable employment opportunity.
2.                      Students could also raise awareness against Open Defecation/Urination in the Cities and Towns which would have immediate and substantial health benefits. Government and respective Civic authorities could provide necessary infrastructure like public toilets/urinals in sufficient quantity to achieve 100% compliance.
3.                      Students could raise awareness about water conservation and afforestion in “Rural Areas”. They could also mobilize people in rural areas to actually renovate all existing water bodies to enhance their water carrying capacity during monsoons. Plantation work could also be taken up wherever it is feasible in rural areas.
4.                      This program should take the color of a popular public movement with the Leadership of Members of Parliament and involvement of Celebrities and Prominent Citizens of respective locality. This program should be extensive and intensive enough for a limited period so as to leave its mark for long time.
5.                      Other creative pursuits like Art, Music, and Dance/Flash Mob could be embedded in the movement to make the activity more interesting and lively for both participants and general public.

6.                      This activity/ program could Kill all such residual Negativity and should be able to Create a “New Spirit of India” for social and economic progress of the country soon.      

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Can India Leverage its Strength in Art, Craft, Architecture and Culture?

Bikash Choudhury

For thousands of years India was able to attract Global attention to its rich traditions of Art, Craft, Architecture, its diverse culture and epiphany of festivals. Its mythology, tradition of medical science, spiritualism, philosophy on life, yoga, religion drawn people from far and wide across the World to the seat of learning at ancient universities like Nalanda and Taxyasila. Apparently, World is just ready for buying Indian Traditional Knowledge to make a difference to the quality of lives of their respective people. No wonder, with just one speech of our Prime Minister, United Nations agreed to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day to highlight the importance of Yogic Science for a healthy body and active mind. In spite of sophisticated technology and management science the developed economies going through deep turmoil. The problem of such economies lies in the gross disparity in income and wealth, culture of ostentatious consumption and wastage of public resources on unproductive investment in weapons of mass destruction. The ever growing disparity of income making the capitalist system of free enterprise fail due to lack of demand for goods and services as those who can consume do not have the cash to buy or skill to earn a good living. If developed economies do not make correction sooner or later; then, there are chances the whole system would collapse. If 10% of people earn and own 90% of income and wealth and vice-versa; then, the highly skewed income and wealth shall clog the cycle of demand and consumption making the whole economy very unproductive.  The solution lies in voluntary philanthropy and progressive government policies to assist weaker people as and when needed. This requires an enabling mindset of renunciation; which can be created through Indian traditional knowledge of art, craft, architecture and culture by simply making people happy and joyful with very little resources. Therefore, Government at the Center and States, Public & Private Sector organizations and NGO should get together to promote our traditional Art, Craft, Architecture and Culture in a big way so as to capture the attention of Developed Economies. First of all, we need to develop a new culture of buying art for our home and work places, Second, institutional mechanisms to promote Artist with moral and material help, Third, need for identification and documentation of dying art forms and necessary Governmental efforts for its revival, Fourth, need to convince mutual funds to consider Art as an asset category for investment with lucrative returns, Fifth, Governmental efforts for export of Art, Craft & Architecture in collaboration with Indian Diaspora & Indian Business having overseas operations. There would be a need for training and retraining of our Artisans and Sculptures to once again design and export master pieces like Konark and Khajuraho to advanced countries reinventing a $100 billion USD Industry of Arts & Architecture. Shall we? MOBILE: 9853426657/7504106233 address: Plot No#3309 Adarsha Vihar Lane-2 Patia Bhubaneswar-751024              


Wednesday, March 2, 2016


29th February 2016 would go down in the annals of history as a historic day on which a land mark and path breaking legislation--finance bill was introduced in the parliament with a mandate to lift the socio-economic condition of people from the bottom of pyramid in consonance with investment and improvement in the quality of infrastructure & a stable and predictable financial architecture. All these are intended to bring a “transformative” change in the lives of maximum number of people in the country. However, unless and until we plan for a proactive execution strategy all the good intentions would just remain on paper inside the bureaucratic red tape. Therefore, GoI could also plan for an efficient strategy to capture the outcome of such good policy drafted at great pain and huge cost.

  1. Apart from other existing arrangements for efficient execution; GoI could take additional care to implement its policies effectively by bringing GoI into the doorstep of all State Capitals once in two months by drafting the union minister of respective States to take stock of the execution of GoI programs, policies for the benefits of people in a constructive and accommodative manner keeping the larger and greater welfare of the people in mind. Identically, GoI could persuade State Govt. to depute their ministers of respective districts to review the execution of policy & programs with the District authorities once in two months. Similarly, District administration would be expected to take stock of execution at Tehesil/Block level; bringing a synergy and high level of co-ordination between Block level administration to central government, thus creating additional capacity for command control mechanism in the entire chain of Governance.

  1. That apart, GoI could assign specific task of touring their respective constituency and mobilize their constituents behind the people welfare programs of GoI wherever required and also to collect and share information about the quality of execution with the State and Central Government in order to offer a non-bureaucratic assessment for better monitoring of socio-economic programs at far flung places of the country.