Thursday, May 22, 2014


They say if you have a friend like tambam Manishankar Iyer; then you may not need an enemy to pull you down. And, fortunately Congress Party has Mani as one of the motor mouth spokes person who gave away a potent ‘Chaiwalla’ strategy to BJP absolutely free of cost; which Modi used it to hilt and now we see the differential result as Congress Party hit the nadir and embarrassingly does not make it to the Leader of Opposition chair in the lower house. Manishankar Iyer again in one of his T.V News appearances ranted his diatribe against Modi as Hitler and tried to spread the hubris that he has a hidden agenda. He is doing a great disservice to his party and giving Ideas to Modi. Mani was a professional diplomat; but, any body would hardly believe after listening to his innuendo in all matters. He is a fit case for mental asylum but Congress Party fields him regularly in the prime time talk shows as he was a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi. Hitler or not Modi has the making of a benevolent dictator that India needs the most at the moment. Not many believed when Modi said “Congress Mukt Bharat”; however, looking at the tally of Congress Party; as it was wiped out in 10 States, that could be a reality sooner than later; if Congress Party continues to make same mistakes. The election result of Congress Party can be summed up as the net result of an anti incumbency of 10 yrs, added lacuna in Governance and created a vacuum in leadership of the country.     
    Congress President made an error in judgment while selecting the head of Govt. as she chose loyalty over competence and in the party she chose a successor who is not suitable for the front end of leadership though he could be an asset for back end. In this case she chose emotion over ability and competence. The formulation of Congress seems to be Family above Party and Party above the country. These double faults is going to hunt her and the Congress Party for next decade or more as Narendra Modi is going to be here for the long haul.     

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


RBI Governor recently said that "he is responsible for the monetary policy of the country though, he would consult the ministry of Finance GoI and listen to them from time to time, however, the final call is his". Actually, no sensible Govt/ new Govt. would dispute the stand of his RBI Governor- when he is Raghuram Rajan. (no govt. would think of firing him in their dreams as he is one of the best). However, the issue of Inflation targeting should be seen by both the Governor of RBI and the Govt. of the day with a very fresh perspective. We need to concede now that monetary policy has its limitation to control inflation which is running above 8% now; as the Rural consumption pattern has under gone sea change, the area under cultivation of fruits and vegetables are under squeeze due to land acquisition for Roads, Rails and other Infra projects, counterfeit currencies are being dumped from abroad and manufactured inside the country in increasing numbers, Idle cash in rural areas remain untapped and their are other problems like money laundering and huge tax evasion that complicates the Inflation Story in India at present which can be solved when RBI and Govt. work in close co-ordination.    

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Apropos Military Assault on Pak Media; It is earlier said that “pen is mightier than the sword” which can be modified now as “T.V Camera & Mike is much more powerful than the gun”. Pak Military and it’s under study could create mayhem against its Media fraternity and able to gag the press; only, because Pak media is not united and its foot print is not broad based as it is in other matured democracy. Therefore, military has been able to spread the hubris as the savior of Pakistani people which is far from truth. Time will come when Pakistani Media would get united on the principle of “freedom of press” appropriately supported by the Pakistani Diaspora living abroad to challenge the Pak military with their bare hands. That should inspire the student community of Pakistan and deprived young people who would take to the streets of Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi to unnerve the Generals at GHQ once and for all. The leftover could be tackled by the Political establishment and the Judiciary of Pakistan. The tipping point is yet to come.      



Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Pakistan interior minister recently said “if Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India; then, that would be a destabilizing factor in the region-south Asia”. Indian Political establishment even at the middle of general election got together to criticize the statement unanimously as a blatant interference in the internal affairs of the country. However, deep inside Indian people feel sympathy and offer condolence at the sad demise of democracy in Pakistan. If recent news report were to be believed out of Pakistan where prominent Journalists like Hamid Mir and many others were targeted allegedly by Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in order to silence them and the growing public opinion against the Military Junta inside Pakistan. There is a growing awareness in Pakistan about the continuing economic hardship of ordinary Pakistanis were principally due to extravagant profligacy of its Military at the expense of its people who go without electricity and water; as all economic aids to Pakistan largely siphoned off by its armed men in the name of protecting Pakistan. Truth remains otherwise as Pakistani Military creates a fear psychosis among its people and political establishment about Indian intentions to liquidate Pakistan; only to preserve its existence and its power over all organs of Pak Government. Its New Military Chief consecrated ‘J&K’ as the “jugular vein” of Pakistan. It is just paranoia for self preservation. No Indian Govt. worth its salt or for that matter any Prime Minister would try to destabilize a volatile Nation already. The whole world now knows too well that Pakistan now sitting on a tinder box and can explode at any given moment. The conflict and conflagration between three top organs of Pakistan is no longer hidden from the Global audience courtesy the social media and the sectarian violence in Karachi and many other parts of Pakistan, proliferation of its home grown Jihadi groups and on top of all the growing aspiration of its young people and their anger against deprivation makes Pakistan a very dangerous place in the world; that no Indian Premier save Modi would like to touch with a barge pole. As predominant public opinion inside India remains that ‘a stable and economically sound Pakistan is in the interest of India. Therefore, Indians have greatly pinned their hope on Pakistani Diaspora in developed countries and its young people for a new Pakistan that wish to grow culturally and economically in collaboration rather than in competition with India. Pakistani people can only teach a lesson or two to its Military to stay in the barrack with Zipped In. However, the paranoia in the military establishment of Pakistan against Modi is very real and non will be surprised if Pakistani ISI actually target Modi to eliminate before he actually takes oath or planning a 26/11 type terrorist strike in Delhi again. If nothing else ISI agents could hijack an Indian Civilian Aircraft with passengers to tarnish the image of the new Indian Govt. from the start. The incumbent Govt. of India of the day should rather remain very cautious and careful to handover power to the new elected Govt. peacefully without any untoward incidents or event to preserve the image of vibrant democracy of India.                                     

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: Twitter: @ ideasofhope           


Apropos Military Assault on Pak Media; It is earlier said that “pen is mightier than the sword” which can be modified now as “T.V Camera & Mike is much more powerful than the gun”. Pak Military and it’s under study could create mayhem against its Media fraternity and able to gag the press; only, because Pak media is not united and its foot print is not broad based as it is in other matured democracy. Therefore, military has been able to spread the hubris as the savior of Pakistani people which is far from truth. Time will come when Pakistani Media would get united on the principle of “freedom of press” appropriately supported by the Pakistani Diaspora living abroad to challenge the Pak military with their bare hands. That should inspire the student community of Pakistan and deprived young people who would take to the streets of Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi to unnerve the Generals at GHQ once and for all. The leftover could be tackled by the Political establishment and the Judiciary of Pakistan. The tipping point is yet to come.      



Thursday, May 1, 2014



Damocles sword always hangs over the crown and the new premier who assumes office by the end of next month or in the beginning thereafter can’t evade the same as many of his illustrious predecessor. Pandit Nehru, the first premier of Independent India was swamped by the aftermath of partition holocaust and problems arising out of refugees in one hand while attending to the daunting task of unifying the princely states in India with the help of Sarar Patel. Soon he had to contend with a war imposed by Pakistan on J&K. In spite of all that, he built a very strong foundation of a strong and democratic India and occupied a distinct position for India in the Global community through his espousal of non-aligned foreign policy. He was able to setup Institutions to drive the socio-economic progress of the country; though, his emphasis on socialistic mixed economic model tied the country with Hindu rate of economic growth. In hindsight we guess a free market economic model with private enterprise and innovation could have given much better result; however, Nehru remained unconvinced and at times suspicious about private industry that remained the bane of his long tenure. However, one has to concede that Nehru overcome daunting challenges with aplomb and would go down in the annals of history as the thinker and the builder of modern India. His successor Lal Bahadur Sastri had a very short tenure but, his stewardship was again eclipsed by a war in the western front with Pakistan which he overpowered with his slogan ‘jai jawan and jai kisan’. Indira Gandhi was heckled by the old guard of the Congress Party for some time which she rebutted with populism and later opposition activism with authoritarian rule. She had also to contend with American Imperialism and creation of Bangladesh. Rajiv Gandhi was a target of ambitious Congress party insiders and incestuous Delhi media and top bureaucracy which foisted false corruption cases on him and driven him to make one mistake after another owing to his administrative inexperience and little over confidence to solve all problems of the country at one go; that, eventually cost him premiership and later his life. V.P. Singh came with bang on anti-corruption plank and went with a whimper after dividing the society yet again with his implementation of Mandal Commission report. He was overawed by the snipers of his ambitious colleagues in the cabinet and in the party that failed him from implementing a coherent policy for the country. Chandrashkhar came with a very limited mandate but he unleashed very bold policy in his short tenure on economy and an attempt to resolve the Babri Masjid and Ram Janma Bhumi issue, most burning issues of his time. However, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in his tenure due to his laxity or connivance remains unanswered. P.V. Narashima Rao would remain one of the shrewdest premiers who unleashed one of the boldest economic policies of free market economy with liberal help from his able & erudite finance minister. His challengers were shown the doors both inside the party and outside with impunity and uncanny virtue of silence. He was a loyal follower of Gandhi family; however, he never gave himself to the palace coupe as he remained one step ahead always during his tenure. He unfortunately presided over the demolition of Babri Masjid; while, he delivered a new maxim ‘not taking a decision is also a decision’. Atalji was a premier with broad vision for the country who unveiled a program of faster infrastructure development in the country that actually delivered an 8% plus GDP growth for a few years after his tenure. He had the courage to make India a Nuclear Power. Those who challenged him would be found in the foot note of history.

                                           The new premier would be challenged by the Global Spy Agency and spy agency near home-ISI. Global spy agencies would trail the new premier on his ‘strategic policy’ to counter the Global ambition of the country; while ISI  would continue its policy and program of sabotage of Indian Economy through spreading the spurious Indian currency network by pumping growing amount inside the country and financing the terror modules at unexpected quarters. ISI would also sponsor audacious terrorist strikes like 26/11 again and also target important Indian political leaders who profess economic & cultural partnership with Pakistan. New Premier has to keep hawkish eye on the global spy network while decimating the nuisance value of ISI with an equally or more notorious agency for the purpose.

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: Twitter: @ ideasofhope