Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

“I am an Anarchist” says Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi. Those who are familiar with the antiques of Kejriwal since the days of Anna movement on the Jan Lokpal won’t dispute the fact. Fresh evidence like his criticism of Republic Day function also confirms the fears. His call to Delhi Police personnel to take leave from their duty and participate in the sit in protest with him could be mildly termed as ‘obnoxious’ and against the rule of law as it comes from a Head of State. The event displays either Kejriwal is ignorant or incompetent to govern a State of the union. If he continues his prescription like this; then he could as well turn a dangerous megalomaniac like Adlof Hitler of Germany who only brought miseries and devastation for his people and the country. History is replete with examples when “Best of Ideas Stretched to the Extreme turns Toxic”. It is better to have incremental changes in the system than a whole sale changes through a revolution, full of blood bath on the streets. However, the issues championed by Kejriwal and his party are genuine and has the support and blessings of people; but, his method is questionable. There is rampant corruption in our Police system and certainly Delhi Police needs an overhaul; but, that does not justify for Chief Minister and his Cabinet Colleagues to sit in Dharana at Railway Bhavan in Delhi; which could have been spearheaded by some other top leaders of Aam Aadmi Party equally effectively and with decency and decorum of Constitutional Democracy of India. Kejriwal either thinks he is indispensable or he does not know/ or, wish to delegate responsibility to his senior colleagues in the party. Our country has myriad of issue and problems and our system of Governance not perfect. However, public agitation on each issue is no solution; rather it would be construed as tokenism eyeing for a bigger gamble. But, that would remain an illusion at the best; as same strategy does not work that well second time. Kejriwal is doing a great disservice to his cause and henceforth can be given a sobriquet of sophisticated rabble raouser.    

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