Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Entire Globe was suffering from the ham handed policy of USA for a long long time. USA fight against Global Terrorism is just a hypocritical attempt to perpetuate its hegemony over the world; while, USA has been the epicenter of all form terrorism all across the World. USA forced an unnecessary war in Iraq in the past and wished to do the same once again in Syria which was averted with the timely intervention of Russian leader. Recently American Agency CIA was found to be snooping over the telephone conversation of German Chancellor, a long standing NATO ally and last month it has deliberately humiliated one innocent Indian woman diplomat in a barbaric manner, who subjected to intrusive body search in contravention to Geneva Convention on the subject. India now needs to act to show USA its place. India should now get ready to issue advisory to our entire Information Technology establishment in NASSCOM & others to pull out their personnel from USA which could trigger Macro Economic imbalance in USA economy and further India should be prepared to withdraw its Ambassador and all diplomatic personnel till such time USA comply with Indian demand on the issue of Mrs.Devyani Khobergade, former Deputy Consul at New York.

                             The humiliation of our diplomat is no less than an attack on Indian Sovereneighty; therefore, Indian response should be equivalent to the outrage imposed on the people of India. This is the occasion for Indian Govt. to impress upon our Institutions like IIT, IISc and IIM to dedicate themselves to Research and Development to find innovative solution for all our domestic problems on Technology and Management to reduce our dependence on USA. It is high time India talk in the language that USA administration understands; eye for an eye and humiliation for humiliation.      

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