Thursday, January 30, 2014



President of India on his  Republic Day address to the Nation set the agenda for its people in very unambiguous terms—vote for a stable and strong Govt. in the general election as a rag tag coalition Govt. after the election could be disastrous for the economy and thus for the poor people of this vast country. Same sentiment was echoed by RBI Governor little earlier. The logic was if a weak Govt. of a decade were replaced with another weak govt. with a weak leader at the center; then, country could soon go down the road of not so peaceful spring revolution out of deep frustration.

India urgently needs to get its act together in the sub-continent to capture the benefits of synergy in the economy and the polity. It also needs to clamp down on the internal security challenges of Naxal movement to speed up the development process inside the countryside. It has also to pull up the bureaucracy to walk fast to meet the aspiration of this young Nation. On top of all, it has to rekindle hope while managing expectation. All of these and more could land on the plate of the new Govt. that would assume office in the middle of this year.

India would need an experienced leader and a seasoned administrator who could hold on to his own and give direction for National Renewal with a vision to catch up with time lost in last six decades. Narendra Modi sits head and shoulder above his competitors in all the faculties of a great leader that could bring laurels for the country next. Therefore, India needs Modi as its supreme leader in 2014.    


Sunday, January 26, 2014



After a long time I had to travel by road to Govindpur near Dhenkanal to attend a marriage of a relative on 26th January 2014. I have never been as scared for dear life as, while traveling down the NH-42 that connects business capital of Odisha with the industrial hub of Angul & Talcher. In last two years the vehicle population and its frequency has grown manifold while the road space and the quality of road elevation that much poorer and traffic discipline much worse. Four Laneing of NH-42 remains in the drawing board for the better part of last decade and by the time four laneing would be completed the traffic volume would have grown beyond the capacity of four lane highways. And, we would be back to square once again. Therefore, there is an acute need for a perspective plan for our logistical need that centers on the multi-modal options both for passengers & cargo transportation at an optimal level; taking into account our constraints like land, labor and capital while exploring the alternative means for transport. In the specific case of NH-42; we could plan for a mono rail for passenger transport and Talcher-Dhamara water ways for cargo to bring little sanity to our roads in future and save the fear for life of road users in this busy national highway. Any takers?   

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

“I am an Anarchist” says Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi. Those who are familiar with the antiques of Kejriwal since the days of Anna movement on the Jan Lokpal won’t dispute the fact. Fresh evidence like his criticism of Republic Day function also confirms the fears. His call to Delhi Police personnel to take leave from their duty and participate in the sit in protest with him could be mildly termed as ‘obnoxious’ and against the rule of law as it comes from a Head of State. The event displays either Kejriwal is ignorant or incompetent to govern a State of the union. If he continues his prescription like this; then he could as well turn a dangerous megalomaniac like Adlof Hitler of Germany who only brought miseries and devastation for his people and the country. History is replete with examples when “Best of Ideas Stretched to the Extreme turns Toxic”. It is better to have incremental changes in the system than a whole sale changes through a revolution, full of blood bath on the streets. However, the issues championed by Kejriwal and his party are genuine and has the support and blessings of people; but, his method is questionable. There is rampant corruption in our Police system and certainly Delhi Police needs an overhaul; but, that does not justify for Chief Minister and his Cabinet Colleagues to sit in Dharana at Railway Bhavan in Delhi; which could have been spearheaded by some other top leaders of Aam Aadmi Party equally effectively and with decency and decorum of Constitutional Democracy of India. Kejriwal either thinks he is indispensable or he does not know/ or, wish to delegate responsibility to his senior colleagues in the party. Our country has myriad of issue and problems and our system of Governance not perfect. However, public agitation on each issue is no solution; rather it would be construed as tokenism eyeing for a bigger gamble. But, that would remain an illusion at the best; as same strategy does not work that well second time. Kejriwal is doing a great disservice to his cause and henceforth can be given a sobriquet of sophisticated rabble raouser.    

 Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Addess: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas
(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIrA-751024

Friday, January 17, 2014



 Stinking public urinal at Red Fort, an important tourist attraction sums up the condition of hygiene in National Capital Region. Aam Aadmi Party rightly promised to construct two lakh public toilets in Delhi in their election manifesto. Allocating public funds for such a gigantic project may be impossible in short term. Though, the need for such public convenience can’t be emphasized more for Delhi, being the National Capital and need for Hygiene is paramount as the city is the window to the World.

                                   However, there is a need for a new Business Model which not only provides the facility of world class public urinals/toilets; but, maintains them in a sustainable manner. Delhi Govt. could rope in a corporate partner for such project and create a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the same. Delhi Govt. could provide initial funding through its budget and balance could be raised by the corporate partner through equity, debt, investment and even donations from residents and NRI. Apart from initial funding, Delhi Govt. could provide necessary land at designated place for the project and the revenue model could look at the nominal user charges, advertising revenue from the signage at each public toilet location and sale of toiletries. Such a project could rope in Delhi Homeless, Physically challenged and unemployed youth for the upkeep of facilities. A clean & green Delhi apart from providing much needed public convenience with public toilet project could attract more domestic & international tourists in future.       

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Demand for new smaller States have grown thick and fast in different parts of our country in the recent past; the Telengana State in Andhra Pradesh is the prominent one. The demand for smaller States were not on the basis for better Governance but political. If it were on Governance then we would have seen demand for smaller City States like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore & Hyderabad as these cities have grown much beyond the capacity of a civic metropolitan council; however, non so far agitated for a just cause; again out of political consideration. What is the way forward?
We have observed that during pre colonization our country was ruled by Monarchs of very small territory; now compared to a District. These Kings used to look after the Socio-Economic progress of their people apart from Defense, Judiciary and Civil Administration. Apparently, our country’s economic progress then could be attributed to the able “Leadership” provided by these kings over a smaller land mass that exercised authority as well as remain closer to their people. Since, our Independence that role has been taken over by civil servants/ District Magistrates. That system was working fine for some time; but, now with growth of population by four times since independence and with growing political & social awareness level in even remote areas of the country, the complexity of civil administration has grown manifold and the demand for attention on Socio-Economic growth has become much more tougher and beyond the capacity of a District Magistrate who mostly have 8-10 yrs of experience in Indian Administrative Service and in the age group of 25-35 yrs. As many memoirs of retired civil servants suggest, these young DM’s remain hostage to their ‘Bada Babu’/section officer due to lack of experience, exposure, maturity and ground realities of their assigned district. This may or may not be true; but, certainly there is a need to consider the necessity of “Rejuvenating the District Administration” after 60 plus years of our freedom.
We now have a system of Regional Development Commissioner (RDC) to over see the socio-economic development & administration of a set of districts which is largely non-functional due to over bureaucracy, confusing & complicated line of command and they remain at a distance from their epicenters and therefore can’t provide necessary ‘Leadership’ as the command and control mechanism fail to work at the optimum level most of the time due to ‘bureaucratic fire walls’.
It is now about time to choose a very senior administrator for each district designated as ‘District Development Commissioner’ to head the ‘District Secretariat’/ Zilla Sachivalya. All Departments of Govt. in the District should operate under him in one roof including District Magistrate, Superintendent of Police and Project Director of DRDA. A suitable Matrix organization could be created between Departmental Head in the State Secretariat and District Departmental Heads through the office of District Development Commissioner while abolishing the office of Regional Development Commissioner. This should bring a unified command in the Socio, Economic Development and civil administration with a “matured, experienced and competent bureaucratic leadership” in a District that could bring faster economic growth with equity through much better execution of programs of Govt. minimize bureaucratic hurdles and need for co-ordination between different organs of Govt. in the District Head Quarter at Zilla Sachivalaya.                        

 Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Addess: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas
(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIrA-751024

Monday, January 13, 2014



Raghuram Rajan, RBI Governor recently said “An Unstable Govt. after
the General Election would make Economic revival that much more
difficult and could punish the Economy in the long run”. Can’t have a
more authentic & unbiased view on the subject from a person who has
observed the economy from a very close quarters. Political Party like
BJP should take this matter to people for their mandate more
purposefully than putting all the eggs in one basket. RSS has rightly
cautioned the right wing party to take the challenges posed by the new
phenomena AAP more seriously and move towards more participative
democracy; not only to address the new challenge but on the demands of
time and on National interest. It would be wiser for BJP to recognize
the popular mood in the country and respect the issues thrown up by
the emergence of AAP. Congress Party was much smarter in extending
support to the AAP Govt. in Delhi to cut its losses by latching on to
the popular sentiment. AAP has certainly changed the dynamics of the
middle class living room discussion to action on the ground; the brand
new party has been able to give shape to the long pending middle class
aspiration to participate meaning fully in the Governance of the
country. BJP would have to do some thing out of box to capture the
imagination of ‘middle class’ in order to return to power and do
justice to its mission 272.

                     Indian electorates have been much smarter and its
democracy matured like old Scotch whisky that has been proved again
and again in last sixty plus years. Autocratic Mrs. Indira Gandhi was
shown the door in 1977 & cabal Janata Party sent packing in just three
years after being popularly elected. The beauty of recent Delhi
Assembly election outcome gives an incite to the mind of an average
Indian electorate. People of Delhi overwhelmingly came out and voted
to give ‘power’ to a brand new party; but, they did not give AAP a
simple majority; apparently owing to their ignorance & inexperience in
Governance. As a risk management tool they gave a veto power to
opposition in case of emergency. With the same logic, it is apparent
now that Indian electorate would give BJP a complete mandate after
putting them in opposition benches for 10 years. The Congress
Party/UPA had a golden opportunity to give this country a new
direction; however, they have brought despair & frustration in
Governance. If recent assembly election results any indication; Indian
electorates have already made up its mind to give marching orders to
Congress Party/UPA; while mulling over to give an opportunity to BJP
to prove its mettle in dealing with the Economy, National Pride and
Security of the Nation.

                                      It is abundantly clear now that
young and first time voters would come out in large numbers and vote
for BJP in the general election, as there is no other alternative
before them who could manage the National Affairs to their liking and
satisfaction. Since, AAP is work in progress mode at present & the
Third Front a non-starter as yet. There are subtle indications for the
first time a majority of minority community would vote for the right
wing party in spite of their reservations after their frustration with
pseudo secularist political parties who have taken them for granted
for too long. Congress Party traditional vote bank could move
substantially in favor of BJP on the issue of price rise alone and
there is a distinct possibility of shrinking political space for SP &
BSP in Uttar Pradesh, white collar & blue collar workers moving
towards AAP at the expense of BJP & Left Front. However, BJP could be
the net gainer in the Hindi Heart land due to the emergence of AAP &
the buzz created by the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi.
BJP could open its accounts in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha,
Tamil Nadu and Kerala. As things stand now BJP/NDA could romp home
comfortably with 287 seats in 16th Lok Sabha, Congress Party could
come down to 77 seats and others including AAP 179 seats while AAP
cornering 10-20 parliamentary seats as debutant. (The heterogeneous
demography, lack of organization in many States and paucity of time
could work against the Aam Aadmi Party). Sixteenth Lok Sabha could
miss the wisdom of P.Chidambaram, Manishankar Iyer, Jairam Ramesh and
Sarad Pawar while a bunch of new faces like Captain Gopinath, Meera
Sanyal, Nandan Nilekani and Yogendra Yadav could be seen in the
Central Hall. My Guess is BJP would remain unstoppable in 2014.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Entire Globe was suffering from the ham handed policy of USA for a long long time. USA fight against Global Terrorism is just a hypocritical attempt to perpetuate its hegemony over the world; while, USA has been the epicenter of all form terrorism all across the World. USA forced an unnecessary war in Iraq in the past and wished to do the same once again in Syria which was averted with the timely intervention of Russian leader. Recently American Agency CIA was found to be snooping over the telephone conversation of German Chancellor, a long standing NATO ally and last month it has deliberately humiliated one innocent Indian woman diplomat in a barbaric manner, who subjected to intrusive body search in contravention to Geneva Convention on the subject. India now needs to act to show USA its place. India should now get ready to issue advisory to our entire Information Technology establishment in NASSCOM & others to pull out their personnel from USA which could trigger Macro Economic imbalance in USA economy and further India should be prepared to withdraw its Ambassador and all diplomatic personnel till such time USA comply with Indian demand on the issue of Mrs.Devyani Khobergade, former Deputy Consul at New York.

                             The humiliation of our diplomat is no less than an attack on Indian Sovereneighty; therefore, Indian response should be equivalent to the outrage imposed on the people of India. This is the occasion for Indian Govt. to impress upon our Institutions like IIT, IISc and IIM to dedicate themselves to Research and Development to find innovative solution for all our domestic problems on Technology and Management to reduce our dependence on USA. It is high time India talk in the language that USA administration understands; eye for an eye and humiliation for humiliation.      

Dr. Benudhar Pradhan Gandhian Par Excellence

Dr. Benudhar Pradhan
Gandhian Par Excellence
By Bikash Choudhury (Julu)

Benu Mamu entered my world from the bed time stories of my mother especially about his passion and devotion for academics. What I distinctly remember even after four decades is about an incident about Dr. Benudhar Pradhan’s school days. Once he got up late and was furious with her adoring mother for not wakening him up in time to catch the boat to reach school in time at the other end of the river “Luna”. Not to be undone, he simply clutched his Dhoti in one hand and Bastani in another and ran for the river embankment to catch the boat screaming at the boat man at the top of his voice. Eventually, he got on the boat to reach school on that day. His immense passion for academics and knowledge was our inspirational anecdote drilled in our head by my mother to follow his footsteps. He remained a very towering figure in our life. I had very close interaction with him while I was staying with him for a year in his C-17 Utkal University Campus residence at Vani Vihar. He was a man of simple habits and unaustentious life style. He was a novelty among his students as I came to know much later from my friends who were his students in Political Science Department at Vani Vihar; he was loved and much admired for his Gandhian way of life. He not only preached Gandhi; but, lived exactly the same way throughout his life. At that time he was the lone professor who wear coarse Khadi trouser and shirt for his classes in the PG department and in other private occasions he would wear simple Khadi Dhoti and Kurta. He used to get up sharp 4 am in the morning in all seasons and weather conditions and while in Bhubaneswar used to walk barefoot up to Baya Baba Matha for his daily Puja; in the Utkal University Campus people seen to adjust their watch in the morning seeing him. I was privy to this as he used to unfailingly give a knock at my door to get up and prepare for my exams. In his life time he never ever owns an automobile and prefers to walk the city with an umbrella or use the public transport. He was the original Aam Admi who never liked flaunt his knowledge or position. His passion for knowledge was infectious and his collection of books & periodicals fit for a state library. I was the only one who loved to use his chamber in his absence as I always felt a charm and serenity in that four walls which I have not discovered anywhere else; and,  used to devour his carefully archived “Illustrated Weekly” & “Mainstream” magazines of older times; as I later inherited his love for books and periodicals. His book collection gives a glimpse of his interest and taste. After retirement from Utkal University he pooled his all the earnings of his life time to start a Gandhi Research Institute at Maharashtra. He dedicated his entire life for a higher cause; which many times family members & ordinary souls fail to comprehend. I have not seen Gandhi Ji walking this earth; but, I have seen a Gandhi in life and blood in Dr. Benudhar Pradhan; who was my maternal uncle and with whom I had many differences as an impetuous young man; but, I always felt his love and affection, which I would fondly cherish throughout my life.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


1.    To convert the Bureaucracy as the engine of growth.
a.    Global Best Practices of HR to motivate and enthuse Govt. employees at all levels.
b.    Policy of meritocracy for growth in jobs and job rotation keeping in view the employee interest, aptitude and passion.
c.    Arrangement for recreation and opportunity to display other faculties, skills.
--Week End Sports and Cultural Meet
--Month End Cultural Finale
Benefits: Develop Team Spirit and Better Co-Ordination between different organs of Govt.

2.    To transform Agriculture as lucrative as Industry.
a.    Policy for Corporate Participation in Agriculture
b.    Policy on Village Cluster Model of Development—for Agri/Agro Sectors.
c.    Policy on Urban Roof Top Farming of Fruits and Vegetables.

3.    To make cultural tourism as a Global Brand.
a.    Odisha Govt. could launch a Global Event to make Cultural Tourism as a Global Brand.
c.    To bring both Fine Art and Performing Art along with Music on Global Scale and Taste and Theme could be –Love & Peace in the World
Benefits: Attract Global Tourists, Business, Capital and Technology

4.    To connect South, West and North Odisha with the Capital City of Bhubaneswar by Aviation to bridge the “distance” Politically & Economically.
a.    Partnership with Low Cost Airlines to offer ‘connectivity’ to people in very near future.
b.    Industry and Administration could make connectivity sustainable.
            c.    Improve Employment opportunity in Interior regions. 

 5.    To focus on faster growth with equity by adopting village cluster model of development.
a.    Bottom Up and Top Down Planning & Development would bridge the gaps much faster.
b.    Agri /Agro Industry in Rural Areas could retain educated people in gainful employments and minimize the challenges of migration.

6.    To make Higher Education as Laboratory for Research & Development for Technology.
a.    With Leadership, Counseling, Training and Minimal Investment—our HE System could actually be converted into R&D Centers for Technology in the State.
b.    Top Civil Servants could be drafted to take Demonstrate Quality Teaching.

7.    To bring the language, literature, art and craft to the mainstream to ignite passion for innovation, excellence and enterprise.
a.    Equal importance on Humanities.
b.    Employment opportunity for students of Fine & Liberal Arts