Thursday, September 19, 2013



Millions of people across the world prayed for the second term of
Barak Obama as US President. People strongly believe, even today that
Obama, unlike many US Presidents is not a war monger. Apparently, he
was critical on American war in Iraq and worked towards a pull out of

Afghanistan by 2014. It was genuinely expected that Obama would unveil
his formulation towards ‘Global Peace’ in his second term as President
of USA; to keep tryst with his winning of ‘Noble Peace Prize’ at the

beginning of his first term in office. Keeping in view of Economic
hardship in his first term, people generally excused him for not
attempting any thing significant to reduce tension, violence and
theaters of war and march towards peace as his time was being consumed
in fire fighting to save the American economy; which, he did
successfully and for which he got land slide victory in his second
term. Now seven months to his second term he did precious little to
resolve conflicts in the Middle East; as Palestine- Israel standoff
remain static and violence is consuming lives in other parts of the
region as never before; that is one of the principal failures of
Global economy.

One was expecting that Obama administration would take some meaningful
steps towards resolving the conflict in civilization and religion that
often leads to war between Nations and also reason for terrorism &
violence across the world. US President could have taken initiative to
unite the “Global Society” through interaction between religion, race
and region while promoting art, craft, culture and literature in
Global Scale. Economy is just a subset of society and therefore, by
uniting the global society there is high degree of probability to
strengthen the Global Economy which is in recession in large parts.

In contrast, US President is getting ready for limited strike in Syria

on use of chemical weapons against its own people. Without clinching
evidence and without sanctions of security council it would not only
be illegal but also immoral to go for a unilateral military strike
against a sovereign Nation the outcome of which could be very
unpredictable and much more frightening as the region of middle east
going through one of its most divisive and violent times with very
complex relationship between Nations on the premise of different sects
of Islam. Already, Iraq is suffering with daily sectarian violence

ignited by American intervention. Can Obama administration afford to
repeat the mistakes of former US President, Bush Junior.? The passion

with which Obama is pursuing the military strike against Syria and

persuading the allies and G-20; it seems he has sold his soul to
American Arms lobby who stand to benefit from the war. As more war
would bring them more sales and therefore more profit; however, the
World would become poorer with one more US President who hold great

hope on a Peaceful World.

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