Sunday, September 29, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

13 September 2013, Friday could go down in the contemporary history as
the day Narendra Modi wins Primary of his party for Prime Ministership
against a tough fight. And, without wasting a moment Modi started his
campaign in right earnest from Haryana. Coincidentally, Kurukhetra the
place of epic battle between Kauravas & Pandavas falls in the State
and the general election of 2014 would not be any less than that epic
battle. Both Congress and BJP are battle ready; Congress in spite of
anti incumbency of 10 yrs expected to give a tough fight with its
populist strategy and real politic. BJP after remaining in wilderness
of opposition benches for last ten years is baying for blood/ power at
any cost; which is going to make this election very interesting to
watch out for; as both the parties are not going to leave any stone
unturned. And, regional parties at their respective strong hold going
to make the life and lives of two National parties that much more
difficult. Election of 2014 is not going to be just another election
to choose another Govt.; but, it is going to be one that would choose
a govt. that could have tryst with India’s destiny in this century.
Congress Party got an opportunity for ten long years on a platter and
wasted it to a large extent as the country finds itself in an economic
quagmire; net result of poor governance.
Congress Yuvraj say’s “Pura pet Roti Khao ourr Congress Lao” eat roti
full stomach and bring back Congress; the Congress Strategy centered
around populist scheme like Food Security, Direct Cash Transfer and
Vendor Protection; which are all excellent plans with noble intent;
but, it remains to be seen if electorate after suffering from
corruption and price rise for ten years give a thumps up to the vote
catching plan of Congress Party or not.
BJP in contrast pinning its hope on its most popular leader Narendra
Modi; who has managed to attract youth, as much with his clean and
efficient administration as for his inspiring stump speeches laced
with humor and sarcasms mostly directed at Congress Party and its
leadership. It is one thing to cheer crowds in political rallies and
quite another to make them vote for your party; which no body
understands more than Modi, who has won three back to back election in
Gujarat. “Emotion and Passion” as an election strategy could romp BJP
back home; as Rajiv Gandhi once won three fourth majority in Loksabha
on a sympathy wave soon after the death of Mrs. Indira Gandhi.
Modi strategist par excellence is using emotion and passion to his
advantage in all his public outings. He has also understood; one can’t
run India while antagonizing any community, howsoever, small it may
be. And, therefore he is making consistent attempt to get buy in from
those communities through ‘sadbhavana’ events; but, that may not be
enough. In this case one need to strike at the bottom of the whole
issue- and that is lack of social interaction between two prominent
communities which some times create fear and therefore human
tragedies. This can be corrected by initiating a social dialogue which
would make tokenism that much more difficult. Modi also knows
“Nationalism” appeals to all and therefore he is trying to connect
with ex-defense personnel; if he could recreate “Quit India” movement
once again to bring development to the country and country side; then
his job is done. But, by how much? That time will only say.

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