Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Emerging New Geo-Politics of South Asia

Bikash Choudhury

Mr.Asif Ali Zardari,President of Pakistan recently expressed his
desire to have an open border with China;which might have created
consternation within Indian foreign policy establishment and
analyst.Actually, there is no need for agitation in the Indian
side.The wheels of history of this sub-continent is going to turn full
circle by 2020-2025.In view of fast changing external environment and
economy of the region and global financial instability expected to
bring Pakistan and Bangladesh closer to India. Sooner than later,
Pakistan & Bangladesh would be integrated with India;may not be
Politically;but,emotionally and economically with a common foreign
policy and military strategy. The tenets of
"Panchasheel,Non-alignment and Global Peace would under score a new
Geo-politics of the region and also for the World at large.

Therefore, India should rather welcome the initiative of Pakistan &
China open border and increasing closeness;as the same policy could
continue to India's advantage after the integration of Pakistani
polity with India as expected by 2025.There was a very strong bond
between undivided India and China culturally;which was vindicated by
Hueign Sang and Meghasthins report.Indian leaders, Mr Rajiv Gandhi &
Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee initiated "a re look China policy" in their
respective tenures;which is yielding dividends now; with growing
high level contacts between Sino-Indian leaders to resolve all boundary
disputes;pending claims and counter claims for a long long time with
occasional skirmishes, both diplomatic and military.There is a need to
fix a date(15 th August 2020 or 26th Jan 2025) acceptable to both the
sides to resolve all outstanding issue to mutual satisfaction;that
will actually speed up the process in both sides and at the same time
make the negotiators and their political superiors more flexible,open
minded and less rigid. If China were to successfully emerge as Global
Power rivaling USA, in this century then it is most likely to achieve
the objective with a friendly Indian sub-continent(undivided India).
In another important development,Indian and
Bangladesh relations going from strength to strength;with recent visit
of Indian Prime Minister to Bangladesh and historic agreement on
exchange of land and on trade should bury the mistrust if
any.And,Teesta accord in future could cement the relationship.There
are other good news which indicate tectonic shift in mindset and in
Ideas in the subcontinent.The prominent one among them was the
scheduled dialogue between Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of
Pakistan to resume the banking services across the borders and
agreement between the commerce ministers to double the trade between
two nations to 6 billion USD in five years.That should be a reason for
a toast in the financial services Industry and and in the diplomatic
community in either side.This is also a proof of new thinking in
Pakistan;as its young,beautiful and dynamic foreign minister Hina
Rabbani Khar said " Pakistan does not wish to carry the baggage of
History and has learn its lessons" and in another statement she said
" Pakistan foreign policy is not driven by Pak Army though Army one of
the important stake holder". One would reasonably wish Indian foreign
policy analyst recognize this change whatever its worth and remain
optimistic in the very interest of the cause, they pursue so
earnestly.The Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama said "India should
take the Leadership of the World in the 21 st century" Amin! Let's
Lead the World from next decade.

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