Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

History has uncanny habit of repeating itself; it seems the "Kamraj
Plan" of 1963 need to be revisited by Congress Party once again. As
"Policy Paralysis" in Govt. of India and comatose councils of
Ministers hurting the Indian growth story quite substantially. Falling
growth numbers and frequent revised estimates and yet very familiar
pep talks of equally familiar faces in the Govt. about "all is well"
has become a rule than exception quarter after quarter but the reality
on the ground does not bite the policy makers and their political
masters; unfortunately, it only bites the ordinary people on the street
who pay highest patrol prices and ever growing rates of food
items. Recent news report suggest Indian manufacturing sector is
slowing down, Industrial growth remain sluggish under the onslaught of
high interest rate regime; and now, the depreciation of INR against
USD will take the wind out of the Indian sail. On top of it terror
strike and natural calamities in North East and in Orissa and
Telengana imbroglio is going to make the situation much worse for
Central Govt. in coming days. And, the turf war between senior ministers
in the union cabinet is adding salt to the injury. Concerned and
informed citizens have thrown up their hand in air, out of desperation
and despair. Who listens? Who cares?

The apparent drift and free fall of
governance and a feeling of non-existent Govt. at the centre is
principally due to unclear line of succession in Govt. and in Congress
party. If that was not enough; unusual and complete silence of three top
leaders of Congress party on many issues of National importance and
concern not in the best interest of the Country and its Governance.
Apparently it suits the Congress leadership fine. Is there a method to
this madness? Or a very clever strategy at work; to lead by confusion
and confabulation of ruling clique? But, observers, analysits and
experts on governance unanimously and strongly believe "such a care
free approach to governance for such a large country is fraught with

This calls for a very strong and firm leadership both
in Govt. and in Congress party at the top to lift the gloomy
environment by putting aside the setbacks pertaining to scams with
legal frame work and move on with Governance and socio & economic
transformation both for short term and for the long haul. A KAMRAJ
PLAN TWO is the need of the hour for the Congress Party on National
interest. But, this time around, Congress Party need to draft the old
war horse into party work and allow the new breed of Young leaders
with knowledge, skill and political acumen and maturity into the fore
front in Govt. to bring new and fresh Ideas and a new style &
substance in Governance to speed up reforms, faster turnaround in
policy formulation and above all, a project management led World class
execution of projects in all infrastructure sector. Heaven shake, give
this Country a chance to run along with top Global powers.

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