Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tribal Exhibition @ Kalinga Kingdom

Bikash Choudhury

Adivasi Mela-2011(Tribal Exhibition) got off to colorful start on
26th January at the capital city, Bhubaneswar of modern linguistic
State of Orissa in Indian subcontinent. The current Orissa State
developed from the bed of ravages of Great Kalinga war of 261 B.C.
Once upon a time, the prosperous Kalinga Kingdom perished in Kalinga
war at the hands of Emperor Ashoka;however, one consolation was victor
king Ashoka took to Budhism after the war wherein one lakh people
courted death from either side and folklore survived till date was "
The Daya river near the battle field carried human blood". Daya
meaning compassion strikes in the heart of perpetrator of war, King
Ashoka. He later propagated peace, non-violence and Budhism.That was
one of the great achievement of fiercely independent and invincible
land of Kalinga and its culture that has survived over civilization
and test of time;now, known world over as 'Orissa' named after classic
language 'Odiya' , over five thousand year old. The alphabets of Odiya
language is based on the beauty of circle or "Zero". Orissa State has
now caught world attention for mineral deposits of iron, coal,Alumina
and many others.

The tribal exhibition of 2011 has come out in its new avater in its
current edition. Exhibition covers all sixty twoAdivasi Mela-2011(Tribal Exhibition) got off to colourful start on
26th January at the capital city, Bhubaneswar of modern linguistic
State of Orissa in Indian subcontinent. The current Orissa State
developed from the bed of ravages of Great Kalinga war of 261 B.C.
Once upon a time, the prosperous Kalinga Kindom perished in Kalinga
war at the hands of Emperor Ashoka;however, one consolation was victor
king Ashoka took to Budhism after the war wherein one lakh people
courted death from either side and folklore survived till date was "
The Daya river near the battle field carried human blood". Daya
meaning compassion striked in the heart of perpetrator of war, King
Ashoka. He later propagated peace, non-violence and Budhism.That was
one of the great achivement of fiercely independent and invinsible
land of Kalinga and its culture that has survived over civilization
and test of time;now, known world over as 'Orissa' named after classic
language 'Odiya' , over five thousand year old. The alphabets of Odiya
language is based on the beauty of circle or "Zero". Orissa State has
now caught world attention for mineral deposits of iron, coal,Alumina
and many others.

The tribal exhibition of 2011 has come out in its new avater in its
current edition. Exhibition covers all sixtytwo different tribes
inhabiting Orissa. For the first time the exhibition has been layed
out with seven unique facets of tribal lives and culture. Tribal
villages eloquently showcase the sustainable way of living with very
minimum carbon foot print & traditional technology of habitat
construction with the use of Agricultural waste and local resources
like Bamboo,wood and soil.Actually, modern world some time need to
embed this tribal technology in construction to control the ever
increasing carbon foot print in our urban areas. Tribal Market
division stocked Agri and forest produce that city dwellers of
Bhubaneswar city just lapped it up due to its authentic and organic
nature. There were edible items for daily consumption and other items
like roots, fruits and oil for naturopathy treatment for various
ailments. There was a Tribal art and handicraft counter which was a
great draw with tourist from the country and abroad. The painting
generally drawn by traditional tribal artist depicting tribal culture,
life style, tradition and attaire. Another interesting facets of
tribal life was their food habit; there were non-vegeterian dishes
prepared by burning the item in a special tribal way and taste out of
the world. Tribal culture open air auditorium drew record crowd each
evening that show cased very finely nuanced tribal dance forms which
was feast for eyes and tranquilising for the soul. The ambience and
the music let the audience throw up in ecstacy rarely experienced by
city dwellers. A few famous tribal dance forms are follows: Sua,
Madal, Jhadia Paraja, Chau & Kutal Kandha.
Tribals constitute 22 % of total population of Orissa State, India.
The State Government has established tribal language research centre
at Bhubaneswar.Government of India, State Government, NGO and other
civil society organisations are engaged in uplifting the tribals with
better education and healthcare facility; however, scruplously
preserving tribal life style which is carbon neutral and may need to
be followed by so called developed people from developed societies and
developed country for sustainable development and climate change

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