Sunday, February 20, 2011

# 330 Strategy

(3 Years of Preparation and 30 years of Governance)

Bikash Choudhury

Indian students mercilessly killed in Australia, Humiliated in USA with a Radio Tag as we do for wild animal census, Indian Fishermen being gunned down in high seas, Indian dignitaries being frisked at US airports and Indian citizens being given stapled visas by China. All this confirms that Brand India has no value globally;although, we protest and claim to have a five thousand old civilization with epics Ramayana & Mahabharat & four Vedas to our credit while our National Capital almost turned into unhygeinic garbage dump and other cities no better. Foreigners who come to visit India carry an impression of a filthy country which creates a perception of a poor and weak country which we can't grudge.

How to turn the table?:

* Top Down & Bottom up Strategy- Push efficient & effective governance to the last man on the street(Top Down) and Inspire, collaborate with bottom of pyramid to lift them to main stream faster(Bottom Up).
* Create a collective mindset of Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise in all walks of life- Adopt cleanliness, a drive for cleanliness mindset of people, help maintain clean home, office, road, airport, railway line, public & private toilets resulting in a clean external dimension of our country that would create a powerful Brand India.
* Nurture strong belief in status of India in history, its past achievements and strong culture and spiritual foundation.

Currently India is suffering from very poor, weak and unimaginative "LEADERSHIP" both in Govt. and in Opposition. Govt. is strapped with scams after scams and opposition is completely obsessed with corruption as if there is no other issue that warrant attention;while we see people living on the streets in a very deplorable conditions. What is our leadership doing about this?

I suggest, let the leadership adopt 'Cleanliness' as a tool to achieve a collective mindset of innovation-excellence-enterprise in all walks of life that could solve many of our problems. Secondly, fix the Agriculture that suffers both ways;excess production punished by the market and low production is frowned upon. Let the leadership and the workers help farmers organize themselves in private Co-Operatives and go for contract farming in collaboration with Industry. The process of Organizing farmers in Co-Operatives is very important and would have many benefits.

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