Thursday, February 3, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

All rich persons are famous but not vice-verse. If some one poses a question "how to improve the quality of life of rich &famous?" then, certainly the questioner and the question would be dismissed as absurd. As the subject of quality of life of poor and underprivileged hogs the limelight in print & electronic media and also a very pertinent subject of seminar in five star hotel banquet; where so called 'Jholabalas' would normally strain their vocal curd with relevant argument. How about a seminar on the quality of life of rich & famous? Not the first sign of madness. As it i made out-the rich and famous live a high quality of life; not always true. Yes, rich & famous cater to their materialistic and not-so moral needs a plenty. They invariably leave out the top quadrant in their hierarchy of needs as purported by"Abraham Maslows's hierarchy of needs theory" due to paucity of time, lack of focus on self and owing to their busy schedules to keep their riches & fame in tact. Consequently, they loose personal drive to do some thing about their altruistic needs; which very often make their lives dull and boring owing to dearth of true excitement and real happiness inside, in their lives. Hindu scriptures and all modern day gurus advise to donate one fifth of their wealth for noble cause to earn true happiness. But, practically speaking, you can't make rich people happier by persuading them to donate wealth, which they have created by seer hard work and sweat of their brows. Honestly, there should be a middle path, which should be able to create excitement, unadulterated happiness and at the same time be able to grow their wealth with a decent ROI.
What is that rich & famous would need apart from growing their wealth? They would certainly vouch for clean and green environment to live, for themselves and their extended family, world class road to drive their prized possessions-BMW seven series, brand new Mercedes, Ferrari's and all, well maintained water fonts to race their boats, world class schools and universities where their children can go while living at home etc. Govt. of India can develop a business model wherein all rich people /corporate can fund one tenth of their annual income & wealth for maintaining clean cities, making good world class roads, preserving all rivers & sea fonts, developing world class educational institutions for at least a decade or so. Once it is done, the economic activity so created would help redistribute wealth among people at bottom of pyramid which in turn create robust fresh demand for goods and services; the benefits and profits of sizable proportion would go to the coffers of rich and famous; while creating very 'contagious happiness' all around. Sooner we travel this road the richer this country would become.

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