Friday, February 21, 2020



Kamraj plan was orchestrated in 1960 to cut some very popular politicians in high positions in the State and Union Governments of those times and parcel them into Congress Party organizations to stave off any challenge to the then Prime Minister and his heir apparent. However, a lot of times have passed since then and currently a new Kamraj plan is needed in the context of Odisha. Naveen Patnaik has gone from strength to strength in past twenty years so much so that he has thrown some of his arch rivals or his contemporary into the dustbin of political history of Odisha. And, they are unlikely to pose any electoral challenges to Naveen or BJD. But, these Naveen challengers have Name, Fame, Political Skill and Organizational Abilities which can be better utilized for the betterment of Odisha and its 4.5 crore people.
Many political and economic commentators have written millions of pages about the necessity of a strong leader in the union government during UPA two consecutive tenures. In order to give a firm and decisive direction to the country and to resolve its socio-economic issues that stand as it is for very long time. But, after watching, observing and analyzing the performance of incumbent Prime Minister since 2014—those commentators are now hiding in the hibernation and begging for covers including this writer. The so called magic of a decisive and strong leader has all but evaporated keeping in view the current socio-economic conditions of the country. In the hind sight, we can’t blame the Governments for our current financial outcomes of our economy and its people. Sensitive Governments can only do that much to work as the catalyst; nothing more and nothing less. In the annals of human history and even of our undivided country the economic prowess was the natural outcome of “intensity of human activity” and our Nation was genuinely written as the ‘bird of gold’ (Sone Ki Chidia). This Nation under the sweat of its labor, output of its agriculture and agro forestry could corner over 27% of Global Trade just three centuries before and currently it holds the Hindu Rate of Growth very dearly. Next logical question would be what do we do?
My take is that henceforth let us concentrate our economic might where our mouth is—in other words we need to decentralize our economic policy making to the Districts along with devolution of resources as decided by a Finance Commission with a term of reference “faster overall economic growth” of the country. Further, it would be necessary to adopt the “Gandhian Economic Model” of Gramya Swarajya to add further muscular strength to economic activity from bottom-up (Village-District-State) eventually marking a double digit National Progression for a considerable period of time in a sustainable manner. But, this is neither enough nor sufficient conditions for elusive economic growth. The buyers of an air conditioner in India knows too well that a split AC is just show off but Window AC is best and more effective as its engine of cooling is direct unlike the split AC. Unless our people are aware about their own economic growth potential and steps needed to kick start the comatose economic activity; then, no amount of external governmental package could be able to do an inch.
Therefore, we now need a Kamraj Plan Two for Odisha. That will draft senior politicians like Tathagata Sathpathy, Bijoya Mohapatra, Srikanta Jena, Baijayanta Panda, Dilip Ray and Damodar Rout into Socio-Economic work for the State through an organization to be incubated as suitable for the purpose. The organization would have mandate to deal with the urgent and important socio-economic issues of our State that no amount of Government intervention could be able to deliver. The urgent and important issues are Water Conservation, Revival of Rivers, and Restoration of Green Covers; Need to return to our Traditional Agriculture, Revival of Micro Village Industry, Need of ODF Villages, Women Security and their empowerment, Education and Health Awareness. The politicians drafted for Kamraj Plan Two are very senior and competent players of politics with monumental administrative skills with an ambition to be the ‘Numero Uno’ of the State; not for the chair alone, but to contribute to the progress of the State in their own debonair ways. There is a need and there is an opportunity to make a difference to the socio-economic conditions of our State in a substantive manner. And, that would be their fitting tribute to Biju Babu; who in his inimitable style envisioned recapturing the glory of Kalinga in his life time.    

  [Author’s Bio: Bikash Choudhury, Freelance writer on Socio, Economic & Political issues and events; he also writes on art & culture apart from being a passionate activist. Contact:] 

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