Monday, February 24, 2020

Gulab Gang—The New Political Party

Bikash Choudhury

Even today  in some parts of our country educated and professional women are murdered by their own parents for their choice of life partner; we have seen what happened to the lady doctor on the street of Hyderabad; and, the perpetrators of ‘Nirbhaya’ still living and countless ‘Nirbhayas’ happen each day and even in each hour. In contrast we see college going girls, university students and young professionals smoking cigarettes and spewing toxic fumes on our faces and they even visit pubs with their male classmates or colleagues to get ‘sozzled’ a little on the rocks. If boys have the gall to snuff out human lives at the call of testrones—can’t the girls have the liberty to get drunk a little at the call of free spirits? No, that is not the issue. May be a deeper social revolution is quietly taking shape to explode on the faces of “we the men folks” of our country sooner than later.  

Earlier lower casts and dalits could not dare to cross a higher cast people raising their heads on a village street. One fine day Behenji Mayabati’s mentor emerged from the shadows of trade union activities and cycled around the country to organize the dalits, scheduled casts and down trodden to convert them into a vote bank to capture political power in order to make a difference in the lives of its stake holders with brutal power play and some policy intervention which is irreversible now.

Can our top leaders among women from all walks of life get together to follow in the foot steps of late Kansi Ram? There are provocations before and there will be ample number of cruel and brutal incidents continue to happen with Indian women; but, their collective and studied response has been silence while swallowing their pride of being wooed as goddess Laxmi, Saraswati and Durga by men. It is about time they make up their minds about their status and what to do with the deeply ingrained “patriarchy” in our society. At the least the top leaders of the women wing of each political party in the country need to think if they were better off in the mainstream political parties or will it be better to have a single all women political party that garner nearly 50% votes and no Governments in the States or at the Center is possible or feasible without their blessings. A thought on these lines could send all political parties into a shivering. The “hullabaloos” about CAA, NPR and NRC would be a think of the past and quietly buried. And, a new Economic and Governance model would emerge from the ashes of mainstream politics--- and girl power would return to rule the street on their looks, their attire, their body language and of course with their free spirits--- humming silently; we actually need 1/2 you can’t console us with just 1/3.

[Author’s Bio: Freelance writer on Socio, Economic & Political issues and events; he also writes on art & culture apart from being a passionate activist. Contact:] 

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