Sunday, November 29, 2015


Bikash Choudhury

After graduation passing out ceremony enthusiasm and excitement was over from the recesses of mind; it hunted all our friends then, what next? Before, taking up post graduation studies; we decided to form a self help group for personality development in the grab of a debating society at Human Life Centre in Bhubaneswar. We would meet in the after noon on Sundays to discuss about National and International affairs and also about socio-economic issues. The debates were as passionate as it was electrifying some times with inputs from members from diverse fields stormed the venue of our meeting and kept us waiting for this confabulation next week end. With word of mouth of publicity, our group membership grew in leaps and bounds in following months and years. A couple of beauty with brains also joined our group which was by then aptly named ‘Quality Circle’. Some of our adventurous and dynamic members planed to organize a Quiz Competition in the foot steps of infamous Quiz Master Mr. Sidhartha Basu who much later conceptualized and broadcasted “Kon Banega Karod Pati”. Soon our group was able to rope in “Sun Times” the popular English news paper to sponsor the event and rest became history as this event caught the imagination of young students of Bhubaneswar city and also to an extent entire State of Orissa, as it was called then. Tides always followed by a lull; that did not escape our group as many of us could not keep up the tempo and temperament of organizing a State level event for long; though, some time later we were able to publish a magazine “Quality Reporter”. As luck would have it cupid struck our secretary and he could not resist the temptation of entering into matrimony at a very tender age; which was a grand spoiler for our group Quality Circle. If that was not bad enough, I was also taken in by a young and erudite member of our group from the opposite sex and able to drop a hint here and a glance there, to keep it discreet from the public eye. It is often said ‘isq and muska chupa ne se nehi chuupta’. Little later it occurred to some of our members that I am up to some thing in the sly; however, unfortunately by the time my efforts were bearing fruits at the other end; my mind was seized up with the concerns of career and future economic stability and prevented me from responding to a green field opportunity. This was not only one encounter that I lost; though it was the most memorable one to remember and even joyfully recall over a cup of cappuccino among friends and family. The other two were also equally interesting events in life of a man when he was ‘desired’—a lovely feeling to savor with Kebabs and a green dip. I was then working in Chennai with a educational consulting firm as its marketing manager and I was very impressed with the work of a young, dynamic and hard working instructor little less than half of my age from opposite sex; and, it is always hard for me to keep off my admiration for sterling qualities of this young girl in her early twenties. I later gifted her book ‘Algorithm of Enterprise’ in appreciation of her good work; which, she took it otherwise literally and send me a sms on a rainy day to enjoy nature with her. Unfortunately, my wife first saw that message and shown it to me for clarification; where none was needed or offered. But, even a secret desire or a fling if any for an adventure was terminated on that rainy morning in its bud. One more sms followed the next day “one must have some body to live and die for” which I responded with a curt message to terminate any scent of liaison like this “Mathematicians should better remain Mathematicians than turning a poet”. The message got across appropriately and she asked for a transfer to another location soon after bringing curtains to the second prospective liaison. And, third one was a chance encounter with a beautiful and wealthy architect in her office at Chennai and it could be termed as ‘love at first sight’. Those who have experienced could understand the feeling of such an encounter between two adults from opposite sex; none the less the feeling was great that would take your body, mind and soul in a trance; but, the situations in life remain unpredictable and at times melancholy. Again, unfortunately in a week’s time of such a sweet encounter; I had to take a flight back to Bhubaneswar for good to respond to an emergency of a sad and accidental demise in the family inking a final blow to love-ly encounters.            MOBILE: 9853426657/7504106233 address: Plot No#3309 Adarsha Vihar Lane-2 Patia Bhubaneswar-751024

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