Thursday, December 12, 2013



The poll result of five States must have shocked the grand old Congress Party; the debacle was a foregone conclusion. But, the quantum and scale of defeat surprised pollster and political parties alike. The political Chicanery of the Congress Party fell flat in front of people’s anger and frustration with monumental corruption and price rise of food items; as it is wiped out of Rajasthan and Delhi. The electoral drubbing that Sheila Dixit got at the hands of an upstart Arvind Kejriwal of Aam Admi Party in New Delhi has drowned the cumulative voice of all vociferous Congress Spokes persons. Loquacious Renuka Chowdhury has daringly given a miss to the television Studio. She used to poke fun at AAP as they were green horn in Politics. The audacity of Congress men could bury them with worst ever electoral performance in the Parliamentary election next year. If we draw analogies from the Rajasthan and Delhi Poll results; Congress Party could come down to 50-60 seats in Parliament in 2014 in a triangular contest led by Modi Mania in one side and Kejriwal led AAP & Third Front in another side. The obituary for Congress Party in 2014 has already been written by the Congress men themselves. One Manishankar Aiyar is ranting about in advance to seat in the opposition next; while some other Congress men from Andhra Pradesh have filed a no trust motion against their own Govt. Congress Leadership could remain oblivious to such developments at its own peril. What happens to the Congress party is not that important; as the nature of Govt. that would take over the reins at the centre in 2014. After 10 years of Policy Paralysis; the least that India deserves is a strong and robust Govt. with full majority to lead and lift the Nation from morass of poverty & stifling Inflation and subjugation & despair out of poor economic growth and employment; that would require a visionary leadership and impeccable execution. All these would largely depend upon how the Cocktail gets prepared closer to election next year; how BJP attracts new allies, how Kejriwal display his AAP’S magic in other parts of the country and how the Third Front organize itself with a common vision? But, it will be disastrous for the country to repeat the Delhi Poll outcome in 2014 with a hung Parliament. The choice is ours to make.

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