Tuesday, December 31, 2013


American Authorities in one stroke conveyed to India that it is no longer their 'Strategic Partner' in South Asia and relations between two Democracies is effect an unequal relations; with the audacious arrest of Indian Diplomat in New York. Americans have a great plan to drive a wedge between India & Pakistan pertaining to supply of Arms to Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan President Mr. Karajai refused to sign on the dotted line with USA; even after the lower Jigra gave him a go ahead on the matter. USA was quietly putting pressure on India to be more active in Afghanistan after the pull out of NATO forces next year. Indian PM did not bite the bait so cunningly laid by USA; therefore, USA strike Indian Sovereignty with the mistreatment of its senior diplomat, which is essentially a civil dispute on employment. India could Strike Back equally lethally by cancelling or putting off all arms deals with USA and lobby hard with all developing Nations to do so in a quite diplomatic coupe and explore the possibility of moving all defense purchases to Europe or Russia which could in short time cripple the Defense Industry and USA Economy. That should make the Secretary of State of USA run from his HoQ to Indian shores sooner than later.

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