Tuesday, July 2, 2013


                                             Bikash Choudhury 

Once I proposed to one Director of Art Gallery to conduct a power point presentation for the Students of IIT Bhubaneswar; he said “let’s not beat about the bush” we need to persuade people to own a painting for the walls of their living room. He was right, as spending a decade in the domain of Art and with an inventory of over thousands of paintings; we can’t expect him to be optimistic. However, I have a strong belief that Art could change the perspective and attitude of an intelligent mind; and IIT students and their teachers could be considered as highly intelligent minds and brush strokes could ignite creativity and find solutions for the problems remain unattended as of now. Our Media has shown very lukewarm response to Contemporary Art and Artist; as you find maximum coverage given to sensational news like rape, murder, sex rackets and accidents and thereafter, major chunk of news print and TV Air Time goes for Politics, Politicians, Business, Businessmen and Sports and Sportsmen; where is the time and space for the intelligent brush strokes in synthesis of CMYK. Media could make amends and feature Art and Artists in their centre spreads and in the prime time news and features. India has never been all about money and business, Industry and Technology; rather, it was full of Art and Architecture, Nature and Culture. Intelligent Media Houses could make a shift and capture the new trend in advance or mould the trend for their readers/viewers by putting the Creativity in its rightful place.   

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog: www.ideasofhopebikash.blogspot.com  E-mail:streben.market@gmail.com
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

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