Sunday, July 7, 2013

Coalition Govt. visa-vis Majority Govt.

Fractured mandate and a weak Coalition Govt. at the Centre has been the phenomena for last quarter of a century which may be responsible for the policy paralysis in central govt. as executive authority of the Nation has to spend too much time on managing the allies to remain in power instead of focusing on appropriate policy and their execution for Socio-Economic growth. Therefore, let the electorate choose between weak coalitions Govt. and strong Govt. with full mandate, National Party to Regional Party for Parliamentary election and choose between a militarily strong India to an India that plays second fiddle in 2014.

Bikash Choudhury


Friday, July 5, 2013

Why you need next Govt. with complete mandate?

Bikash Choudhury

UPA Govt. took over the reigns from NDA in 2004 when the “Shining India” campaign of BJP bombed at the box office. Nevertheless, NDA Govt. did two great things; one was the “Golden Quadrilateral Project” connecting the four metros and the second one was “Prime Minister Gramya Sadak Yojana”. These two projects were on the pipeline for a long time but it was the impeccable execution of NDA Govt. that made all the difference; the result of which was shown in the growth numbers during 2004-2009.UPA Govt. did take up a few important projects but due to coalition compulsion it could not execute it to perfection; one of those were JNURM and refurbished Ganga Action Plan. In spite of precarious internal security scenario UPA returned to power once again with improved mandate on the strength of MNREGS and other such populist schemes that even surprised the Congress Party and political pundits. Four years into the second innings the UPA II has garnered enviable reputation for large scale corruption scandals in land, air and even seas; however, going strong and, would apparently complete the term in 2014. But, the country’s economy has seen unprecedented challenges as never before; as Indian currency was being battered while growth tapering off without any sign of any recovery. There are increasing challenges on security on the borders with China while internally Maoist having a field day by mowing down three dozens of senior Congress leaders in the State of  Chatisghar. If India were to reverse this trend and return to double digit growth while consolidating on the security situation at the borders and inside; then, it may need a Govt. with complete mandate  to conceive and execute policies that would put the country’s economy into faster recovery. For that to happen, the next Govt. would need to transform our bureaucracy as the engine of growth, bring about social and economic reengineering, pursue diplomatic offensive towards a united Indian Sub- Continent and prosperous South Asia while being ready with a defensive military preparedness. It is very unlikely, a coalition Govt. could be able to address such challenges and therefore, we need to educate our electorate to choose their next Govt. wisely.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


                                             Bikash Choudhury 

Once I proposed to one Director of Art Gallery to conduct a power point presentation for the Students of IIT Bhubaneswar; he said “let’s not beat about the bush” we need to persuade people to own a painting for the walls of their living room. He was right, as spending a decade in the domain of Art and with an inventory of over thousands of paintings; we can’t expect him to be optimistic. However, I have a strong belief that Art could change the perspective and attitude of an intelligent mind; and IIT students and their teachers could be considered as highly intelligent minds and brush strokes could ignite creativity and find solutions for the problems remain unattended as of now. Our Media has shown very lukewarm response to Contemporary Art and Artist; as you find maximum coverage given to sensational news like rape, murder, sex rackets and accidents and thereafter, major chunk of news print and TV Air Time goes for Politics, Politicians, Business, Businessmen and Sports and Sportsmen; where is the time and space for the intelligent brush strokes in synthesis of CMYK. Media could make amends and feature Art and Artists in their centre spreads and in the prime time news and features. India has never been all about money and business, Industry and Technology; rather, it was full of Art and Architecture, Nature and Culture. Intelligent Media Houses could make a shift and capture the new trend in advance or mould the trend for their readers/viewers by putting the Creativity in its rightful place.   

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  1. State Govt. is a very large organization without a Modern Human Resources Policy; therefore, in spite of having highly competent people and very high compensation and perquisites level; the ‘motivation level’ to perform remains very low among all levels of Govt. employees; which needs substantial improvement for better Governance.
    1. Attempt should be made to match Individual Employees Interest and Competence with the Job Description to the extent possible.
    2. HR Organization of Govt. should enable individual employees for self expression in regular interval. Extra curricular activity could be promoted on weekends.
    3. Organization/ Dept. could have Smaller Teams for Professional/Personal bonding.
    4. Project Management Discipline could be inculcated at suitable level for better Governance.
  2. Water resources and its conservation would remain key to faster development.

    1. Rain Water Harvesting should become mandatory in Urban Areas.
    2. National and State Highways should also be RWH compliant.

  1. Village Cluster Development Model should be adopted in partnership with Private sector and multilateral agencies in rural areas for faster economic growth.

  1. Need to develop ‘Industrial Clusters’ near important cities of the State with the help of Private sector.

  1. Art and Craft should be encouraged through High School System to trigger Ideas & Innovation as discipline of Science and Humanities alone could be insufficient for the task.