Monday, June 3, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

Swami Aganivesh invited a few organizations and activists to discuss about a Nationwide Prohibition movement at Budha Vihar, Bhubaneswar in the after noon of 3rd June 2013.

His logic is simple; the revenue generated for Govt. from Foreign & Country Liquor Business is far far less than the cost incurred by the Society. From Politics to Domestic Violence and Rape and Road Accidents can be attributed to the consumption of Liquor; which is but truth. As it is now common knowledge that during election, opponents open the Liquor barrels to influence the voters and spurt in crime graph in cities is directly proportional to the amount of consumption of Liquor in that cities. It is incumbent upon Govt. to enforce prohibition as per the direction of Directive Principles of State Policy and subsequent unanimous Parliament resolution across the country. However, except Gujarat all other States earn revenue from Excise. Can we stop this? That may be difficult but, it can certainly be minimized. Swami Aganivesh wish to organize a Human Chain all across the Country with the help of 10, 000,00 volunteers and followed by a day of fast on 2nd October 2013 and further there could be demonstration and counseling of tipplers at each IMFL shops by small school children all across the country. Swami proposes to keep Women in the forefront of this movement as they are at the receiving end of the consumption of liquor. Plans are there to involve all political parties, trade unions and students in this mission. This could indeed become a people’s movement; if, planned and organized without keeping any other motive behind this movement.

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