Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Wine, women and wealth are three-W weapons one can use to eliminate opponent or bring around recalcitrant allies; but, now friends also don’t mind to use such weapons against friends as demand of lifestyle pampered them to do the bidding for wealth or favor in business. Now a days the spate of corruption cases, frauds in chit funds and cheating by Real Estate Companies to thousands of unsuspecting customers occupies half of news space and airtime of news channels; but, these people sooner or later would fight election and come to Assembly or Parliament as people would vote for them because they could only relate to their names owing to free publicity offered to them by media on platter.  And, even people generally like their public representative to visit them in big SUV and display the sign of wealth-- as those are the aspirations ordinary people would like to happen in their lives.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

If Politics were a game of perception; can Economy be any different? In 2008 when Barak Obama took over the Presidency; American Economy was almost tanking under the sub prime crisis. However, strong and dynamic leadership of Obama saw to it that the decline was resisted and unemployment arrested to an extent and he returned to Presidency once again in 2012 for the second term; in spite of huge debt burden and slower economic growth American Dollar going strong against Global currency. Where as in spite of all the strong Fundamentals Indian currency is being battered and FDI attractiveness of India looks bleak. This could be due to the Global Public Perception about Current Indian Leadership which is Weak and Indecisive. If we replace our Prime Minister with the Finance Minister our Economic recovery could be smart and swift in a scale of 2/10, with Rahul Gandhi it could be 4/10, with Sonia Gandhi 6/10 and with Naveen Patnaik and Narendra Modi it could peak at 8/10. If we draw a Global Investors Perceptions Survey this hypothesis could be proved beyond any doubt. Leadership is important for investor’s confidence as economy is also a game of perception.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Rohan Murthy
Chairman’s Office
Infosys Ltd.

Sub: Infosys 36 months revival plan

Dear Mr. Rohan Murthy,

Like many countrymen, I for one also keep Infosys in high esteem not as business organization but as a National Institution of repute. I just take the liberty to suggest a few things in response to news report about Infosys three year revival plan.

  1. With Changing Times, Infosys could look closer home for Business more Profitably in South Asia.
  2. More emphasis on Knowledge based, Consulting Led Plug & Play IT Solution that will provide substantial benefit to specific Industry, Enterprise and Organizations.
  3. Infosys could allow the ‘Idea of Infosys’ to recreate, ‘Mini Infosys’ again and again inside its own campus.
  4. If India were to become a Global Power in this century; then, it needs to straighten out a few things like Water, Energy, Women Development, Infrastructure and Cities. Can Infosys contribute substantially and profitably any of these domains?
  5. There is a huge amount of inefficiencies in Collection of Taxes and its Expenditure by all arms of Governments. Is their an ICT Led Solution?
  6. There is an immediate need for efficient IT systems in our energy sector; for optimum utilization of energy through smarter Grid, Systems for energy bills and systems for controlling wastage of energy.

Thanking You.
Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647  address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Can India afford a weak and unstable Govt. in 2014?

Bikash Choudhury

Elevation of Narendra Modi as the chief of campaign committee of BJP
for the general election in 2014 last week has created a very sharp
reaction inside the party as the grand old man of BJP chose to
register his protest at the decision of the party by resigning from
all the posts; which he subsequently retracted on the joint advice of
parliamentary board and the top functionaries of RSS at Nagpur. It is
not clear if the resignation drama of Advaniji was a genuine solo act
or it was stage managed to browbeat Janata Dal United leader and Bihar
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. However, by the time this article goes to
press, most probably JD (U) would have parted company with NDA ending
a17 year alliance. The reaction of Congress Leaders were of shock and
disbelief; though, it was a long forgone conclusion that Modi would
lead his soldiers of the party in one of the most crucial and closely
contested and passionately fought general election in 2014. The
sharper the reaction to Modi, better would be the chances of BJP
coming to power solo or in alliance in the next general election as
the party cadres would enthusiastically rally around Modi and the
party top brass would be compelled to sink their differences and would
fall in line to improve the chances of the party. If the Indian
electorates exercise their franchise in a conventional way then we may
see a Third Front Govt. at the helm under the Leadership of Naveen
Patnaik or Nitish Kumar with just 135 to 150 seats in the lower house
and supported by Left (15-25 seats) and Congress Party (100-125 seats)
from the outside; while BJP would seat in the opposition once again
with 200-220 seats in its pocket. If the Third Front Govt. runs for
full term there would be no issues; but, if it could not under the
pressure of a narrow mandate then country would be forced to
administer another general election in 2016 at an exorbitant cost of $
2-5 billion USD. Indian Economy would sink once again and security
situation could worsen under the weight of a weak and unstable Central
Government; which needs to be avoided at all cost in the larger
National interest. Therefore, it would be in the interest of all
political formation and the media to educate the electorates about the
prudence to de-link the State Assembly Election from the Parliamentary
election and the importance of a strong and stable Central Govt. in
the interest of faster economic growth and for the security of our
Nation. A strong and stable Govt. with a complete mandate would be
able to apply its mind to resolve intractable problems faced by our
economy, bureaucracy, in Governance and in development of social
infrastructure in the country. Further, to redress the six basic
problems like Bijli, Sadak & Pani and Roti, Kapda & Makan new Govt.
has to transform the bureaucracy and the public sector as an engine of
growth; apart from, encouraging private sector for its contributions
in National renewal mission. Hopefully, New Govt. would use Water,
Energy, Women and Infrastructure as tools for faster turn around of
our economy. Eventually, India would gain political clout beyond its
borders. A strong and stable Central Govt. is the need of the hour for
India to become a Global Power.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Dear Mr. Raghuram Rajan,

1. To control the CAD and sliding rupee; can we take out Gold from OGL except for the Jewelry Exporters for 2 quarters?

2.Can we make some provisions that would bring 'on accounted Money' for Investments like Rural Cluster Development?

3. Can we give matching concession to Corporate in Income Tax for Investments in Entrepreneurship & Innovation & Research and Development.

4. Can we encourage Top Business Houses to set up Educational Institutions like Harvard, Stanford and Booth School of Management?

5.Can we Declare Private City like LAVASA as the City for Innovation and Research to attract Global Talent with Income tax Holidays for 5 yrs.?

Kind regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

The Destiny of India in 21st Century would be decided by General Election in 2014

Bikash Choudhury

After 10 years of UPA Govt. rule India would be left with a weak economy and still weaker politically. As the economic growth would be in decline, internal and external security situation would remain much to be desired. India would need a strong, bold, dynamic and a shrewd Leader in 2014 to steer the economy towards revival and double digit growth while securing the country from enemy inside and fortifying the borders against inimical forces who are constantly looking for an opportunity to strike at our Nation hood; at the same time designing and executing a forward looking foreign policy that would add to the Political Clout of India Globally. If some how India miss the bus in 2014; then, India would continue to struggle as a least developed country for the rest of this century. Naveen Patnaik from east and Narendra Modi in west could be one of those Leaders who could steer India in this crucial period of this century. Naveen Patnaik has chosen to concentrate in the State Politics; though, destiny may or may not be that kind with him (circumstance could force him to take up leadership at the centre).
Narendra Modi is being sabotaged by his own party men. Where do we find a strong Leader for India?
Narendra Modi has all that and more to Lead India in the crucial period of this century; as his administrative and developmental achievement in the State of Gujarat has impressed the Young India in urban areas; it remains to be seen if he could rope in young people in rural areas. Indian electorates have mostly responded late; but, when they did it was very decisive. Needless to mention, Indira Gandhi was sent packing after emergency and the same electorate brought her back again after a few years. If electorates would have observed a need for a strong majority Govt. at the centre to protect and defend the interest of the country then there could be a wave in favor of BJP and against the UPA as the Third Front remains a non starter. But, the worst enemy of BJP would remain from inside than outside; it has long given up the virtues of a coherent Leadership and that could be its undoing. But, if the top Leadership of BJP and RSS swing and back the Leadership of Narendra Modi with due representation to women and youth then they could romp back home in 2014 with a few friends in east and south.

“Congress Hatao” could be a very good slogan for Modi to enthuse its cadres during elections; but, for Governance he would need to court a moderate face of Vajpayee to be accepted and loved by all sections of a diverse Indian polity. Modi could do well to visit 10 Janapath to wish the lady good luck before starting his National Campaign; if for nothing else, but to seed a working relations with the boss of largest party in Indian democracy. No body could wish away the Congress Party how so ever one may wish or try; the oldest party would remain strong in its designated constituency though it may have to cede considerable amount of space to the Right under the onslaught of anti incumbency. Modi should now understand that no single party could find solution to the myriad problems that India faces now; as it did not happen in last 65 years. What you would need the most is a ‘collaborative and compassionate approach’ while preserving the mandate for time bound execution of all policies in National interest.

   Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Friday, June 7, 2013


6th June 2013

Mr. Ansuman Das
Chairman & Managing Director

Sub: Offshore Wind Farm

Dear Mr. Das,

I had the opportunity to listen to your informative and inspiring speech on the occasion of World Environment Day Organized by Times of India Group at Swosti Premium, Bhubaneswar on 5th June 2013.

It was very interesting to know that NALCO is investing heavily on Environment; Carbon Dioxide Sequesting, Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar and Zero Effluent Discharge Company. NALCO has been a Innovative Company from start in selection of its Technology, Management Process and HR Policy of meritocracy; no wonder, NALCO has become a NAVARATNA company in public sector.

I just wish to suggest that NALCO could explore the possibility of investing in Offshore Wind Farm for Renewable Energy which has remain untapped in the 482 Km of Odisha Coastline. Mahakalapada Block of Kendrapada District could be an Ideal location for Offshore Wind Farm as it is closer to the grid for evacuation of power and also closer to Paradeep Port that would facilitate faster and economical commissioning of such project. Apart from Renewable Energy; Off shore Wind Farm Structures, under water would produce huge amount of ‘Moss’ that could create conducive environment for Marine Aquatic life and therefore would improve the Economic Conditions of poor Fishermen Community in the coastline.

Hope, NALCO would examine this proposal.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist


Monday, June 3, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

Swami Aganivesh invited a few organizations and activists to discuss about a Nationwide Prohibition movement at Budha Vihar, Bhubaneswar in the after noon of 3rd June 2013.

His logic is simple; the revenue generated for Govt. from Foreign & Country Liquor Business is far far less than the cost incurred by the Society. From Politics to Domestic Violence and Rape and Road Accidents can be attributed to the consumption of Liquor; which is but truth. As it is now common knowledge that during election, opponents open the Liquor barrels to influence the voters and spurt in crime graph in cities is directly proportional to the amount of consumption of Liquor in that cities. It is incumbent upon Govt. to enforce prohibition as per the direction of Directive Principles of State Policy and subsequent unanimous Parliament resolution across the country. However, except Gujarat all other States earn revenue from Excise. Can we stop this? That may be difficult but, it can certainly be minimized. Swami Aganivesh wish to organize a Human Chain all across the Country with the help of 10, 000,00 volunteers and followed by a day of fast on 2nd October 2013 and further there could be demonstration and counseling of tipplers at each IMFL shops by small school children all across the country. Swami proposes to keep Women in the forefront of this movement as they are at the receiving end of the consumption of liquor. Plans are there to involve all political parties, trade unions and students in this mission. This could indeed become a people’s movement; if, planned and organized without keeping any other motive behind this movement.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


1 June 2013

Esteemed Shri Salman Khursid,

Keeping in view of the changes in the Geo-Politics of Asia, Growing Sectarian Violence in our neighborhood, Racial discrimination and its reaction in Western Countries and Growing Religious Intolerance across the World; beg India to take some initiative to find a durable and sustainable solution.

Economy is just a subset of the Society; however, “The World Economic Forum” has been popular across the World; though, it could not find any solution for the Global recession. But, ‘Global Social Forum’ could actually find an answer to current Global Economic Crisis and lasting solution for peace and prosperity of the World.  

  1. Ministry of External Affairs, GoI in its out reach program could explore the possibility of starting an organization (not for profit) named as “Global Social Forum” in association with Leading Social Organization, State Governments, CII and FICCI with an objective to end civilization conflict, promote Global Peace through disarmament & cut in defense expenditure, Religious harmony, racial unity and eventually control Global Economic Recession.
  2. “Global Social Forum” could hold its International Summit in New Delhi or Bangalore every year during the month of December just like “World Economic Forum’ at Davos.
  3.  Global Social Forum could deliberate on social issues of Global Concern and draw a road map to enhance religious understanding and to create global family across race, religion & region.
  4. Global Social Forum can rope in US Govt., United Nations, World Economic Forum and 1000 nos of top social organizations to partner in this mission.
  5. This initiative could put India in the hearts and minds of Global Citizens which could have deeper economic and political ramifications in the long run. 
Hope, this proposal would be examined by GoI soon.

Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,

Bikash Choudhury
Chairman, Mobile: 9853426657 Telefax: 0674-2725130
Address: Flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment), Patia, Bhubaneswar Odisha, INDIA-751024