Thursday, January 24, 2013


                                                           Bikash Choudhury

I drove down yesterday on the road that connect Trident Hotel, Mayfair Lagoon and Jayadev Vihar that is full of potholes of sizes that can throw an experienced drivers in a tail spin; rookie and uninitiated like me would have a harrowing experience in negotiating that stretch of roads. I wonder, even after 65 years of independence why our road condition in the State Capital is so poor. If our Urban Development/Public Works Dept. Secretary spend one week in the morning to travel down in the city, after their morning walk on a two wheeler then I guess the condition of the roads in our city would not remain the same. It is the question of ignorance; as most of senior Officers of Govt. travel only from their plus Govt. quarters to the Secretariat and therefore fail to comprehend the owes of the city residents on city roads accurately. Another thing is the Private sectors who make a turnover in Crores of Rupees also forget their corporate social responsibility towards the condition of the city road with which their customers reach their place and help them to earn their bread and butter. If Corporate and trading community could come together then our road quality would improve substantially. Lets hope some body out there is listening.

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