Thursday, January 24, 2013


With the choice of President Bharatiya Janata Party has amply shown that it is a party of Yesterday; because, it is scared to bring a young top leadership or a visionary leadership. Cut paste job won't help BJP at the hustings. BJP looks old and tired with its decisions while Congress Party is showing chutzpah to retain power for the third time. BJP is missing a Leader of Late Pramod Mahajan's ability. Jaswant Sinha or still younger Rajiv Pratap Ruddy could have been drafted for the President's position of the party. Sad it did not learn its lessons well enough and going to suffer in the next election as and when happens as they do not inspire confidence.


                                                           Bikash Choudhury

I drove down yesterday on the road that connect Trident Hotel, Mayfair Lagoon and Jayadev Vihar that is full of potholes of sizes that can throw an experienced drivers in a tail spin; rookie and uninitiated like me would have a harrowing experience in negotiating that stretch of roads. I wonder, even after 65 years of independence why our road condition in the State Capital is so poor. If our Urban Development/Public Works Dept. Secretary spend one week in the morning to travel down in the city, after their morning walk on a two wheeler then I guess the condition of the roads in our city would not remain the same. It is the question of ignorance; as most of senior Officers of Govt. travel only from their plus Govt. quarters to the Secretariat and therefore fail to comprehend the owes of the city residents on city roads accurately. Another thing is the Private sectors who make a turnover in Crores of Rupees also forget their corporate social responsibility towards the condition of the city road with which their customers reach their place and help them to earn their bread and butter. If Corporate and trading community could come together then our road quality would improve substantially. Lets hope some body out there is listening.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Mr. Barak Obama
President, United States of America
Washington D.C

Esteemed President,

We the people of India wish to offer you and your new administration our very best wishes on the eve of Presidential inauguration on 20th January 2013. Mr. President a lot of people across the World heaved a shy of relief on your re-election and brought to tears with your acceptance speech. We all sincerely hope you would pursue that different vision for America relentlessly; which is also in the interest of Global community. I propose a three point plan once again for Global Economic revival, Peace and Development.

  • Global Disarmament and 5-10% cut in Defense Expenditure

  • Promotion of Religious Understanding, Racial Unity and Regional Co-Operation

  • Direct Food, Health and Educational assistance for Global poor on resources saved in defense expenditure

The Audacity of hope has triggered the imagination of young people in India and all over the World; with your continuance at White House, there is a ray of hope for the poor and marginalized not only in USA; but, all across the World. Expectations are running high and challenges are not less formidable and time is in short supply; we all hope           Barak Obama would stick to his words as President of USA in the second term and give this world a Leader and Leadership that it so eminently deserves.

At the end, I just hope President and the First family would find time to make a holiday trip to Odisha, India in the current year 2013.

Thank you Sir.
Yours Faithfully,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Dear Mr. Rahul Gandhi,

Once again wish you a Happy New Year 2013; which could be a turning point in the life our Nation and for the Congress Party. If we turn the pages of History of our Freedom struggle and that of our Independence from colonialism; we find the acceptance of partition of India by Nehruji and Patelji against the express wishes of Gandhiji as the price of freedom. India was colonized 400-500 years ago owing to Political disunity among then Indian rulers and partition of India by our colonial masters effectively prevented India from emerging as a Global Economic Power. Can Young and Dynamic Gandhis make the Congress Party to sponsor the Idea of “United India?” A‘Sampurna Bharat and Samparna Bharat’. I concede that Congress remain the only Political force to execute such an Idea. I dream of a “United India” for last 30 years” and pursue this cause for last 5 years as an activist. I have a ‘blue print’ in mind that could make the Congress Party the centripetal Political force that could add political formations into the existing coalition even mutually opposing regional parties(like SP & BSP in North at the moment) and may be Communist could return to the UPA fold in the east. But, to make this happen Congress need to ‘metamorphosisinto a peoples movement as it once was and brought freedom then and could unite India once again under your leadership beginning with 2013. Congress Party has in its DNA to remain the preferred party of Governance. Recent measures by UPA Govt. must have endeared people and HP election result has given a thumps up to reforms that Govt. pursued against many odds. India could return to high growth path and with greater equity in near future; if Govt. continue to pursue tough decisions and structural reforms though they may seem unpalatable politically at the moment. Eventually, we have to move from Personality based Politics to Policy & Programme based Politics and from Competitive Politics to Collaborative Politics; if India were to be a Developed Nation by 2025 and an Economic Power in Asia and a Political Power of reckoning on earth.

I may be given an opportunity to share my Ideas in the ‘Congress Chintan Baithak’ at Jaipur on 17th January 2013.

Thanking your kind self.
Yours Faithfully,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Product: Laundry Basket(Style Your Laundry Corner)

Style Your Laundry Corner

Ganesh is one among many Bamboo artisans who make a living on the streets of Bhubaneswar by making daily use home items out of Bamboo. One chilly morning of Kartik Purnima Tapati Rout, a post graduate from XIM, Bhubaneswar gave him an order for a basket to store laundry for her sister. Fortunately, her sister who is a very busy doctor by profession never picked up the item from the vendor; and, later when Tapati saw the sample laundry basket; instantly, it struck to her that it could be a potential business proposition which not only provide house wives solutions for the storing of their laundry items before wash and after wash for ironing; but, could sustain an organization that could commercialize and market the Bamboo Handicraft Items and up-lift the standards of living of artisans. That led to the birth of “Streben Bamboo Craft” with a tag line “style your laundry corner” essentially to value add in the Bamboo Craft Items and market globally through the low cost technology available. Now, Streben Bamboo Craft has developed a complete range of Laundry Basket made of Bamboo, knitted impeccably with touch wood polish exterior and inside vinyl lining to protect the garments from water and moisture. Laundry baskets of Streben Bamboo Craft come in three sizes viz., Big(Rs.1333/-), Tall(Rs.1222) and Slim(Rs.1111) with two variants in exterior polish namely standard touch wood finish and another with Lac toning. The organization plans to introduce new variants and products like small laundry basket and dry waste bins respectively at a later date. The main attribute of the product remain the ‘styling’ and marriage of tradition with modernity; and, the other attributes being strong, durable, light weight, safe & easy to handle and on top of it, affordable. Apart from the cute tag line; all laundry baskets of SBC will come with a social message “plant trees, conserve energy and save the planet” and the organization plan to donate Rs.10 to the “Chief Minister’s Relief Fund” on an unit sale of the basket on a monthly basis towards its Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR). Interestingly, the first proto type of the Laundry Basket gifted to Lord Jagganath and the second one to the Chief Minister of Odisha to seek their blessings for this new initiative on New Year 2013.
Streben Bamboo Craft plan to launch the product formally on 6th January 2013, Sunday from its office located at Nilarivihar in Chandra Shekhar Pur, GA-41 and a product demo locomotive would travel through the city starting from Big Bazar at Patia and followed by Pal Heights, The World, Forum Mart and end with Market Complex at Unit-I.
Bring Home a piece of Art in the New Year. Order your Laundry Basket at:                     E-mail:
Mobile: 72058-68542/92389-12647 Or, Visit our Office at: GA-41, Niladri
Vihar(Near Budha Park), C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-751021

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pink Brigade-The Girl Power

                                                           Bikash Choudhury

There is a small change on the streets of Bhubaneswar; not many would have noticed that the Traffic Police men now wield an illuminated stick after sunsets at the traffic signals and junctions. This was the brainchild of our Bhubaneswar city DCP Nitinjit Singh, a tall fare and hand some guy with turban on the top. Commissioner of Police does many things; some pleasant and some not so pleasant; but, the introduction of illuminated stick at the dark traffic junction is helping the commuters and would help the traffic management after dark. Often repeated quote; give credit wherever it is due. I thought initially, the case of Delhi girl would go the same way as scores of cases before; but, this time the boys and girls from the campus did neither forget nor forgive the assailants or the incident; so do the media. And, quickly Govt. commissioned a three member judicial commission to suggest changes in the law pertaining to atrocities against women in a month’s time. Many other steps being taken at the level of central Govt. and also at the level of State Government. Irony is since 16th December 2012 many more cases of rape and molestation of women have been reported from across the country; though, we need tougher law on the subject as soon as possible; then, we should also concede that the problem is much more complex and it is now the question of an embedded mindset inside the recesses of some men and that require a psychological shock therapy. And, therefore I suggest to the girls of Bhubaneswar city to start a gang of “Pink Brigade” to show the Girl Power to those who need the most in partnership with Police Commissioner. The Idea is College Students with a back ground in Marital Arts can form a team in each locality of the city to monitor the tormentors of girls at public places and public transport and to offer non-violent street justice within the four corners of the law of the land (An eve teaser can be saved off and painted black with a garland of old shoes a few slaps from tough girls) would send very good signal to the general public and there are chances this would help substantially reduce the incidents against women in the city; as this is supposed to work inside the minds of potential offenders. If this exercise were successful with collaboration and co-operation of Bhubaneswar Police and Girl Power; then, that could be extended to other cities and towns in the State. Do we have Girl Power in the city or is it limited to the FM radio?  



To: Prime Minister of India


I very humbly take this opportunity to wish your kind self, your family and PMO a very Happy New Year 2013.

I sincerely hope 2013 would be a turning point for India. If India were to be a developed Nation by 2025; a lot of work needs to be done now in preparation, in all 365 days of this year and next. In my thinking PM could look at following four issues fresh.

Political Unity
Delegation inside Cabinet                                                                                          Bureaucracy
Public Sector

Hope PM would contemplate on the subject in New Year.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

E-mail: Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647
Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


To: Mr. Rahul Gandhi, General Secretary, Congress Party


I very humbly take this opportunity to wish your kind self and your family a very Happy New Year 2013.

I sincerely hope 2013 would be a turning point for India. In my thinking Congress Party could change its stripes to return to the image of the party which brought Independence and Freedom to this country of ours; and, therefore, just winning the next General Election in 2014 can’t be the main plank of the party; rather, the Goal should be to make India a Developed Nation by 2025. If India were to be a developed Nation by 2025; a lot of work needs to be done now in preparation, in all 365 days of this year and next. Following four issues could be looked at fresh by the Congress Party in New Year.   

Political Unity
Delegation inside Cabinet                                                                                          Bureaucracy
Public Sector

Hope, Congress Party would contemplate on the subject in New Year.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

E-mail: Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647
Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024



To: Mr. Rahul Gandhi, General Secretary, Congress Party


I very humbly take this opportunity to wish your kind self and your family a very Happy New Year 2013.

I sincerely hope 2013 would be a turning point for India. In my thinking Congress Party could change its stripes to return to the image of the party which brought Independence and Freedom to this country of ours; and, therefore, just winning the next General Election in 2014 can’t be the main plank of the party; rather, the Goal should be to make India a Developed Nation by 2025. If India were to be a developed Nation by 2025; a lot of work needs to be done now in preparation, in all 365 days of this year and next. Following four issues could be looked at fresh by the Congress Party in New Year.   

Political Unity
Delegation inside Cabinet                                                                                          Bureaucracy
Public Sector

Hope, Congress Party would contemplate on the subject in New Year.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

E-mail: Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647
Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024




I very humbly take this opportunity to wish your kind self and your family a very Happy New Year 2013.

I sincerely hope 2013 would be a turning point for India. In my thinking BJP could change its stripes to return to the image of a party with a difference. Therefore, just winning the next General Election in 2014 can’t be the main plank of the party; rather, the Goal should be to make India a Developed Nation by 2025. If India were to be a developed Nation by 2025; a lot of work needs to be done now in preparation, in all 365 days of this year and next. Following four issues could be looked at fresh by the BJP in New Year.   

Political Unity
Delegation inside Cabinet                                                                                          Bureaucracy
Public Sector

Hope, BJP would contemplate on the subject in New Year.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

E-mail: Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647
Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024