Tuesday, December 31, 2013


American Authorities in one stroke conveyed to India that it is no longer their 'Strategic Partner' in South Asia and relations between two Democracies is effect an unequal relations; with the audacious arrest of Indian Diplomat in New York. Americans have a great plan to drive a wedge between India & Pakistan pertaining to supply of Arms to Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan President Mr. Karajai refused to sign on the dotted line with USA; even after the lower Jigra gave him a go ahead on the matter. USA was quietly putting pressure on India to be more active in Afghanistan after the pull out of NATO forces next year. Indian PM did not bite the bait so cunningly laid by USA; therefore, USA strike Indian Sovereignty with the mistreatment of its senior diplomat, which is essentially a civil dispute on employment. India could Strike Back equally lethally by cancelling or putting off all arms deals with USA and lobby hard with all developing Nations to do so in a quite diplomatic coupe and explore the possibility of moving all defense purchases to Europe or Russia which could in short time cripple the Defense Industry and USA Economy. That should make the Secretary of State of USA run from his HoQ to Indian shores sooner than later.



My country was broken into three pieces before I was born and old enough to read History in School; and, as an under graduate student of economics realized to my utter dismay that continuing poverty and un-development in the sub-continent was due to breaking a flourishing economy in three halves. The architect of division relied on the science of ‘Plant Propagation’ to multiply; however, that does not hold good in case of a living organism “Economy of a Nation”. Needless to mention, I can’t savor living in just a small part of India; which our forefathers bequeathed to us before partition in 1947. Can we re-write History? That will depend upon to a great extent; if we can unite people, society, culture and the economy in our sub-continent. It is easier said than done. But, nevertheless an attempt could be made to reach out to the living rooms of the region about the benefits that would accrue of ‘collaboration’ vis-à-vis the cost that we incur each passing day. The simple difference between the two, so huge that would be very difficult to ignore by saner minds. The power of social, cultural and economic collaboration could ignite passion, enthusiasm, joy, confidence and happiness; as the movement of goods, services and people (skill, technology & capital) could revive the old circular flow in the economy that once made this region prosperous by reducing considerably its dependence on the outside World. On top of all, the majority and minority syndrome would vanish from our lexicon. As both leading faith would have almost identical strength in the region. That would make our people work hard and play harder to make their lives worth living for. In contrast the cost that we incur is simply incalculable in hard currency as it involves innocent lives, blood, sweat and tears; apart from the resources that we drain from our public exchequer on frivolous pursuits that could have been purposefully invested in a school for children or in a hospital in the interior regions of our land that has not yet seen civilization.
             “Power of Collaboration” is an Idea the time of which has just arrived. Recently, Nutshell Forum, Karachi organized a ‘South Asian Conclave’ at Lahore; where 80 Indian delegated attended including the actor Nandita Das, who was flabbergasted at the hospitality that she received and warmth that she felt while interacting with young men and women of Pakistan. She concluded in her article in “The Week” that ordinary people in Pakistan as much eager for peace and collaboration as across the borders in India. Just there are gaps in our perception somewhere and somehow; love and respect between two people is mutual and infectious. Another initiative that has stormed the imagination of nay Sayers is the effort of two NGOs—The Citizens Archive of Pakistan (CAP) and  Routes 2 Routes (R2R) of India that would bring the children of the countries closer to each other under the banner of “ Exchange for Change”. If that were not good enough; the ‘Forum for Political Unity of India Foundation’ proposes to organize an International Conference at New Delhi next year (5th March 2014) on the theme: “United Indian Sub-Continent and Prosperous South Asia” as part of 2nd Biju Patnaik Memorial Lecture to be delivered by Dr. Sanjaya Baru, Director for Geo-Economics and Strategy of International Institute of Strategic Studies and a former media Adviser of Prime Minister of India. Dr. Baru has written an extra ordinary non-fiction on the subject titled “Strategic Consequences of India’s Economic Performance” which dwelt at length on ‘profit and power’ of collaboration in the region; unfortunately, that has been apparently ignored by the policy maker in India at a huge cost, which should change now. This International Conference plan to bring Govt. Politicians, Diplomats, Media, Academics, Activists and Students of the sub-continent to deliberate and preferably to chalk out a plan to reach out to the living rooms of the region with the “thought” that power of collaboration and subsequently unity in our sub-continent could make South Asia a very prosperous region not only in Asia; but, all across the World. A time will come in the life of this region people would stop migrating to western countries for a better living; rather, it will attract the Global Talent Pool and Resources in search of greener pastures. Shall we?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Misplaced Outrage or Talibanisation of America

Bikash Choudhury

Apropos your editorial “misplaced outrage” on 19th December 2013; in our opinion and as per Global Community Indian Govt. response to humiliating treatment, Physical and Psychological torture of  woman diplomat of India by American Authorities in

New York is rather calibrated and much more civilized. It is yet to be confirmed why Americans behaved in a civil dispute while they condone the crime of murder by CIA Operative Raymond Davis in Lahore, Pakistan. American authorities put insurmountable pressure on Pakistan to set free Raymond Davis a criminal who took two innocent lives in cold blood in broad day light. America wedged an unnecessary war with Iraq which already cost over millions of innocent lives and converted a prosperous and peaceful country into a volatile region. Very recently, American Air Strike was averted in Syria under aegis of United Nations Security Council and Russia. American authorities are no different from ‘Taliban’ who pumped bullet into the head of Pakistani teenager activist, Ms. Malala Yosufjai. USA should rather preach some thing which it could practice or leave the moral policing of the World in lock, stock and barrel. Indian Govt. knows the language that “Bourgeoisie American Authorities” understand; but, chose to be little more civil in the interest of long term relations with American People. New York Times could choose to be with truth or keep quite.    

Tuesday, December 17, 2013



American people spend over billions of dollars annually on fight against terror all across the world. However, it is also equally true that American Govt. and its policies inadvertently help create terrorism directed against American Citizens in many parts of the World. Recently American Authorities have arrested an Indian Diplomat on flimsy charges at New York City. They have handcuffed her in full public view and later strip searched her in custody and lodged her with hardened criminals till she was released on bail. This has created an outrage in India; as such things has never ever happened anywhere in the world to a diplomat of a friendly country. In the past Indignities have been heaped on an Indian former President, One Cabinet Minister in Govt. of India and an Indian Ambassador to USA. Such incidents create general disaffection against American Govt. and its people over a period of time in India; and, that could subsequently lead to a form of “terrorism” in the minds of section of Indians living in India or overseas; and those could aim at soft American targets and substantially hurt American Interest. If such things do happen in future, then American people have to blame their own Govt. alone.
Flat No-105, Kalpataru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Email:streben.market@gmail.com, Twitter: @ideasofhope Mob: 9853426657

Friday, December 13, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

1.AAP stated position is to transform  the polity and politics of the country.
2. At the present juncture an AAP led Govt./ Coalition Govt. With BJP could offer very fast transformation to Governance in Delhi. (AAP transparent politics has already had an rubb off effect during election)
3. People of Delhi have spoken with 8th Dec2013 poll result; and, their mandate should be understood and respected. Delhi people have consciously made a choice.
4. People’s court is the highest court in ademocracy and should not be challenged or questioned out of turn.
5. People of Delhi have voted on 4th Dec. 2013 not to vote again but to be Governed well.Therefore, a fresh election would be counter productive and bring anti-climax and frustration and voters antipathy.
6. AAPhas a responsibility towards the people who have voted for them with hope, the volunteers who worked day and night for the victory of the party candidates and millions of people in India and overseas who prayed for the success of AAP and those who contributed their hard earned money to fund the election expenses of AAP. Euphoria always  a short lived phenomena; but, the momentum can be preserved with achievement of objective(Poll promises)—Good  Governance of Delhi.
7. AAP Govt/Coalition Govt. In the present circumstance would offer 50% chance of fullfilling its poll promises to people in its manifesto against a 50% chance of returning to power with a simple majority in a fresh election. As people/voters do not change their opinion so soon.
8. A fresh election means a Hundreds of Crores of Public money down the drain without any tangible benefits. As normally people/voters stick to their opinion if challenged openly.
9. A minority/Coalition Govt. In Delhi could be formed with a set of common minimum programs. In case of a coalition Govt. A neutral person could lead as CM acceptable to both the partners.

10. In a country as diverse as India; to pursue a principle of Political Untochability inside Parliament & State Legislature could be disastrous for the country and its Governance.    

Thursday, December 12, 2013



The poll result of five States must have shocked the grand old Congress Party; the debacle was a foregone conclusion. But, the quantum and scale of defeat surprised pollster and political parties alike. The political Chicanery of the Congress Party fell flat in front of people’s anger and frustration with monumental corruption and price rise of food items; as it is wiped out of Rajasthan and Delhi. The electoral drubbing that Sheila Dixit got at the hands of an upstart Arvind Kejriwal of Aam Admi Party in New Delhi has drowned the cumulative voice of all vociferous Congress Spokes persons. Loquacious Renuka Chowdhury has daringly given a miss to the television Studio. She used to poke fun at AAP as they were green horn in Politics. The audacity of Congress men could bury them with worst ever electoral performance in the Parliamentary election next year. If we draw analogies from the Rajasthan and Delhi Poll results; Congress Party could come down to 50-60 seats in Parliament in 2014 in a triangular contest led by Modi Mania in one side and Kejriwal led AAP & Third Front in another side. The obituary for Congress Party in 2014 has already been written by the Congress men themselves. One Manishankar Aiyar is ranting about in advance to seat in the opposition next; while some other Congress men from Andhra Pradesh have filed a no trust motion against their own Govt. Congress Leadership could remain oblivious to such developments at its own peril. What happens to the Congress party is not that important; as the nature of Govt. that would take over the reins at the centre in 2014. After 10 years of Policy Paralysis; the least that India deserves is a strong and robust Govt. with full majority to lead and lift the Nation from morass of poverty & stifling Inflation and subjugation & despair out of poor economic growth and employment; that would require a visionary leadership and impeccable execution. All these would largely depend upon how the Cocktail gets prepared closer to election next year; how BJP attracts new allies, how Kejriwal display his AAP’S magic in other parts of the country and how the Third Front organize itself with a common vision? But, it will be disastrous for the country to repeat the Delhi Poll outcome in 2014 with a hung Parliament. The choice is ours to make.

Friday, December 6, 2013



Apropos your cover story “The Fall”. Tarun Tehelka (read Tejpal) has moved a long way from being a wordsmith of your edit desk to your cover page. If it was Kalidasa who cut the tree he was standing on; Tejpal seems to have done the opposite (cutting his own feet). He made one cardinal mistake of not voluntarily giving himself to the law of the land owning full responsibility of his disgraceful act after editing the final cover story on himself in his own magazine “Tehelka”. Thus, he could have saved the ‘cult’ he so assiduously created, his reputation and his magazine “tehelka”. That would have made him a demi God with Global fan following with his new novel “alchemy of sex”. It is bad and very sad that he was carrying just a chicken heart.
Bikash Choudhury


Friday, November 29, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

 What is the DNA of rape? And, what is common to a retired Supreme Court Judge, An Editor-in-Chief, and a gang of five young people from slums of Delhi? They are all violators of Woman’s body and they all have a typical mindset to enjoy sensual pleasure at the expense of another person illegally and against the social norm. Why this problem persists with greater number with each passing day? Because, all our institutions have taken the sexual molestation & rape very very lightly; including the Police, the judiciary, Medical Practioners and even our Paternalistic Society. Another reason could be that Women feel ashamed and incapable of protesting loudly against the violators of their body & mind; though, the physical power between men and women remain almost same. It is high time to change the mindset of women and need of learning to protest as aggressively as they could in face off with any violator of their honor. And, things could change fast for the better in year’s time. Girls- Are you ready to fight back?  

Monday, November 25, 2013


                             BIKASH CHOUDHURY

God has also feet of clay? The god of investigative journalism in India, Tarun Tejpal, once a victim of coercive Govt. has now turned a full circle to become an accused in a case of sexual assault and rape allegedly with one of his own female colleague at a Hotel in Panjim, Goa on 7th of this month; the woman journalist is all of 23 yrs, daughter of an ex-colleague and best friend of his own daughter. All this happened at the venue of an International Literary event “Think 2013” organized by Tehelka; which remain a much admired in literary and Intellectual community for its content and the discourse. Sexual excesses on a colleague by non-other than the founder and the leader of the organization was anti-climax enough ; the subsequent  cover up bid by the violator and his accomplice, Managing Editor of Tehelka, Shoma Choudhury was against the grain of the kind of journalism they have so far so vociferously profess while practice exactly the opposite. Whatever, Tarun Tejpal has done is disgraceful enough and quite unforgivable knowing him as an Author of repute and the toil and tribulation taken to start the kind of Magazine the Tehelka has come  to become from scratch. The role of its Managing Editor in the whole affair has remained much to be desired as she was found to be extremely defensive; though she has all along been looked upon as a staunch and articulate votary of issues pertaining to “Atrocities on Women”. This is just like Elephant having one tooth to show off and another for internal consumption. Tutoring millions of tele-audience about fare and fearless journalism is one thing; but, practicing the same on one’s own self/ organization is quite another. Apparently, she would argue “no surgeon has ever operated on one’s own body. The moral of the story is Mr.Tarun Tejpal, Ms.Shoma Choudhury have disappointed millions people in India who consider them as their role model. The law of the land would take its course with both of them in course of time; but, the verdict of people’s court is all ready out in open. May be, another Tehelka like media would take birth to do justice to the prevalent hypocrisy on ‘atrocities with women’ inside the great and grand portals of Media in India.
Flat No-105, Kalpataru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Email:streben.market@gmail.com, Twitter: @ideasofhope Mob: 9853426657