Saturday, July 7, 2012

Balance Of Payments

Bikash Choudhury

Recent news reports about Balance of Payments (BoP) and trade deficit must be very disturbing for economic managers and Industry. RBI has recently announced upward revision of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB- $40 billion) was an welcome news but insufficient to lift the mood in the market and inadequate to deal with current volatile economic condition of the country; in spite of 20 % depreciation in Indian rupee the exports has not surged and therefore trade deficit has reached 21 billion USD in last quarter, which is highest in 30 years. Now, it requires a multi prong attack to augment the inflow of USD, lift exports substantially and import substitution in a speed that could stabilize the rupee and balance of payments.
Govt. could examine to have an open ended Overseas Indian Dollar Bonds for Infrastructure, Healthcare and Education with 2/4/6 & 10/15/20 years maturity and with progressive rewards in terms of interest & bonus which could be traded in Indian bourses after 6 quarters. This should start a dollar inflow apart from FDI & FII. Govt. could also use Indian Diaspora to push Indian products abroad-Be Indian & Buy Indian.

Govt. should encourage private sector to promote Indian Saris as Brand statement for women in all continents for the rich and super rich category of fashionable customers to spur the demand for Indian textiles in those markets where demand is inelastic to growth.

American companies are branding food products like Pizza & KFC chicken and pick Indian pockets; why can’t Indian Govt. and companies do the same by exporting the Indian Culture in Toto. Efforts could be made to export Indian style marriages, Festivals,
Movies, Music and Cuisines in American style of branding and distribution in prosperous markets of America, Europe and Australia.

Govt. should reconsider its policies urgently on import substitution in Defense procurement. India should trust its private sector to develop suitable technology and products in arms, ammunition and logistics. This step alone could contribute to a substantial growth in value add export in few years.

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