Friday, June 3, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

What is common between 'fire &ghee', 'handsome boy & a beautiful girl' and 'stockpiles of arms & War’? Simple answer; one can't stay near the other without creating explosion or exploding with one another. In current times, UN-winnable war & un achievable territorial ambition has actually made stockpiles of arms & production of weapons of mass destruction and growing defense expenditure very futile & redundant. Nevertheless, World spends about 1500 billion USD annually as per figures available for 2009-10;out of which USA hold the lion’s share of about 800 billion USD. US President and his defense secretary currently mulling over to cut defense expenditure to the tune of 500 billion USD by 2023; which is too little and too late. Very soon, tax payer all over the World would demand that its Govt. spend what is needed to defend the country--not a penny more. When the entire World is fighting against natural calamities and climate change--spending huge sum of poor tax payer’s money to acquire and maintain an efficient "Killing Machine" of innocent human beings is atrocious and less than human. The misfortune that devastated Japan on March 11 and more recently in USA, most likely to be repeated in other parts of the World in future; therefore,, it is urgent & necessary for the World to "rise above Nationality to Preserve the Humanity”. The fragile planet belong to all of us and anything inimical done at one part of earth would hold consequence to the other part as well. The destiny of humanity of this civilization would be decided by Nature at its sweet time. However, present young generation must not give up, as it is their lives and their future which is being tampered & trampled prematurely by unimaginative Leadership of the World at current times. Young people of today must organize themselves to fight peacefully against the violence & War perpetrated by sovereign Nation States and also sophisticated & organized global terrorist groups. There is high degree of correlation between amount of weapons stored and chances of having war or violent backlash. Therefore, first of all it is important to cut down on stockpiles of Weapons & its production across the World. Secondly, it is also imperative to creatively deal with assuage the hurt feelings of young people in Muslim dominated countries who have been alienated fro the mainstream and Western Countries by love, compassion and actual understanding of their religion 'Islam' and dissemination of its fine prints inside the Muslim community and more specifically in the poor regions. The real understanding of real Islam by poor and under privileged of the community holds the key to stop global terrorism by controlling human resources to terrorist organizations.

Students community living in the University campuses across the World must take stock of this explosive like situation in the World and organize themselves in coherent groups to launch a sustained campaign against stockpiles of arms and for cut in production of WMD and above all excessive and unproductive defense related expenditure; which is over & above the just requirement of defending the territorial integrity of Nation States. This is not a fight which will give an immediate return or acceptance; therefore, University students in the Global Capital Cities must be prepared to fight long and hard peacefully in a very systemic manner using all the technology available at their command. To start with, they can persuade or convince as many Senators/Parliamentarians/Govt. functionaries as possible to get buy ins for "cut in Defense expenditure" of respective countries. Simultaneously, students can periodically organize peaceful demonstration in front of Parliament/Legislature of each country to press their demand. Governments worth their salt dare not antagonize future Leaders-young people in University campuses in Global Capital cities; sooner than later, the current leadership of each Nation would have to seriously consider about the penny drained in defense related expenses. Eventually, the next generation of Leadership would vote for a truncated defense expenditure regimen; which should improve the chances of "A Peaceful World".

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