Thursday, June 9, 2011

National Energy Policy

Bikash Choudhury

Our lives run and depend on ENERGY to large extent!The room Air-Conditioner in our bed room,geyser & washing machine in washroom,T.V & music system in living room,laptop in the Study,Microwave in the kitchen and of course, the item of our mobility the Car in our drive way--All need energy to run and therefore a large part of our lives.Actually, What will be left off our lives without these gadgets??More importantly what will happen to us without sufficient energy??? and, what would be the environmental impact of meeting energy requirements from conventional sources like Thermal power & hydro power???? There has to be a ideal trade off between the two to have a sustainable;e energy matrix for continuous growth,prosperity,stability and happiness.
The current energy scenario is like this:The peak power deficit in the summer of 2010 was around 10.8 percent. Distribution losses average about 30% across the country.Central Electric Authority(CEA) has set a target of one lakh MW of additional power generation in the period of 12 th five year plan2012-17;if we were to grow at around (% of GDP.The current energy matrix is as follows:Thermal(65%),Hydro(21.5%),Renewable energy(10.5%) and Nuclear a meager (3%).The thermal power is highly polluting with highest carbon foot print.After Japn's Fukoshima disaster the nuclear power does not sound any promising future in the country;knowing, a developed country like Germany having asserted to cap all its nuclear power plants by 2022 on safety grounds.(Indian lives have been treated cheaper courtesy Bhopal gas tragedy.) The hydro power has long gestation period & its scope for growth nearly saturated unless some fresh new technology emerge.The future is in Renewable energy and new source of energy( like Husk & Urban waste Power).While containing the demand side of energy through deployment of better technology both micro & macro with high degree of public awareness for conservation of energy.

The solution to National energy challenges lies in adopting a new Energy Matrix of 40% of Renewable & New Energy and balance 60% from conventional sources with stiff conditions on Carbon foot print guidelines and compliance conditionality. To start with the Govt. can frame a law by virtue of which energy producers from conventional sources would have to produce 20 % of total installed capacity from Renewable & new Energy sources.Identically, the petroleum PSU would have to produce 20% of their production from Bio-fuels.This step alone would galvanize the renewable energy Industry and Bio-fuel sector.Further, GoI & State Govt. need to collaborate to find time bound solutions to Transmission &commercial losses to the tune of 30% of generated power to Internationally acceptable figure by deploying technology available and investing in R&D.GoI can also take further steps for prudent energy usages by commercial organizations & inside homes by mandatory use of equipments available off the selves by launching a very focused campaign across media domains and through the events in schools and colleges to emphasis "conservation of Energy" as a National mission and criminal waste of energy as Anti National. GoI need to earmark much more funds for renewable energy sources like solar power,wind power & new source like Husk power in rural areas and power from urban waste in cities & towns and also wind power from sea in the coast line of 8000 Km and roof top wind power. Govt. both at Center and States need to frame suitable laws to make one Hectare of "Jatropa farming" per Village mandatory with some incentives. That should add six lakh hectare of Jatropa cultivation and make the country less dependent on expensive imported fuel.
The other aspect that need urgent attention by the Govt. is the environmental impact of power generation in thermal plants which generate large amount of waste in terms of Polluted water & fly ash which need to be dealt with by the respective power producers by deploying suitable technology or developing new one by suitable funding of academic institutions and research bodies. In ten years, these measures would make a significant difference to our energy management.

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