Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

Second Steel Plant at Paradeep was one of the dream project of Late
Shri Biju Patnaik. Biju Babu wished to add value (Steel Manufacturing)
to abundantly available raw material-the Iron Ore in Orissa; instead of
exporting Iron Ore. That would have substantial Macro-Economic impact
with opportunity for large scale job creation directly and indirectly.
Fortunately, that vision of Biju Babu still holds good and
therefore, ideally, POSCO steel Plant should come up without any further
delay. The extraordinary time lag of six long years has no doubt dented
the Industry friendly image of Orissa and the Country to an
extent. There is an International angle also; as the South Korean Govt.
very keen to see the project through. Therefore, our PMO is backing the
project to the hilt in spite of some genuine concerns of green brigade
of Ramesh & Co. The toughest challenge in POSCO Project has been the
land acquisition in the designated project area of POSCO; in face of
with the organized & motivated opposition from the residents of the
project area. Nowhere in the country the protest against land
acquisition has been as effective as that of in case of POSCO, led by
organization curiously named after POSCO PRATIRODHA SANGRAM SAMITI and
its charismatic & shrewd &Media savvy leader, Shri Abhya Sahu.The
story of their struggle has consumed million pages of Local, National
& International Media. Leader cutting across Party line also supported
their cause vociferously. The face off ask for a win win solution.80%
of the land to be acquired belong to Govt. Therefore, the people of
Dhinkia & PPSS must not hold the Govt. to ransom.Govt. Also should be
sympathetic to its own people. No dispute is as big as to defy an
amicable solution through constructive dialogue. People of Dhinkia and
adjoining area can't live under sanction from their govt. and it is
also equally true, POSCO may not be able to run the plant with
complete Social boy cut in the vicinity of project area. Even if POSCO
manages to run the plant, the cost of operation would be relatively
higher in a emotionally surcharged environment.
Now the moot point is how to acquire the
land peacefully while maintaining social good will for the project in
the area? Social thinker believe, State Govt. & POSCO jointly relocate
the families of project area and their lively hood to any of the
nearby 100-200 villages in the vicinity of 10-20 Sq.Km. with the
consent of villagers; in this method the bounty and pain of the project
can be equitably shared by the community. With input of an ingenious
Architect the old habitat at project area can be identically
replicated at the new location, thereby, reducing the emotional strain
of internal displacement. Creation of conducive Eco-System for
internally displaced people should henceforth be one of the very
important issue for the managers of land acquisition for "The Peaceful
Industrialization" Paradime.The police personnel those who enforce
Govt. policy on land acquisition should & must show empathy towards
people who have to be evicted from their inherited
Eco-System; ownership can't be the sole parameter.
The other aspects of the project are
its "Net Economic Impact" as per the current terms of engagement. At
the moment, there are various shades of public opinion about National
Interest vis-a-Vis Posco Project. A section of people and popular media
believe, POSCO has got it easy. Which has never ever granted to any
domestic player or any MNC before. With 600 million tonnes of Iron ore
mining lease, Captive port, SEZ status and on top of it arrangement to
export Iron ore to parent plant in South Korea.

Orissa would bear the brunt of environmental impact of large scale
mining of the project, pollution generated at the plant and our own
people would have to become refugee in their own land. In exchange our
people get some white collar jobs and some construction contracts at the
max.Is this fare bargain? The provision of SEZ & Iron ore export are
entirely against the interest of people of Orissa; as Govt. would lose
huge amount of revenue in the life span of the project; which otherwise
could have been deployed for uplifting people from bottom of pyramid in
the State. A neutral Economic Impact Assessment of the POSCO Project
would vouch for ten percent equity of State Govt. to compensate
against the Environmental impact and consumption of Natural
resources. If POSCO does not agree, then Orissa Govt. should have the
option to carry on with the project in "Technical Collaboration with
POSCO" in partnership with domestic investors. Time and tide waits for
no Man and no Industry. The FDI perspective and Competitive landscape
has under gone unprecedented changes since the first signing of the
MOU six years earlier; therefore, Orissa Govt. must rethink before
inking the renewal of MOU with POSCO in larger and long term interest
of the State & Nation.

Thursday, June 23, 2011



Lokpal Bill in any form can't be the be all and end all on prevention of corruption though Lokpal would be an important piece of legislation to control the mindset for corruption to an extent.There are much more pernicious "Systemic Problem" that destroys unimaginable proportion of public money & assets on a daily basis;which needs urgent attention,if we wish the taxpayers money actually reach the people who needs the most.Not surprisingly, that would be also in the interest of people living in the top quadrant;as more people migrate from BoP(bottom of pyramid) to middle class, the profit & surplus generated out of additional consumption would go to those who hold the factors of production & services.News report of food grains being destroyed and assets created out of public money going waste is very common and people take that on their stride.Sad, people don't realize more the public money goes waste and assets destroyed more would be the demand for public fund and therefore higher rate of taxes.Question that usually rings in the mind is Why such things does not happen under private sector in such large scale? Other thing that is regularly over looked is more efficient the system of Govt. better would be the quality of public services(Bijli,Sadak & Pani). Therefore, need a system that deal with core structural issues in governance and make a govt. organization responsive & accountable.That should minimize the scope for corruption and indiscretion.
At present, a lot of information on Govt. operation and expenditure related to its performance,assets&liabilities conveniently swept under the carpet.And, that comes handy to stone wall inefficiency, wrong doing,professional lapses and seer incompetence in some cases.What is way out? First of all Govt. also need to have a "quantitative measure" of assessment of its efficiency in line of "profit & loss Account and Balance sheet" of private sector with mandatory public disclosure on a quarterly basis for each Govt. Dept./Office with authority of public expenditure.CAG(comptroller & auditor general) has very recently come out with guidelines for anew accounting system "Accrual based financial reporting system" to track and assess assets created out of public money.This may be a partial solution to the larger problem in public expenditure.As, there is a need to validate decisions of Govt.Dept./Office and evaluate the efficiency of public spending with a numeric tool that reflects clearly and transparently;how the govt. dept./Office has fared compared to the last quarter/financial year.Therefore, Accrual method of accounting must also include a new dimension of "Economic Value Creation" on annual basis for each Govt. Dept./Office.Further, Economic Value should be part of the Annual Financial Statement with complete picture of assets and liabilities and performance ratios like:economic value creation on expenditure outlay, administrative expenditure to operational expenditure,salary expenses to total outlay.(that is feasible within the constraints of public accounting system).
If these wishes were answered soon, then hopefully Govt. sector efficiency would be enhanced greatly and with substantial macro economic impact and GDP numbers.Apart from economics of public expenditure, a revamped system would travel a long way to enlighten the bureaucracy, create enthusiasm in entire administration on the back of information & knowledge;which was earlier denied to them and public under a closed colonial system.Need we change?

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

Thirty year ago, an old lady was reprimanded by gang of her own grand children; the criminal offense of the old lady was, she couldn't pronounce the English word 'Change' correctly and instead she said '' Chende".Kids from English medium school generally make a spectacle of their English pronunciation & diction before their less fortunate classmates from Odiya medium schools; and, their English speaking ability caricatured in the college canteens & near bus stops. But, for 75 long years, Odisha was wrongly written in English language and not a single voice went up or a little murmur heard any where until recently. No other language would have put up with such affront as Odiya language and its people did. Correcting the English spelling of Odisha may or may not bring any substantial change in society or in the economy; even then also, the change must happen as it is the question of pride and reputation of a five thousand year old language and over four crore Odiya speaking people. The amount of time and money in this mission is immaterial.
Not many will agree, emphasis on Odiya language and culture over a period of time, may bring about a change in the "social thinking" in Odisha and in course of time in the "Social system”. The current social practice of Odisha put a lot of importance over academic excellence and on getting into Govt. jobs like I.A.S, O.A.S,Engineer,Doctor,Bank officer and Software Engineer.Odiya people put less premium on extracurricular activity; as such misdemeanor very strictly discouraged inside Odiya family. Therefore, many times, very bright sports persons does not see the light of the day, a singer constrained to the boundary of his or home or at best exposed to the extended family and friends, actor castigated as evil omen for the family. May be, it sounds little exaggerated but if a survey conducted on Odiya family value system the truth will emerge. Individual excellence and passion subjugated to societal model of acceptance which stifles growth of individual and his domain of interest. This could be due to five hundred years of colonial rule which has created a mindset that prefer structured work environment, assured income; therefore they favor routine white collar jobs over Entrepreneurship.
Emphasis on Odiya language, literature and culture would trigger a new and fresh social thinking. As native language/mother tongue connects the hearts and mind of an individual with most efficient conductor available to mankind; therefore, the love for one's own language would create an individuality and pride in one's being that would drive a person in search of his own strength and identity and sooner than later it will propel him in the direction of Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise. Eventually, burying the old antiquated typical Odiya social practices with a more open liberal social system where individual right to pursue his passion would be respected and that will drive Odiya people to excel in their chosen field. However, it is easier said than done to attract Odiya people to their own language; because, English as commercial and Hindi as cultural language has taken deep root in the psychic of an average person living in Odisha.There is actually no harm in developing competence in English and Hindi; but, should not be at the expense of their own Odiya language. If Odiya people don't show passion to learn read, write and speak Odiya language then who will? 'Charity begins at home' and therefore, Govt. needs to take initiative to use Odiya language in administration from bottom-up by creating Odiya language cells in each Dept. and each office in the State to prepare the Babus to learn to use Odiya language in a time frame of 5-10 years. From ancient times, literature and culture flourished under the patronage of rulers and therefore, the current rulers like Ministers and M.L.A must take interest in promoting Odiya literature(Poetry) that will encourage young people to follow Odiya poetry, script writing for movie and create an eco-system for high quality music, feature films in Odiya language; eventually help drawing Odiya people to their own language.Paradox.This piece was written with help of English language owing to poor computer skills in Odiya language; which needs to be fixed in schools and colleges as part of learning Odiya language.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

National Energy Policy

Bikash Choudhury

Our lives run and depend on ENERGY to large extent!The room Air-Conditioner in our bed room,geyser & washing machine in washroom,T.V & music system in living room,laptop in the Study,Microwave in the kitchen and of course, the item of our mobility the Car in our drive way--All need energy to run and therefore a large part of our lives.Actually, What will be left off our lives without these gadgets??More importantly what will happen to us without sufficient energy??? and, what would be the environmental impact of meeting energy requirements from conventional sources like Thermal power & hydro power???? There has to be a ideal trade off between the two to have a sustainable;e energy matrix for continuous growth,prosperity,stability and happiness.
The current energy scenario is like this:The peak power deficit in the summer of 2010 was around 10.8 percent. Distribution losses average about 30% across the country.Central Electric Authority(CEA) has set a target of one lakh MW of additional power generation in the period of 12 th five year plan2012-17;if we were to grow at around (% of GDP.The current energy matrix is as follows:Thermal(65%),Hydro(21.5%),Renewable energy(10.5%) and Nuclear a meager (3%).The thermal power is highly polluting with highest carbon foot print.After Japn's Fukoshima disaster the nuclear power does not sound any promising future in the country;knowing, a developed country like Germany having asserted to cap all its nuclear power plants by 2022 on safety grounds.(Indian lives have been treated cheaper courtesy Bhopal gas tragedy.) The hydro power has long gestation period & its scope for growth nearly saturated unless some fresh new technology emerge.The future is in Renewable energy and new source of energy( like Husk & Urban waste Power).While containing the demand side of energy through deployment of better technology both micro & macro with high degree of public awareness for conservation of energy.

The solution to National energy challenges lies in adopting a new Energy Matrix of 40% of Renewable & New Energy and balance 60% from conventional sources with stiff conditions on Carbon foot print guidelines and compliance conditionality. To start with the Govt. can frame a law by virtue of which energy producers from conventional sources would have to produce 20 % of total installed capacity from Renewable & new Energy sources.Identically, the petroleum PSU would have to produce 20% of their production from Bio-fuels.This step alone would galvanize the renewable energy Industry and Bio-fuel sector.Further, GoI & State Govt. need to collaborate to find time bound solutions to Transmission &commercial losses to the tune of 30% of generated power to Internationally acceptable figure by deploying technology available and investing in R&D.GoI can also take further steps for prudent energy usages by commercial organizations & inside homes by mandatory use of equipments available off the selves by launching a very focused campaign across media domains and through the events in schools and colleges to emphasis "conservation of Energy" as a National mission and criminal waste of energy as Anti National. GoI need to earmark much more funds for renewable energy sources like solar power,wind power & new source like Husk power in rural areas and power from urban waste in cities & towns and also wind power from sea in the coast line of 8000 Km and roof top wind power. Govt. both at Center and States need to frame suitable laws to make one Hectare of "Jatropa farming" per Village mandatory with some incentives. That should add six lakh hectare of Jatropa cultivation and make the country less dependent on expensive imported fuel.
The other aspect that need urgent attention by the Govt. is the environmental impact of power generation in thermal plants which generate large amount of waste in terms of Polluted water & fly ash which need to be dealt with by the respective power producers by deploying suitable technology or developing new one by suitable funding of academic institutions and research bodies. In ten years, these measures would make a significant difference to our energy management.

National Energy Policy

Bikash Choudhury

Our lives run and depend on ENERGY to large extent!The room Air-Conditioner in our bed room,geyser & washing machine in washroom,T.V & music system in living room,laptop in the Study,Microwave in the kitchen and of course, the item of our mobility the Car in our drive way--All need energy to run and therefore a large part of our lives.Actually, What will be left off our lives without these gadgets??More importantly what will happen to us without sufficient energy??? and, what would be the environmental impact of meeting energy requirements from conventional sources like Thermal power & hydro power???? There has to be a ideal trade off between the two to have a sustainable;e energy matrix for continuous growth,prosperity,stability and happiness.
The current energy scenario is like this:The peak power deficit in the summer of 2010 was around 10.8 percent. Distribution losses average about 30% across the country.Central Electric Authority(CEA) has set a target of one lakh MW of additional power generation in the period of 12 th five year plan2012-17;if we were to grow at around (% of GDP.The current energy matrix is as follows:Thermal(65%),Hydro(21.5%),Renewable energy(10.5%) and Nuclear a meager (3%).The thermal power is highly polluting with highest carbon foot print.After Japn's Fukoshima disaster the nuclear power does not sound any promising future in the country;knowing, a developed country like Germany having asserted to cap all its nuclear power plants by 2022 on safety grounds.(Indian lives have been treated cheaper courtesy Bhopal gas tragedy.) The hydro power has long gestation period & its scope for growth nearly saturated unless some fresh new technology emerge.The future is in Renewable energy and new source of energy( like Husk & Urban waste Power).While containing the demand side of energy through deployment of better technology both micro & macro with high degree of public awareness for conservation of energy.

The solution to National energy challenges lies in adopting a new Energy Matrix of 40% of Renewable & New Energy and balance 60% from conventional sources with stiff conditions on Carbon foot print guidelines and compliance conditionality. To start with the Govt. can frame a law by virtue of which energy producers from conventional sources would have to produce 20 % of total installed capacity from Renewable & new Energy sources.Identically, the petroleum PSU would have to produce 20% of their production from Bio-fuels.This step alone would galvanize the renewable energy Industry and Bio-fuel sector.Further, GoI & State Govt. need to collaborate to find time bound solutions to Transmission &commercial losses to the tune of 30% of generated power to Internationally acceptable figure by deploying technology available and investing in R&D.GoI can also take further steps for prudent energy usages by commercial organizations & inside homes by mandatory use of equipments available off the selves by launching a very focused campaign across media domains and through the events in schools and colleges to emphasis "conservation of Energy" as a National mission and criminal waste of energy as Anti National. GoI need to earmark much more funds for renewable energy sources like solar power,wind power & new source like Husk power in rural areas and power from urban waste in cities & towns and also wind power from sea in the coast line of 8000 Km and roof top wind power. Govt. both at Center and States need to frame suitable laws to make one Hectare of "Jatropa farming" per Village mandatory with some incentives. That should add six lakh hectare of Jatropa cultivation and make the country less dependent on expensive imported fuel.
The other aspect that need urgent attention by the Govt. is the environmental impact of power generation in thermal plants which generate large amount of waste in terms of Polluted water & fly ash which need to be dealt with by the respective power producers by deploying suitable technology or developing new one by suitable funding of academic institutions and research bodies. In ten years, these measures would make a significant difference to our energy management.

National Energy Policy

Bikash Choudhury

Our lives run and depend on ENERGY to large extent!The room Air-Conditioner in our bed room,geyser & washing machine in washroom,T.V & music system in living room,laptop in the Study,Microwave in the kitchen and of course, the item of our mobility the Car in our drive way--All need energy to run and therefore a large part of our lives.Actually, What will be left off our lives without these gadgets??More importantly what will happen to us without sufficient energy??? and, what would be the environmental impact of meeting energy requirements from conventional sources like Thermal power & hydro power???? There has to be a ideal trade off between the two to have a sustainable;e energy matrix for continuous growth,prosperity,stability and happiness.
The current energy scenario is like this:The peak power deficit in the summer of 2010 was around 10.8 percent. Distribution losses average about 30% across the country.Central Electric Authority(CEA) has set a target of one lakh MW of additional power generation in the period of 12 th five year plan2012-17;if we were to grow at around (% of GDP.The current energy matrix is as follows:Thermal(65%),Hydro(21.5%),Renewable energy(10.5%) and Nuclear a meager (3%).The thermal power is highly polluting with highest carbon foot print.After Japn's Fukoshima disaster the nuclear power does not sound any promising future in the country;knowing, a developed country like Germany having asserted to cap all its nuclear power plants by 2022 on safety grounds.(Indian lives have been treated cheaper courtesy Bhopal gas tragedy.) The hydro power has long gestation period & its scope for growth nearly saturated unless some fresh new technology emerge.The future is in Renewable energy and new source of energy( like Husk & Urban waste Power).While containing the demand side of energy through deployment of better technology both micro & macro with high degree of public awareness for conservation of energy.

The solution to National energy challenges lies in adopting a new Energy Matrix of 40% of Renewable & New Energy and balance 60% from conventional sources with stiff conditions on Carbon foot print guidelines and compliance conditionality. To start with the Govt. can frame a law by virtue of which energy producers from conventional sources would have to produce 20 % of total installed capacity from Renewable & new Energy sources.Identically, the petroleum PSU would have to produce 20% of their production from Bio-fuels.This step alone would galvanize the renewable energy Industry and Bio-fuel sector.Further, GoI & State Govt. need to collaborate to find time bound solutions to Transmission &commercial losses to the tune of 30% of generated power to Internationally acceptable figure by deploying technology available and investing in R&D.GoI can also take further steps for prudent energy usages by commercial organizations & inside homes by mandatory use of equipments available off the selves by launching a very focused campaign across media domains and through the events in schools and colleges to emphasis "conservation of Energy" as a National mission and criminal waste of energy as Anti National. GoI need to earmark much more funds for renewable energy sources like solar power,wind power & new source like Husk power in rural areas and power from urban waste in cities & towns and also wind power from sea in the coast line of 8000 Km and roof top wind power. Govt. both at Center and States need to frame suitable laws to make one Hectare of "Jatropa farming" per Village mandatory with some incentives. That should add six lakh hectare of Jatropa cultivation and make the country less dependent on expensive imported fuel.
The other aspect that need urgent attention by the Govt. is the environmental impact of power generation in thermal plants which generate large amount of waste in terms of Polluted water & fly ash which need to be dealt with by the respective power producers by deploying suitable technology or developing new one by suitable funding of academic institutions and research bodies. In ten years, these measures would make a significant difference to our energy management.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Change in Leadership

Bikash Choudhury

UPA govt. smartly (laid out red carpet initially & once that did not work unabashedly used force) and very tactfully evicted Baba Ramdev from Ram Lila Grounds; eventually stopped a countrywide mass movement against corruption & black money on its track. As for now there is no threat to UPA-II spite of strident opposition campaign on the issue of eviction of Baba Ramdev from New Delhi.But,Baba has never the less raised very pertinent issue of National importance and has done very well in his own inimitable style with a lot of substance very unusual for a person claimed to be a Sadhu with millions of ardent follower; however, this has caught the imagination of a large section of our people including those young at heart who have been greatly enthused by Baba and his antiques and other dare devil spectacle.
Some time back, no less a person than Home Minister Mr. Chidambaram conceded with rare candor about the "Governance Deficit" in UPA-II Govt. and also separately talked about his limited mandate being Home Minister; tacitly putting his name into the leadership sweepstakes. Somebody has said before" India is a rich country with poor people" this is precisely because, the National wealth which otherwise would have brought succor to poor people in the country, siphoned out of the country without any checks & balance. And, further counterfeit currencies pumped into the country by same evil forces that run havoc in our money market and entire financial architecture. If Govt. fail to take concrete action now then when? And, to what consequence? While poor of country suffer with cascading effect of price rise on food items and petroleum products. Apart from corruption & black money the UPA-II actually very slow on many important issues where alibi of coalition compulsion may not hold good. Both Air India in Aviation & Railways are floundering. Industrial production is taking a nose dive, while economic growth numbers are being revised downwards. What is going wrong with this Govt.and where and what needs to be done to arrest the very visible slide in Governance that calls for immediate decision not another JPC(Joint Parliamentary committee or IMG (Inter Ministerial Group).

Million dollar question that defy answer at the moment is what kind of public perception will go down in the minds of prospective electorate of E-14 and how much of it remain residual for the discomfort to UPA-II, three years later difficult to predict. But, in view of election outcome of TamilNadu; where, demonstrable action against corruption in the form of A. Raja behind the bars and so do Mr. Kalmadi of CWG fame did not help at the hustings.It is now crystal clear, the image of UPA-II Govt. has taken a serious beating in the game of public perception. Only a change in Leadership of Govt. may usher in a fresh opportunity. Congress President may think of giving incumbent PM a graceful exit as time runs out for that and install Pranab Mukharjee as PM & Mr. Chidambaram as Deputy PM to crack the whip on Governance. At the moment Pranabda remains the best bet being from the eastern region and he being the most experienced, shrewd political manager in the Congress who has the stature & necessary skill to drive the Govt. into action with defacto Prime Ministerial authority which is not same as being the top adviser. With Chidambaram as 'number 2' in cabinet will help the team Pranab to deal with complex issues of governance facing the govt. and taking decisions on real time. Both the gentle men have long term aspiration for top leadership in Govt. and that would alone drive them into serious contemplation and action with demonstrable result.Failing which BJP most likely to return to power in the next round;though,the party seems to be in great disarray at the moment.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

What is common between 'fire &ghee', 'handsome boy & a beautiful girl' and 'stockpiles of arms & War’? Simple answer; one can't stay near the other without creating explosion or exploding with one another. In current times, UN-winnable war & un achievable territorial ambition has actually made stockpiles of arms & production of weapons of mass destruction and growing defense expenditure very futile & redundant. Nevertheless, World spends about 1500 billion USD annually as per figures available for 2009-10;out of which USA hold the lion’s share of about 800 billion USD. US President and his defense secretary currently mulling over to cut defense expenditure to the tune of 500 billion USD by 2023; which is too little and too late. Very soon, tax payer all over the World would demand that its Govt. spend what is needed to defend the country--not a penny more. When the entire World is fighting against natural calamities and climate change--spending huge sum of poor tax payer’s money to acquire and maintain an efficient "Killing Machine" of innocent human beings is atrocious and less than human. The misfortune that devastated Japan on March 11 and more recently in USA, most likely to be repeated in other parts of the World in future; therefore,, it is urgent & necessary for the World to "rise above Nationality to Preserve the Humanity”. The fragile planet belong to all of us and anything inimical done at one part of earth would hold consequence to the other part as well. The destiny of humanity of this civilization would be decided by Nature at its sweet time. However, present young generation must not give up, as it is their lives and their future which is being tampered & trampled prematurely by unimaginative Leadership of the World at current times. Young people of today must organize themselves to fight peacefully against the violence & War perpetrated by sovereign Nation States and also sophisticated & organized global terrorist groups. There is high degree of correlation between amount of weapons stored and chances of having war or violent backlash. Therefore, first of all it is important to cut down on stockpiles of Weapons & its production across the World. Secondly, it is also imperative to creatively deal with assuage the hurt feelings of young people in Muslim dominated countries who have been alienated fro the mainstream and Western Countries by love, compassion and actual understanding of their religion 'Islam' and dissemination of its fine prints inside the Muslim community and more specifically in the poor regions. The real understanding of real Islam by poor and under privileged of the community holds the key to stop global terrorism by controlling human resources to terrorist organizations.

Students community living in the University campuses across the World must take stock of this explosive like situation in the World and organize themselves in coherent groups to launch a sustained campaign against stockpiles of arms and for cut in production of WMD and above all excessive and unproductive defense related expenditure; which is over & above the just requirement of defending the territorial integrity of Nation States. This is not a fight which will give an immediate return or acceptance; therefore, University students in the Global Capital Cities must be prepared to fight long and hard peacefully in a very systemic manner using all the technology available at their command. To start with, they can persuade or convince as many Senators/Parliamentarians/Govt. functionaries as possible to get buy ins for "cut in Defense expenditure" of respective countries. Simultaneously, students can periodically organize peaceful demonstration in front of Parliament/Legislature of each country to press their demand. Governments worth their salt dare not antagonize future Leaders-young people in University campuses in Global Capital cities; sooner than later, the current leadership of each Nation would have to seriously consider about the penny drained in defense related expenses. Eventually, the next generation of Leadership would vote for a truncated defense expenditure regimen; which should improve the chances of "A Peaceful World".

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Vision & Strategy of Orissa-2021

Bikash Choudhury

Young boy of around twelve years gave the final touches to the glistening replica of Konark temple and jumped to the sea" the ice cool sea water splashed on my face that woke me up from deep slumber, slipped while trying to find feet on the ground, bruising the body; in the process, the nausea vanished completely. The realization dawned about self and about the dream in which I was viewing a brand new Konark Temple being completed and very unusually, me giving a speech to a distinguished audience with a few familiar faces in Govt., Bureaucracy, Opposition and Media fraternity. Strangely, I was speaking on "Vision & Strategy of Orissa-2021"The so called speech goes like this: " Good evening ladies & gentlemen, before I start, let me caution you that some of my Ideas you may find, prima facie unreal & impractical; please don't jump to the conclusion right away. Hang on to my words, please. Later part of my speech you will find sound logic, arguments that will vindicate all my contention in this speech. Please bear with me for some time.
Ladies and Gentle men, our State lost a war about two thousand years ago, but, still, it remains an important land mark in the annals of history. Our ancestors must have something on them that they could coerce Emperor Ashok to adopt & adept 'Budhism'.Those mind and hands built majestic Konark temple must have high degree of competence in Architecture, Engineering, Project Management capability 800 years ago. The cells in our body, our blood veins, our genes and our DNA must have a trace of our ancestors. But, is it not strange- How come we don't know to keep our city clean? How largest malaria related deaths happen in our State? How we still evacuate our sewerage and Industrial waste into our rivers? How our people live on the streets under the open sky and children go to work? There are a few more questions that defy answers but dare not ask. Apparently or perhaps our current civilization has pressed "Control + Delete" in our collective memory and that put us behind twenty States in India in terms of Per Capita Income & general competitiveness.
Ladies&Gentlemen, shouldn't we say enough is enough. Shall we not try to comprehend, where do we wish find ourselves a decade later, by the end of 2021.Ten years from now we must achieve 100% literacy, complete removal of poverty, each family in urban & rural areas must have a decent home, every adult a job, world class road connecting clean & green cities and towns, a complete railway network and reasonable air connectivity, water bodies free from pollution and State having lowest carbon foot print in the World. Can we pack it in a frame of 10 years? Yes, we can; if not, we will never ever do it in any stretch of time. Friends, to accomplish all the cherished parameters may not be easy but, not difficult either. Just we have to work on five broad areas.

1. A powerful brand identity of Orissa.
2. Convert State Govt. organization into a powerful delivery mechanism.
3. Need to develop a powerful culture
4. Rapid Economic growth.
5. A strong value.
'Green Orissa' as brand identity of State would get National attention and International recognition which would later help the State to attract FDI, Best Technology and Top class human resources. We need to achieve cent percent climate change compliance, Comprehensive green legislation that stop and prevent further pollution/ deterioration of precious natural resources, A citizens’ charter for green practises,Emphasis & encouragement on research & development in Green Energy Technology that eventually leading to lowest carbon foot print in the World.
Best Govt. of the World as an internal branding exercise to obtain commitment and enthuse them to work towards the goal of highest standard of public service by unleashing the potential of human resources.
Develop a collective mindset for Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise in all walks of life by creating a very conducive and competitive atmosphere that encourage individual to give only their best. Focusing on clean and green cities and towns could be one of the tools to test the paradigm.
Nee to target a growth rate that doubles the gross state domestic product in every five years. That can be achieved by leveraging co-operative in retail, Agriculture & Agro, Westland development, Micro finance. Empowering the MSME and youth energy, Leveraging cities and towns as economic units, Moving to high value agriculture and also developing Bhubaneswar city as hub of multiple Industries.
Last but not least, instill 'discipline' as most important value in the society that is respected in all walks of life in the State through a sustained public campaign. Friends, I am sure with a concerted effort for a period of ten years, we can achieve our goal and the dream of our leader and Statesman Late Sri Biju Patnaik who wished to see Orissa in the same level of Socio-Economic-Political strength that was achieved during the reign of Emperor Kharvela in Kalinga Empire. Very recently, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore developed his country from a developing to a globally recognized economic power in a span of just twenty five years. If you all wish, Orissa can achieve a prosperous State status in a decade. Can we???”