Monday, January 17, 2011

World Parliament of Religion

SUBJECT: To Organize “World Parliament of Religion” at Bhubaneswar.

Back Ground:World is going through very tough time of last two thousand of years as violence perpetrated by religious fundamentalist and fanatics is disturbing the peace while the effects of climate change is snapping at the heels of human civilization; and unperturbed, Nation States busy in arms race at the expense of poor people. An effort can be made to reach out to the hearts and minds of people through a convention of World Religions. That is “World Parliament of Religions” the one Swami Vivekananda addressed at Chicago, 11 September 1893, good 117 years ago.

Why at Bhubaneswar? Bhubaneswar was the place two thousand years ago and after the Great Kalinga War the message of peace sent across the world by Emperor Ashoka.
Patanjali & Bharat Swabhiman: The cause of Patanjali & Bharat Swabhiman would be greatly enhanced all over the world by conducting such convention as it would receive moral and material support of all State Govt., Central Govt. and even other developed and developing countries.

Benefits: World Parliament of religions may be able to stop or control growing fundamentalism and violence on the name of religion.
Create better understanding among religions of the World and a permanent mechanism to hold regular dialogue on all Religions practiced and pursued in the world.
May be, a few long standing global disputes could be resolved over a short period of time.
For India, this could be a foreign policy master stroke and enhance the prestige of India in diplomatic circles.
Spread the good word about Indian culture and places of tourist interest and therefore help grow inbound tourism.
Will be tribute to the memory of Swami Vivekananda.

Contact: Bikash Choudhury, GA-41[ Annex], Niladri Vihar Bhubaneswar-751021, Mob:9853426657,9238912647

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