Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

Indian citizen should be free to hoist Indian National flag at any location in the country on a Republic Day. If some body is denied to do so in Srinagar,Kashmir would amount to, conceding Pakistan, that State of J&K is a disputed territory.No union Govt. of India worth its salt or for that matter State Govt. of J&K under no circumstance can ever prevent its citizen to celebrate its own Republic day. There should not be any fear in the minds of any govt about the prospect of violence to be orchestrated by Kashmir separatist group. Come what may we should, and must upheld the sovereignty of India on its own soil;otherwise, the backlash of Indian people could bury any govt under the fury of anger and frustration of Tsunami proportion.Timid response has never helped in the past and never will in future.Let good sense prevail.

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