Sunday, January 30, 2011

Global Economy Revival-Indian Opportunity


Global economy currently need an opportunity for large scale new job creation and value creation by value addition in huge scale that could alter the quality, quantity and value of consumption that would be just sufficient to drive Global demand for goods and services in mature economy. India presently holds the key to faster Global economy revival and a stronger and stable Global Economy. India is currently having over half a billion rural population ready to join the ranks of middle class with higher per ca-pita consumption.However,Indian economy is plugged by logistical bottleneck, inefficient agriculture and huge leakage in value of goods due to mismatch between supply and demand for each category of agricultural commodity. World Bank can bridge the gap in logistical bottleneck in India with an aid of $500 billion USD. The aid could help India complete three projects that would plug the logistical bottleneck in a time frame of ten years. First, transform the four metro cities like Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai in to World Class Cities with an investment of $ 100 billion USD. Second, to connect the four Metro Cities by Bullet Trains with an investment of $ 100 billion USD. Third, to complete all Road and Railway projects connecting small cities with metro cities and connect over half a million villages with near by towns by all weather and concrete roads with an investment of $ 300 billion USD.These investments in India would create immediate job opportunity in mature economies of US & Europe as infrastructure companies in developed countries are likely corner the contracts in India. In long term, after completion of three projects; Indian rural and urban economy could be integrated by virtue of world class logistics and therefore save the leakages
value of Agriculture commodities. Further, Indian economy would be able to deal with mismatch in supply and demand for Agricultural products due to smooth flow of information and infrastructure for movement of physical goods and services. Again, large scale value addition in agricultural commodities could take place in rural areas more competitively with economies in labor arbitrage. Development of Productive capacities for value addition and production of finished products, ancillaries and to extent capital goods would happen in rural areas and that would drive employment and consumption in long run to complete the virtuous cycle of prosperity in India and demand for goods and services for mature economy in US and Europe.
Again, India is a large and mature democracy with proven ability of smooth transfer of political power on the basis of popular mandate. Global investment in India would be secure and most likely to return a better ROCE than other BRIC countries. World Bank must give this Indian opportunity a chance.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Bikash Choudhury

Indian citizen should be free to hoist Indian National flag at any location in the country on a Republic Day. If some body is denied to do so in Srinagar,Kashmir would amount to, conceding Pakistan, that State of J&K is a disputed territory.No union Govt. of India worth its salt or for that matter State Govt. of J&K under no circumstance can ever prevent its citizen to celebrate its own Republic day. There should not be any fear in the minds of any govt about the prospect of violence to be orchestrated by Kashmir separatist group. Come what may we should, and must upheld the sovereignty of India on its own soil;otherwise, the backlash of Indian people could bury any govt under the fury of anger and frustration of Tsunami proportion.Timid response has never helped in the past and never will in future.Let good sense prevail.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dialogue Frame Work

Bikash Choudhury

The founding father of our constitution designed our democratic system and public institution to reflect the will of the people in day-to-day administration of the country. However, due to substantial growth of population and ever growing scope of administration has made the process of framing public policy and its execution increasingly complex;therefore, in spite of best intention some time political & bureaucratic leadership fail to respond to the need of tax payers appropriately and adequately. A frame work of continuing dialogue can be established to bridge the information gap between top policy makers and ground realities at State & District level. If the top leadership in Govt, Opposition, NGO, Media and even Private sector meet once in a month at State Capital & identically, in district head quarter and take stock of situation,issues and events then we can have better information driven public policies and their execution. Currently, generally administration takes lot of time to identify problems and more time in framing suitable policies to address the issue and still much longer to implement policies and unfortunately if the policies were turn out to be defective; it takes long long time to revise and rectify. Therefore, a continuing dialogue frame work would be helpful to frame right policies and their execution in their first attempt. However, Govt, should approach this subject in open mind in the larger interest of the State and its people.

Monday, January 17, 2011

World Parliament of Religion

SUBJECT: To Organize “World Parliament of Religion” at Bhubaneswar.

Back Ground:World is going through very tough time of last two thousand of years as violence perpetrated by religious fundamentalist and fanatics is disturbing the peace while the effects of climate change is snapping at the heels of human civilization; and unperturbed, Nation States busy in arms race at the expense of poor people. An effort can be made to reach out to the hearts and minds of people through a convention of World Religions. That is “World Parliament of Religions” the one Swami Vivekananda addressed at Chicago, 11 September 1893, good 117 years ago.

Why at Bhubaneswar? Bhubaneswar was the place two thousand years ago and after the Great Kalinga War the message of peace sent across the world by Emperor Ashoka.
Patanjali & Bharat Swabhiman: The cause of Patanjali & Bharat Swabhiman would be greatly enhanced all over the world by conducting such convention as it would receive moral and material support of all State Govt., Central Govt. and even other developed and developing countries.

Benefits: World Parliament of religions may be able to stop or control growing fundamentalism and violence on the name of religion.
Create better understanding among religions of the World and a permanent mechanism to hold regular dialogue on all Religions practiced and pursued in the world.
May be, a few long standing global disputes could be resolved over a short period of time.
For India, this could be a foreign policy master stroke and enhance the prestige of India in diplomatic circles.
Spread the good word about Indian culture and places of tourist interest and therefore help grow inbound tourism.
Will be tribute to the memory of Swami Vivekananda.

Contact: Bikash Choudhury, GA-41[ Annex], Niladri Vihar Bhubaneswar-751021, Mob:9853426657,9238912647

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Apparently, reducing voting age to 16 Yrs. of age is fraught with danger;keeping in view of the so called political averse nature of a typical sixteen year old boy or girl in our country. But, before coming to a conclusive decision on the matter,it needs a thorough investigation & research by Election commission. Mr. Quereshi and election commission needs to be complemented for their daring efforts on minimizing the money and muscle power in election; recent Bihar Assembly election bore this out. However, completely removing the shadows of criminals and their syndicate would require more than a national consensus; a change in our criminal justice system, IPC,basic premise on policing and on top of it all, the desire of "We the People". When some of our own ilk are under the shadows of law enforcing agency, we conveniently take the shortest cut to protect our family reputation. Therefore, blaming the Police and law of the land is not always the answer to current phenomena of criminalization of politics-electoral system but our collective and common attitude towards law and propriety holds the answers to our cataclysmic times.At the same time we must not given into Cynicism. Let there be fresh efforts, new ideas and further investigation till we come to see the light at the end of tunnel.