Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to Tame Inflation?

(Published in The New Indian Express in letter to editor column on 31 July 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

RBI announced monetary policy recently.Our central bank undoubtedly did a commendable job in attempting to control double digit inflation. But, inflation is unlikely to be tamed any time soon by monetary policy alone. The queue in front of Jewellery shops, ever increasing demand for real estate and a spectacle of fancy automobiles on the road, confirm about the presence of huge amount of liquid cash with people.
Govt. need to come out with Infra Bond with attractive terms to suck a portion of cash to create durable assets for common people with better ROI. This may cool down the market a bit without affecting growth momentum. To tighten the food Inflation State and Central Govt. must take exemplary action against hoarders and black marketers; and, at the same time may consider distributing excess food stock and other essential items through revamped Public Distribution System (PDS).
Govt. need to examine and plug all the sources of non-conventional supply of currency, large transactions taking place outside our money market, illegal exports across the borders and large scale betting on currency arbitrage. Last but not the least, Govt. also, needs to integrate the supply chain-cold chains to evacuate perishable farm products in real time, bringing a quarter of total green vegetable production on the plates which otherwise go waste.This will reduc the inflationary pressures and volatility in food products substantially.It is unlikely that bureaucrats does not know what needs to be done; but, the excercise would call for seer guts among highest levels in the Government.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

PAKISTAN— Strategic Liability of USA

Bikash Choudhury

Pakistan is lucky to have the geographical advantage in Asia to be courted by Global powers in spite of being the principal trouble maker in the region. Just recent undiplomatic behavior of Pakistan Foreign Minister Mr.Saha Mohmmed Quereshi with visiting Indian Foreign Minister in public that to on a joint press conference displays Pakistani chutzpa; mainly born out of unstinted support and Billions worth of American aid. Americans have completely ignored many omissions and commissions of Pakistani establishment; top one being global proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology courtesy Mr. A.Q.Khan. Any lesser mortal would have to suffer the humiliation of American fire power just like Iraq. Pakistan has initiated four wars against India without any provocation. In 1971 Pakistani Army plundered its own citizens in East Pakistan that eventually led to the birth of a new country Bangladesh. In spite of acute draw back in Governance; Pakistan continues to lay claim on Indian state of J&K and therefore, perpetrate terror module from across the borders. Americans know Pakistan establishment under General Mussaraf played double game with USA; however, Pakistan continue to be a Strategic Asset of Global power, though evidence and current trends points exactly in the opposite direction.
Why Americans are so dependent on Pakistan? That defies a convincing answer. It is sad that USA Secretary of State during her visit to Kabul choose to ignore the misbehavior of Pak foreign minister which suo motto constitutes grave impropriety in Global Diplomatic Community in International Affairs. Can USA afford, not to take a stand on the issue? If not, then Pakistanis could be further emboldened to take more audacious steps to disturb peace in the region. May be, with generous help from their close friend China make an attempt to invade Indian state of J&K with the use of Nuclear Weapon and put the blame on Taliban; that would start a dangerous military confrontation in the region. Pakistani establishment has the will and interest to pursue J&K, come what may. Hypothetically speaking, what would be the impact on USA administration, being partner against global terror? These can be very real, knowing Pakistani idiosyncrasy. If such a thing did happen and result went against Pakistan; then, USA administration would have to take cognizance of Pakistan as a “Strategic Liability”?????

Dangerous US Policy

(Published in The New Indian Express in Letter to Editor column on 3 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Recent statements made by senior US administration officials recently. Admiral Mike Mullen has said “Militants may trigger Indo-Pak war, Richard Holbrook has admitted “The links between ISI & the Taliban are a problem” and Philip J Crowley said “We understand that there are difficult issues that will over time be a subject of that ongoing dialogue. We encourage India to sit down, talk at high levels, and engage in the issues that have created tensions between the two countries in the past”. It is important to know what our Govt. response was, to such sweeping statements of US administration. It looks as if our Govt. has not taken cognizance of US thinking that could have serious repercussion on our country’s security and democracy. First statement, indirectly or diplomatically notifying India of future attack, just like 26/11 from Pakistani soil and India has to keep quite; though, secretary of state has warned of disastrous consequence, should there be another attack originating from Pakistan. Why such a response is not open to India? The lives of Indians are cheaper than that of Americans? Second statement confirms the link and collaboration between ISI and Taliban; and in spite of that US administration continues to arm Pakistani military and offer liberal aid that eventually lands with ISI.What are the compulsions of US administration to follow such self defeating policies? That would have telling effect on the security of the region. Third statement, diplomatically sound India to bring J&K to the negotiating table which is against fundamental policy of Indian people; as state of J&K constitute an integral part of Indian sovereignty. This underlines US Govt. approach that surrenders to ‘International Bullies’ and only understand the ‘Language of Gun’, be it South Asia or Middle East. One thing, US administration must not discount the fact; if Indian people loose confidence over US administration’s neutrality & impartiality then that could have far reaching consequence on future US role in global affairs. Indian Govt. can choose to be aggressive. It is about time for US govt. to call off Pakistani bluff, fairly and squarely otherwise Americans would get embroiled deeper and longer in the region. Further, Americans must advise Israel to take initiative to resolve all outstanding issues with Palestaine in a peaceful manner. Identically, USA must take drastic step, both financial and military to stop Pakistan from being a security challenge for South Asia and World at large.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is pulling down Orissa?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 21 July 2010 in Letter to Editor Column)
Bikash Choudhury

Why Odisha is considered still a poor State? Ruling party and its leadership have managed to cut many a corner; but, findings of survey after survey have confirmed Odisha one among four poor States in the country in spite of, best of policies, fiscal prudence, emphasis on governance, decent execution capabilities of State Govt. and over 9% growth in GSDP, that is over and above the National average. What are the factors that are making the growth story of Odisha surreal? To my mind, there are two factors that pull down the growth of Odisha year after year. First, poor development of KBK region despite of huge central allocation; Second, over thirty percent SC & ST population whose Per-Capita income is much below the average Per-Capita income of the State for years. What is the way forward? We need to diagnose, where & why KBK Development Authority could not make much an impact? KBK Development authority has invested huge sum of money in the region for last nine years; however, the results are not forthcoming. Governmental program though intended for the development of the capacity of the beneficiary but due to the ‘dole’ mindset does not create interest among beneficiary to create durable productive asset for their family instead most of the sum most of the time goes for current consumption. Further, since the stake of beneficiary is not locked in with the specific programs for their development; that is treated as grants by the Govt. in rural areas, courtesy their ballots. And, therefore, fail to start a collaborative effort for value creation. For faster economic development of KBK region; Govt. should deploy a chunk of financial resources through District Co-operative Banks in the region. Off late, it has been observed that a few District Co-operative Banks under dynamic leadership have devised innovative programs for Irrigation, Horticulture, Fishery and general capacity building in collaboration with farmers and other rural folks, which has shown substantial return on investment and also development of confidence among people in a collaborative and participative business model. District Co-operative Banks with their branches and co-operative societies have substantial presence in deep inside rural pockets and have intimate knowledge about the drivers of economy in their respective areas; which can be leveraged by State Govt. in KBK region; and that would reflect a decent growth story of Odisha than otherwise. What is needed is, apart from fund allocation; Govt. should also take keen interest in selection of dynamic leaders in co-operative sector with consistent past achievement for the District Central Co-operative Banks of Kalahandi, Bolangir and Koraput.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Peaceful Kashmir

Bikash Choudhury

What is, or who is, standing on the way of a peaceful Kashmir? There is no easy answer to this question. Politicians and people from the valley are still scared to face such a question and precisely that is one of the stumbling blocks that prevent peace to return to the valley. Kashmir is called “heaven on earth” and our politicians and some separatist who break Pakistani bread at home are standing on the way to peace at heavenly valley. Kashmiri people have long realized their folly for supporting separatist group in 1980-90 apparently, as each Kashmiri family lost at least one member to the terrorist bullets. With the election of Omar Abdullah as Chief Minister of J&K; there was all round hope and an actual opportunity to offer a healing touch to the peace loving people of Kashmir valley. Opportunity was lost for ever. Timing is very important to resolve such complex issues. The undue delay in starting a credible political dialogue by the State and Central Govt. is the genesis of current impasse as separatist groups got a chance to arouse passion among the youth; who are suffering due to lack of development and poor job opportunities in the valley. After normalcy return, Omar Govt. would do well to impress upon central Govt. to announce J&K package to deal with the challenges of development in the Valley, Jammu and Ladakh regions in larger interest of India’s international image; as untoward events in J&K badly bruise global reputation of the country as an emerging global power. That is, just to cool the frayed nerves of separatist groups and their hanger-on’s; as they would consider that as their own victory, let it be that way. But, permanent and durable political solution of J&K lies in uninterrupted and sincere dialogue among cross section of people including those who are financed by Pakistani establishment with the State & Central Government to look for common grounds. At the same time, State and Central Govt. must start a parallel communication with emerging leaders from separatist groups & others to educate them about the current developments in Pakistan and perils for Kashmiri people in the company of Pakistani establishment. A country (Pakistan) that can’t govern itself properly; how can they come to the aid of Kashmiri people? Birth of Bangladesh & sufferings of Mohajirs inside Pakistan are live examples. Hurriyat conference and its leaders have sold themselves to Pakistani establishment in the greed for political power; as they are ignorant of Indian history and what happened to Mirzafar at the hands of British forces. However, talks must continue in spite of set backs if any; at least to preserve modicum of normalcy to attract tourist and engage young people in lucrative business at places of tourist interest in the Kashmir valley. It is quite unlikely that Hurriyat conference would agree to any permanent settlement without an active involvement and consent of Pakistan; on whose direction and assistance they have survived this long without popular support. At a convenient time Hurriyat conference can be dumped during the process of consultation; which could be long and tortuous. Pakistan can be sounded out at an appropriate time to stay off or else face the consequence. Pakistan currently fighting internal civil war can’t have the stomach to engage with India in its eastern borders. UPA Govt. must and should learn from the past mistakes of earlier Govt. and therefore, invest time & money to resolve the vexed problem of J&K in collaboration with its coalition Govt. in the state and accommodating genuine Kashmiri concerns and aspiration within Indian sovereignty ASAP. Longer we stretch more complicated it would become.