Friday, May 28, 2010

Aircraft with Fire Prevention & Protection System

Bikash Choudhury

In last six months we have come across more than five fatal passenger Aircraft accidents across the world taking a heavy toll of human life;the recent one at Mangalore involving Air India Boeing 737-800;where 158 passengers lost lives,looked an avoidable one.However,passenger Aircraft Industry,at least now, must invest in R&D to develop passenger aircraft incorporating suitable technology to prevent & control fire in case of crash landings and other such accidents. Aircraft Industry would stand to benefit from inducting such a technology;therefore, Industry must and should invest in developing the technology sooner than later. This can also be outsourced to technical institution like IIT/IISc/NIT/DRDO and many others to cut cost and time.

Dissent within UPA Govt.

Bikash Choudhury

Dissent or independent opinion in democratic parties and even in Govt. is welcome till such time a collective view is taken in the matter; thereafter, the same issue can only be debated at appropriate time to review the decision vis-à-vis the outcome in the comfort of party forum or in Govt.. Free for all debate publicly on sensitive issues like internal security and foreign policy would weaken the leadership of party and Govt. and create confusion which may suit bureaucracy to defer decision making and halt action in important issues of State. Consequently common people will suffer. Otherwise, hard nosed politician of Digvijay Singh’s stature can’t afford to air his personal opinion in public pertaining to strategy on Naxalism which is in variance with the current policy of his Govt. His broadside at Mr. Chidambaram “intellectual arrogance” was also an indecent proposal which could have been avoided in the interest of his party and Govt... Jairam Ramesh’s comment against home ministry in foreign soil is absolutely condemnable. Chidambaram’s comment ‘limited mandate’ is also equally deplorable. Ministers must follow a check list before speaking to media out of turn; sound bites must be either in the interest of country or Govt. or at least the party.

Secret Power of Mr. Singh

Bikash Choudhury

One year completion of UPA II. “Manmohan Singh as politician has arrived” the phrase has been repeated again and again in media, to my mind quite unnecessarily; because, without being an ace politician with impeccable political acumen no one can administer a country of India’s complexity, consecutively for six long years. Politicians both from ruling party and opposition were equally surprised at the smooth tenure of Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister. The secret weapon that he wields is nothing but his patent humility in spite of holding the most powerful office in the country; apart, from his low key style of functioning which endears him to the people at large. Former Prime Minister Lalbahadur Sastri and Atalbihari Vajpayee practiced identical style of leadership and held considerable power over Governance quietly.

Holiday Trip for US President in India

Bikash Choudhury

God of the World, Sri Jagannath and Chief Arbiter of the World, Barak Obama, President of USA must meet to stop violence and promote peace across the World. Lord Sri Jagannath (God of the World) lives in his temple and comes out once a year to give Darshan to all his devotees irrespective of cast, creed, religion and race. This event is popularly known world over as Rath Yatra at temple town Puri attended by over million people with enthusiasm, excitement and great religious fervor. 13th July 2010, Tues Day is Rath Yatra at Puri.This could be a unique opportunity for the US President to pay a visit to God of the World to invoke spiritual blessings on his agenda of Peace and Development for the world. This could also be first family holiday for US President’s family outside USA; and, that will throw an opportunity for US President to connect with the culture of east. Further, US President could visit historical landmarks like Dhaulagiri near the site of Great Kalinga War where Emperor Ashok took to Buddhism after seeing the bloodshed in war. Impeccable Handicrafts of Odisha, tribal habitat and culture could be of great interest for the first lady, Michele Obama. Bhitar Kanika and Similipal wild life sanctuary could be of great interest for the two daughters of the US President. This will also be a great professional accomplishment for the US Ambassador to India.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Real Freedom

Bikash Choudhury

India got freedom from colonial power full sixty three years ago; but, are we really free? Country may have attained freedom in a physical dimension but our thinking, actions, even our State machinery and other manifestation of State apparently, still remain under chains of colonial regime. Otherwise, how could a chunk of our own country men dare to start armed revolution against their own elected Govt.? Colonial regime established a system of governance to collect maximum revenue and spend as little as possible in order to repatriate wealth to the coffers of their parent country. Slowly people come to discover that same colonial mechanism of administration continue even today with minor cosmetic changes. People in Government treat ordinary citizens more or less as their subjects and follow a culture of licking at the top and kicking at the bottom. Further, in their work they absolutely don’t use their faculty and prefer to follow precedents, established customs against their better judgment to be safe. We continue to use colonial terminology Collector for the administrative head of a district. If any body approach a police station in the country for protection against mischief; it is more likely, he would receive a treatment not much different from that of colonial days. We still religiously follow the same Indian Penal Code that gained currency under imperial authority. We still love English language more than our National language Hindi and put our children in school to become clerk in Govt. office. Our rich people prefer to hoard their cash in foreign banks and top bureaucracy is designed & designated as I.A.S not much different from their colonial avatar I.C.S. Perhaps, five hundred years of colonization of the country has effectively transformed our DNA from master to slaves. Therefore, we have lost the ability to think independently. We need to regain our old habit of independent thinking as an independent country at all levels to become master of our own destiny; otherwise, at best we could be left as the clones of our colonial masters. Freedom to think independently as a free nation would constitute real freedom.

Tail piece: Govt. employees are both producer and consumer of government services; if some day at a given time all the employees of Government both central and state in the country decide to apply consumer centric approach in their transaction with common people and to works related to the welfare of people then overnight Govt. policies, programs and their execution would see a substantial improvement and bring in double digit growth of our economy with equity.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Why water conservation is important?: Global temperature going up due to climate change phenomena. Consequently average temperature during summer is rising across the country at alarming rate. Our green cover is continuously depleting under the pressure of development as a result of which ground water table is sinking year after year. Further, the pattern of rainfall is also changing, creating havoc of flood followed by draught in substantial part of our state; that has ruined State economy to an extent for many years. Simple solution could be water conservation in general & saving of rain water during monsoons. Odisha can grab the leadership position in the country on the subject by making water conservation & rain water harvesting a popular public movement by using the services of Biju Janata Dal party leaders & workers to launch a movement in the state.

Objective:• To generate strong public opinion in favor of water conservation and saving of rain water and, to create a new mindset among residents of our state.
• Target 20% savings in per capita consumption of water in homes and organizations.
• To popularise installation of rain water harvesting system in homes & offices.
• Facilitate renovation and maintenance of all water bodies and natural water channels.
• Facilitate implementation of farm pond scheme of state Government.
• Encourage research in educational institutions to develop new and better methods & technology for water conservation, recycling and harvesting techniques.
• Facilitate plantation on the embankments of water bodies.
• Collaboration with Industry to create business models for water conservation & harvesting.

Strategy: To mobilize party leaders and workers of BJD to organize domain experts, Media and General Public to create strong public opinion in favor of water conservation & harvesting of rain water by house holds and organizations. Create an organization for the purpose involving party workers, local residents and commercial establishments of a small locality to conserve water & harvest rainwater in the locality.

Action plan:

• Biju Janata Dal leadership would nominate members for the central committee on Water Conservation.
• Central committee on Water Conservation at BJD HQ would create an advisory body comprising domain experts to frame process & methods to achieve the objective. Central committee would also monitor the progress of work in regular intervals and offer moral & material support to local committees.
• Central committee would identify five political workers of BJD in each locality who have interest in the domain and wish to mobilize people for the cause in their respective area.
• Local committee can be constituted with five BJD members and five local residents for each locality to accomplish the objective in all respects.
• One local public meeting can be organized in each area to generate awareness in the locality.
• Local committee can involve Educational Institutions in the area to recruit volunteers and generate resources required for the mission.


Bikash Choudhury

Why cleanliness of Cities and Towns are important? : Cities and Towns are the windows of our state to the outside world. Further, population growth in cities and town is so much so that in few years forty percent of our population would live in urban areas. Therefore, in spite of best efforts of City administrations; our cities and towns are increasingly looking like waste dump. The situation is growing in alarming rate and would have severe impact on our general health and economy. It is now understood clearly that Govt. alone can’t handle the task at hand; and it requires spontaneous public support and endorsement. A Political movement on the subject through Biju Janata Dal can be planned for a year. To start with, we can have a pilot program in two cities i.e., Bhubaneswar & Puri for three months and later a comprehensive program can be launched in top 50 cities.


• Create a mindset for cleanliness among the residents of the City.
• To discourage use of plastic/polythin bags and encourage the use of bio-degradable bags made of fabric or jute.
• To encourage segregation of wastes from home.
• To facilitate conversion of kitchen wastes from homes and eateries into vermicomposte.
• To educate vendors about using waste bins.
• To collaborate with city administrators for clearing wastes in time in all areas.
• Facilitate installation of waste bins in uncovered areas.
• Cleaning & maintenance of storm water drains.
• To collaborate with Business/ Industry to deal with special wastes.
• Encourage plantation of trees to create a green belt in each locality.

Strategy: To mobilize Political workers of BJD, local residents & vendors of a small locality to maintain cleanliness.

Action plan:

• To identify five political workers of BJD who have interest in the domain and wish to mobilize people for the cause in their respective area.
• Local committee can be constituted with five BJD members and five local residents for each locality to accomplish the objective in all respects.
• One local public meeting can be organized in each area to generate awareness in the locality.
• Local committee can involve Educational institutions in the area to recruit volunteers and generate resources required for the mission.
• Central committee at BJD HQ can monitor the progress of work in regular intervals and offer moral & material support to local committees.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alternative US Policy for Asia

Bikash Choudhury

Former US President, Jorge Bush Jr. at the end of his consecutive two terms demitted office; a very sad man. Having ruined the electoral prospects of his republican party in the Presidential race. And, thus giving a hope in the form of a new, young and for the first time an US President from African origin; answering the calls of Thomas Jefferson and bringing curtains to his famous speech “I have a dream”. Truly, it was a celebration time for peace loving young people across the world cutting across race, religion and demography. After over a year to the inauguration of the 44th President of United States of America things have not moved as fast as it could have on the shadows of “Audacity of Hope” and strange, even after US President earned an endorsement in the form of Nobel Peace prize. Make no mistake, Barak Obama is as sincere and committed as he was year a go; but, apparently and perhaps, he is being hemmed and hawed by internal politics of US and, he being new to the terrains of majority politics at Capitol Hill, practiced for years. The very same forces led former US President to an avoidable war in Iraq which actually burned over a trillion, precious US dollars of tax payer’s money. Bush said with great regret “I was misled by my advisors”. It is common knowledge who were his advisors and what were their vested interest in a war. God for bid US policy makers do not make the same mistake again and again; now, with Pakistan. The failed attempt to bomb the ‘Times Square’ by Pakistan trained US citizen of Pakistani origin is indication enough that Pakistan would not mind biting the hand that feeds her with billions of dollars in aid. It is about time, US policy makers to be prudent enough to get off from the shoulders of fatal horse-Pakistan, in their Geo Strategic Policy for Asia.

American policy for Asia can be redesigned through the prism of a stable, peaceful and democratic South Asia, if need be minus Pakistan. There is a possibility of Pakistan being courted by China; it would be in US long term strategic interest to concede the problem child to a new parent and save billions of US tax payer’s money; at the same time protecting a toehold of control over the policies of Pakistan through the spoiled brat of Pakistan-the ISI, which may not be a too difficult objective to achieve. Now, US policy makers can encourage India to gain control over South Asian countries through suitable initiative on Economy and Development with a tacit funding arrangement with US. South Asia holds over 200 million impoverished Muslim population who can be brought back to the mainstream economy speedily by liberal doses of aid for education and capacity building which will create a very positive public opinion in favor of US in the rest of the Muslim countries and also, across the globe. Further, China’s haughtiness can be suitably addressed by attempting to engage the China sensitive issues like Tibet’s self determination and unification of Taiwan. Chinese are shrewd enough not to pick a fight with two powerful forces at the same time, that is South Asian regional power India and global power US.

India and US share many common grounds being two large democracies having citizens from much dispersed back ground and still espouse a near fascist nationalistic fervor among its people. That apart, in next two decades the two countries are going to share complementary demographic challenges and could help each other through near free movement of labor to enrich both the economy. Further, in social context US President is worried about failing American marriages and broken family; therefore, with a close and intensive cultural exchange program India could export its strong cultural values that have with stood the test and taste of time and over civilizations to help Americans to strengthen their family values. And, again marriage as an institution for a progressive, stable and economically strong society. At the same time, US can also export its entrepreneurial culture to India at a profit. Therefore, US policy makers must think hard and quick to support India as regional power in South Asia just as they had done in Europe before. The cost of paradigm shift in American policy for Asia would be the least in terms of hard dollars and policy makers’ time. Any takers?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Historic Opportunity for Mr. Singh

Bikash Choudhury

Meet, Sarat Mohapatra(name changed on request) otherwise, an educated person with a stable income and a small family to look after, in the remote village of Gokhapada, encircled by river in Mahakalapada block of Orissa. Ask him, if he were to be the Prime Minister of the country, what he would like to do? He would promptly answer without blinking an eyelid that he imagined of a strong and self confident India who does not have to prostrate before global powers every now and then. We will get millions of people like him who are indulgent about their country and aspire to sit on that coveted chair to be able to implement all of their ideas to see India as one of the global power. Now, if we ask our incumbent PM, Mr. Manmohan Singhji, if he gets to put all his ideas into work in progress? He would definitely lament on less than supportive, 10 Janpath and un-cooperative colleagues in the cabinet. Bit sad; even, PM of the country does not have the power to implement ideas as per his choosing. Mr. Singh actually had a historic opportunity with an improved mandate second time; but, failed to capitalise on political space that was offered to him by virtue of fractured verdict of 2009.Mr. Singh could have shown the statesmanship to establish a working relationship with opposition leader Sri L.K.Advani to chart an audacious and adventurous journey in framing bold policies to clear the baggage of imperial regime and many of our own previous Govt. to lead the country into a position of influence in global affairs. India still can make it. Challenges faced by the Govt. can be broadly divided into three categories, viz., Internal Security, External Threat and Infrastructure Deficiency. Let us look at each of them separately.

Internal Security: Difficult to own the fact that the present precarious internal security situation is a by product of denial of justice to innocents for long time and compulsion of law enforcing agencies to look at the rule book only when it is politically expedient; that has corroded entire system beyond repair. This requires a national consensus to overhaul the Police, Judiciary and IPC for preserving a peaceful, equitable and a progressive society. If, we commission a research; I am sure that will confirm fifty percent of extremism can be dealt with by non-violence tools and balance can be dealt with a shrewd military strategy that removed ferocious LTTE from earth. Completely dealing with the internal security challenges would offer substantial strength both moral & material to deal with external threat and infrastructure deficiency.

External Threat: It is common knowledge India has always remained under military threat from western and northern borders. Pakistan is fast moving towards a civil war. In few years Pakistan situation would have a mirror image of Afghanistan. Risk of a military engagement with Pakistan would remain very high in coming years with J&K as an excuse. China has recently started showing its colors on the back of its growing economic strength. Apart from dealing with the threat with a suitable military plan; India could also gain a very advantage position vis-à-vis military threat by crafting an apt diplomatic strategy to remain on the top of the global mind space that would work as effective antidote to our belligerent neighbors. India could actually lend a helping hand to US President who has been apparently isolated and cornered by US law makers and bureaucracy to unveil his global agenda. Again, attempt can be made to befriend Russia by recreating cold war closeness which has rich history. Further, India must make an audacious attempt to convert South Asia into a common market with Indian currency as the single currency just like European Union. It will add a jing to the Indian aura in global affairs.

Infrastructure Deficiency: The poor civic conditions in our metros and cities have already reached alarming proportion. The road network in the country is far from optimum and quality of roads still remains much to be desired. Railways have not been able to keep up with the demand of billion plus growing population. Our rivers and other water bodies have been polluted to be fit for human consumption; inland water way and interlinking of river basins have been left as ideas to be discussed only in seminars. Now, we have reached a point where just incremental changes in catering to infrastructural deficiency are not going to do any good. Country must first have confidence to deal with the subject lock stock barrel and the stomach to generate domestic capital or attract foreign capital to the tune of $500 billion-$1 trillion US dollars to invest in infrastructure sector for ten years to bring the quality of our infrastructure to global standards.
Our Prime Minister is just sitting on the lap of opportunity; he just need to draw courage and make a genuine effort to display statesmanship to collaborate inside his party and outside with the opposition to drive this great country to its rightful position under the sun. Manmohan Singhji would never fall short of good Urdu couplets ever.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Odisha Sports Foundation

Bikash Choudhury

We can lift the spirit and create enthusiasm among youth through competitive sports.Nature has bestowed our youth with energy and enthusiasm.We just need to find the way to release such energy into creative pursuits of Nation building. Competitive sports could be one of the tools to ignite passion and create a healthy regional chauvinism of Odisha that would fire the energy of youth in the state and help build leadership for overall development.At the state level, we can constitute an organisation named as 'Odisha Sports Foundation' in private public partnership to eventually create International standard sports team of Odisha in three disciplines, Viz: Odisha Cricket 11, Odisha Football 11, Odisha Hockey 11. OSF can learn from the business model thrown up by our own IPL, ofcourse, minus the controversial part to generate free flowing funds to invest in the sports domain from village up wards inorder to prepare young leaders. Any volunteers?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Global temperature going up owing to climate change phenomena in consequence of which average temperature during summer is rising across the country, green cover is continuously depleting under the pressure of development, at alarming rate, as a result of which ground water table is sinking year after year. To arrest the depleting ground water table; we need to conserve the rain water during monsoon by planning to install rain water harvesting system in each urban & rural houses wherever feasible. Water is a very precious resource for the growth of the country and therefore, IBA & RBI must advise the Banking Industry in the country to frame a suitable policy to finance RWH with an incentive and encouragement for the household to complete the RWH installation in their homes before the monsoon arrive. Such a policy will help the country in achieving the goal of water sufficiency in few years.

Monday, May 3, 2010

PPP-Value Creation

Bikash Choudhury

This refers to sale of equity in NALCO. In principle, many progressive economist and politician do not have objection to sell a miniscule portion of central Govt. shares in public sector enterprises to generate much needed revenue to finance all the time growing Government’s non-plan expenditure. However, Govt. can look fresh at PPP model to create an exponential growth in value creation in all public enterprises before deciding on off-loading its shares.
Our public sector enterprises lack an entrepreneurial mindset comparable to leading family or professional run private enterprise; which is sine-qua-non of growth, share holder value creation in current globalised business environment. To deal with the issue, govt.and planning commission may examine to appoint leaders of private enterprise as co-chairman of public enterprises; who don’t have any conflict of interest with the assigned public enterprise to add a streak of entrepreneurial mindset in each public sector organization, to, eventually drive the growth. Policy can be so designed that private sector leader as Co-Chairman can spend quality 25-40 hours a month for public enterprise in lieu of a compensation of 0.25% of net growth in incremental profit and of course, the perks of being closely associated with the Govt.. Hypothetically, just in case Govt. decide to appoint Mukesh Ambani to Railways, Sunil Mittal to NALCO, Kumar Mangalam Birla to Air India, Anil Ambani to NABARD, Anand Mahindra to BSNL, Udaya Kotak to NTPC and Chanda Kochar to ONGC; may be, in a year from now, we would see a qualitative difference, not only, in the enterprise value of public sector but, in the over all intrinsic strength of all public enterprise. More over, these exercises would work as a case study with demonstrate-able demonstration effect on all public enterprises in central and state Govt. in the country.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Obama must visit India

Bikash Choudhury

US President Barak Obama celebrated Diwali festival in White House in full Indian tradition for the first time in 2009. Again, US President has shown his keen interest in recruiting top advisers from Indian origin. Both, over a period of time have raised hope in India of stronger relationship with America unlike cold war time and oblivious of American Af-Pak agenda. By now, US President should have included India in his itinerary. May be Obama has been busy with pressing problems at home and could not find time to unveil his Indian agenda as yet. China has obviously dominated his Asian agenda; but, China would be a difficult knot to crack in short time. While, India could offer US president a substantial mileage in global affairs with minimum investment in time and money.
Apparently, Obama has been lucky to impress the Nobel Award Foundation to confer Nobel Peace Prize at the beginning of his stint in White House. Nobel Foundation saw promise in democrat US president to change the current structure of world politics and move the world in the direction of disarmament, peace and climate change compliance. India has always stood for peace and friendship between nations but, unfortunately, best of intentions have never been reciprocated by the global powers and US president can change all that by announcing an India state visit to forge closer ties between two large democracies.