Tuesday, March 30, 2010

System Strikesback

Bikash Choudhury

Many times good intentions of political executive have been negated by the powerful system from within. Late Rajiv Gandhi started crusade against power brokers within his party and outside and later brought in large scale computerization, expansion of telecom network, Ganga action plan and development of Inland waterways; a few of his efforts have translated into drivers of growth of our economy like telecom and computer industry today but many others have been left in the lurch by the system. Apparently, the speed with which Rajiv Gandhi was working initially by inking agreements like Punjab, Assam and Sri Lanka was not perhaps in line with established system. Therefore in the later part of his tenure system struck back at him with Bofors Scandal. It was quite unlikely of an Indian Prime Minister walking into such a decision with eyes open and when issue is related to the defense of ones own country. And again with the baggage of Nehru and Gandhi family Rajiv Gandhi could not have taken such a decision. No wonder after series of investigation for years nothing actually came out. Is it because the powerful established system and their agents wished to settle score with an young and forward looking prime minister of India? Why Rajiv Gandhi was taken away from the country when he was most likely set to return to power second time? We have seen the assassin's bomb but not the conspiracy behind it. In state level also such powerful system may be in operation to nullify progressive policy of political executive.

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