Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

There goes a famous saying “In empty stomach your mind does not work and therefore, can’t think of innovation” but how on earth, Indian’s could procreate so much on empty stomach that 30 crore populations at the time of Independence has now grown to over 110 crores? Nobody has made any research till date about the correlation between freedom and greater urge to procreate. It is high time; we should think why we are unable to produce any path breaking innovation in last two centuries. We have accepted our destiny as consumer of western innovations. From tooth paste in the morning to web chat before going to sleep are all by products of western innovation. Our society is risk averse, education system is based on wrote learning, therefore substantive research has no takers in present time. We need to encourage independent thinking and risk taking ability among young people in order to produce innovative new product and services with global appeal in two decade time frame.

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