Tuesday, March 30, 2010

System Strikesback

Bikash Choudhury

Many times good intentions of political executive have been negated by the powerful system from within. Late Rajiv Gandhi started crusade against power brokers within his party and outside and later brought in large scale computerization, expansion of telecom network, Ganga action plan and development of Inland waterways; a few of his efforts have translated into drivers of growth of our economy like telecom and computer industry today but many others have been left in the lurch by the system. Apparently, the speed with which Rajiv Gandhi was working initially by inking agreements like Punjab, Assam and Sri Lanka was not perhaps in line with established system. Therefore in the later part of his tenure system struck back at him with Bofors Scandal. It was quite unlikely of an Indian Prime Minister walking into such a decision with eyes open and when issue is related to the defense of ones own country. And again with the baggage of Nehru and Gandhi family Rajiv Gandhi could not have taken such a decision. No wonder after series of investigation for years nothing actually came out. Is it because the powerful established system and their agents wished to settle score with an young and forward looking prime minister of India? Why Rajiv Gandhi was taken away from the country when he was most likely set to return to power second time? We have seen the assassin's bomb but not the conspiracy behind it. In state level also such powerful system may be in operation to nullify progressive policy of political executive.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Unenthusiastic Bureaucracy

Bikash Choudhury

Generally people complain about inefficiency and ineffective bureaucracy all the time. But, we apparently do not take time off to think why it is so. I had once put on my thinking cap suggested by Debono; and, came to the conclusion that, apart from lack of enthusiasm and challenge in the job content of a bureaucrat; the mind set of a large section of people-once you get a govt. job then you have earned a passport to income for life without commensurate work. Now, after sixth pay commission pay revision Babus in govt earn a hell lot of money in comparison to private sector if you calculate salary, perks, housing, pension and other plus. If we look at the cost to company(CTC) of Babus in govt then it would be three times of private sector salary package at each level. However, we can safely assume that the efficiency of Babus would be less than half of any private sector employee and Babus work barely at thirty percent of their efficiency. What can be done? Bring in risk of loosing job for incompetence and also reward for proven ability, hard work and dynamism in a transparent frame work for all position in govt. without exception. Other thing is assume twenty five percent of govt staffs are redundant in their position; therefore, redeploying them would not affect govt. work in any way, rather it will make the babus slog a little. Further, excess manpower can be redeployed in rural areas to look after faster development of rural clusters. Out of over five lakh employees in Odisha State Govt., we can redeploy one lakh twenty five thousand personnel in five thousand cluster of villages covering all fifty thousand plus hamlets in the state with an employee strength of twenty five per cluster to look after entire gamut of socio economic and infrastructural development of each cluster. If this can happen on ground actually then Maoist would not get even an inch of place in dense forest. Utopia?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Leader with Conviction

Bikash Choudhury

We have to concede Sonia Gandhi now as democratic leader with a difference. Many of commentators like me have almost concluded that women's reservation bill is another vote bank stunt of congress and its leader Ms. Gandhi. After passing of the women's reservation bill in the upper house; many of us are happy to be proved wrong. Ms. Gandhi deserve accolade not only from all women group but from also men who wish to see a substantial change in governance. One thing is clear today, Madam Gandhi could travel any length to give shape to her conviction on national interest; And, her renunciation of power in 2004 was not an aberration, but more such events to follow as we witness her firm resolve to give Indian women their due in our political management. Ms. Gandhi would have drawn many admirers by her impeccable conduct in public life; but from today she should be able to gain the mind space of her political opponents.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

There goes a famous saying “In empty stomach your mind does not work and therefore, can’t think of innovation” but how on earth, Indian’s could procreate so much on empty stomach that 30 crore populations at the time of Independence has now grown to over 110 crores? Nobody has made any research till date about the correlation between freedom and greater urge to procreate. It is high time; we should think why we are unable to produce any path breaking innovation in last two centuries. We have accepted our destiny as consumer of western innovations. From tooth paste in the morning to web chat before going to sleep are all by products of western innovation. Our society is risk averse, education system is based on wrote learning, therefore substantive research has no takers in present time. We need to encourage independent thinking and risk taking ability among young people in order to produce innovative new product and services with global appeal in two decade time frame.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

India was subjugated to over 500 years of foreign rule;in spite of that still Indian's are fighting over their linguistic and regional identity. Marathi Manus tirade and Telengana episode are case in point. Indians would probably never learn a lesson.Regional identity inside Indian sovereignty must be collaborative and cohesive not divisive. Promoting National Integration by better understanding of regional and linguistic identity has evaded the attention of both Central and State Govt. since independence.Keeping in view of recent violence in Mumbai and divisive tendencies in other parts of the country; Govt. should frame suitable policy to encourage learning of other regional languages in Schools and Colleges with suitable incentives in professional education and employment to promote better understanding among States and to forge National Integration.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

India has a National Security Plan? The recent events have pointed to the direction of non-existence of any such plan. The strident comments of Pakistani foreign secretary after finishing his dialogue with Indian counterpart were one such event. Pakistanis have time and again proved that they were master of geo-politics in the region. India in spite of its size and economic shape always finishes distant second, just like good guys. India took a position of no talk till 26/11 culprits are brought to book and modified in the last week of Feb’2010; just to be brow beaten by Pakistan with German Bakery bomb blast at Pune and further demand for mediation of China. Again, India pumps billions of dollars in tax payer’s money in Kabul to keep a toe hold of influence in Afghani capital and end up being continuously targeted by ISI and Taliban militia; whereas, Pakistan is being wooed by Americans as part of their Af-Pak policy with hard dollars, amounting to $6.5 billion; part of which will end up in the pockets of ISI to send mercenaries through pores borders in J&K and finance the sleeper cells of terrorist to create mayhem in length and breadth of the country. Further, Govt. announced an elaborate plan “green hunt” to weed out domestic Maoist militia which incited Maoist to run over a paramilitary out post near Medinapore in West Bengal and twenty four poor Jawans were mercilessly butchered. Telengana fiasco in Andhra Pradesh and Marathi manus holocaust in Mumbai are eating into the strategic strength of the country. Interested global forces must be watching India with lenses to take suitable position in their national interest. If our country continues in this path for long, then in foreseeable future, may be another East India Company would bid for Indian sovernity and our billion plus population would sadly remain just mute spectators. This can be real.

Pakistan has one point agenda that is to dismember India. They would surely attempt to occupy Jammu and Kashmir by force or by political collusion with global forces making a common cause to check met India from its fast pace economic growth. India must revisit its National Security with tooth comb and bridge the gaps as quickly as possible. In one side India should keep talking to Pakistan in as many channels as possible and let the world know that India is honest and sincere in resolving all outstanding disputes in peaceful manner; and in other side, time has come for India to pursue covert military strategy to slowly weaken the conventional and non conventional military strength of Pakistan. One covert media operation deep inside Pakistan is also necessary to drive Pakistani public opinion in favor of India in the long run. Finally, one more national effort is over due, to bring other SAARC countries into a bilateral peace treaty with India. Country must have a full proof National Security Plan whose impact alone must be visible to the common man.