Thursday, January 14, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

This refers to the public discourse of His Holiness Dalai Lama at Bhubaneswar on 14th Jan 2010. In a brief intervention of 25 minutes, he was able to put across his message of love and compassion loud and clear in very simple terms. In his inimitable style,called India as the land of Budha and therefore his Guru and as a good Chela he wish to give back pure Budhist tradition and knowledge to India after holding it for centuries in Tibet .Called for dialogue between religions in the interest of mankind.Emphasised more on human welfare than on building Budha statue.Being a Budhist monk himself preached not to develop attachment for Budhism inorder to appreciate other religions and spiritual followings.Attachment to one's own religion creates condition for violence in name of religion.

At a personal level, advised to practise love and compassion inorder to keep the mind calm and stable to appropriately handle ups & downs in life.'Objective reality is always multi dimensional in any matter and field' said Dalai Lama.Impressed upon the listeners to see unity in diversity for better understanding and to stay away from sufferings.Wished us to develop confidence by analytical meditation and deeper investigation about absolute truth.Dalai Lama stole the hearts and minds of his listners with his jokes on himself and his informal demanour and his serene presence.

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