Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

How to transform our Cities & Town as clean as Singapore, very economically? Clean Cities and Towns reflect the personality of a State and also the Country. It is quite a task for city administration of a populous State like Orissa to keep all its Cities and Towns always clean in spite of their best efforts. There is a very simple solution to this problem if two Departments of our State Govt. collaborate viz., Housing & Urban Development Dept. & Higher Education Dept.

Higher Education Dept. can encourage its High Schools & Colleges to help Cities & Town administration to educate and enforce cleanliness in one square Km. areas near their respective educational institutions by inspiring students to take up the job for an hour, each working day as part of Social Leadership Project to earn Credits/Hons which could be given weight age in higher education. Urban bodies can in turn arrange for some awards and sponsor relevant training programs for deserving students. This exercise, apart from helping maintain clean cities, would also offer opportunity to students to learn real jobs and develop appreciation for manual work.

Further, Urban local bodies in collaboration with National Bamboo Mission can provide economical prefabricated Units with suitable provisions for waste management, to all Street side eateries/vendors in all Cities & Towns; in suitable arrangement with commercial banks. That will reduce pollution considerably and give a new spruced-up look to our towns.

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