Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prohibition in Residential Areas

Bikash Choudhury

Is Putting up Statue of Mahatma Gandhi at important land marks and naming a main road in the City and garlanding his statues two days a year the highest tribute to him and his Ideals? At least today, we should take an inventory of how many Gandhian thoughts have been accepted by our society and how many of them have been repudiated outright? Can we at the least, promise to upheld prohibition in residential areas which was dear to Bapu?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Rastriya Swayamsebak Sangha (RSS) is a Nationalistic Organization of preeminence that has inspired a few generations of Indians since pre-independence era. RSS apart from imparting training on discipline and nationalistic fervor in young people through Sakhas; also, instill Hindu ethos among community. During natural calamities Swayamsebaks help the civil administration in reaching out to the impoverished people. However, RSS has never sought publicity for its social activity, which is the hallmark of RSS nationalistic commitment and does not need any certificate or endorsement from any quarters.

Initially, RSS believed if its political wing receive popular mandate then that will help to implement the core philosophy of Sangha in the country. I understand the core philosophy of RSS are: Aspiration for ‘Akhanda Bharat’ (Undivided India), Uniform Civil Code in the Country, Pre-eminence for followers of Hindu religion, Respect for Hindu ethos & way of life in the country and recently, the construction of Ram temple at Ayodhya. Bharatiya Janata Party has been the torch bearer of RSS political agenda since 1980 and was in the Govt. for six years 1998-2004. Why RSS core philosophy could not be touched? Because, there is no political consensus on those issues in the country. To build political consensus in the country; RSS should now reexamine its old assumptions and move towards a new paradigm; where RSS would become the universal mentor(Umbrella Brand) of all centrist and rightist political forces in the country.

Therefore, RSS should now, transform into an organization that would work only on National Interest. The objective should be to Integrate Diverse Opinions and Collaborate with Organizations of different persuasion on supreme National Interest. To attain the position of universal mentor; RSS has to start work in the following areas:

 Dialogue between religion, culture and language
 Build strong relationship with neighboring countries
 Promoting hygiene and cleanliness in all cities & towns
 Driving a public movement for cleaning of all water bodies
 Promoting better understanding & coordination between central & state govt. and among state govt.
 Public funding of election
 Maoist menace and other internal security challenges
 Controlling pollution and maintenance of environment with multidimensional approach

RSS is the only organization having intellectual capacity and dedicated disciplined cadres with full time celibate leaders to implement most challenging ideas ever. Therefore, Sri Jaya Prakash Narayan Commended RSS as patriots.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

How to transform our Cities & Town as clean as Singapore, very economically? Clean Cities and Towns reflect the personality of a State and also the Country. It is quite a task for city administration of a populous State like Orissa to keep all its Cities and Towns always clean in spite of their best efforts. There is a very simple solution to this problem if two Departments of our State Govt. collaborate viz., Housing & Urban Development Dept. & Higher Education Dept.

Higher Education Dept. can encourage its High Schools & Colleges to help Cities & Town administration to educate and enforce cleanliness in one square Km. areas near their respective educational institutions by inspiring students to take up the job for an hour, each working day as part of Social Leadership Project to earn Credits/Hons which could be given weight age in higher education. Urban bodies can in turn arrange for some awards and sponsor relevant training programs for deserving students. This exercise, apart from helping maintain clean cities, would also offer opportunity to students to learn real jobs and develop appreciation for manual work.

Further, Urban local bodies in collaboration with National Bamboo Mission can provide economical prefabricated Units with suitable provisions for waste management, to all Street side eateries/vendors in all Cities & Towns; in suitable arrangement with commercial banks. That will reduce pollution considerably and give a new spruced-up look to our towns.

Monday, January 25, 2010

74th Birth Day Bash of Odisha

Bikash Choudhury

Let the entire World celebrate 1st of April as Fools Day; we all, shall proudly say, we are Odiya.1st April 2010, would be celebrated in Odisha as 74 the Janma tithie of Odisha reunification. This would be a special day for all Odiyas living in the State, outside the State or abroad. There are auspicious signs for Odisha in the beginning of new decade: Govt. of Orissa has announced about use of Odiya language in State administration in a phased manner and further, there is continuous debate in public, news paper editorials, columns about need for action to preserve, protect, propagate and Popularize Odiya language among the residents of the State. Again the popularity of Odissi dance form has increased significantly across the State, by only looking at the number of Odissi performance being conducted in recent past. In a happier note, 15th National Youth Festivals was organized very successfully in the State Capital at Bhubaneswar.

Now, we must celebrate in style and in a manner and scale for the whole world to sit-up and take notice without being austentious and with an objective to showcase the State and its achievement, put forth its demand for being taken seriously and create a brand Odisha in a short period of time. We should take into account all shades of public opinion while conducting ODISHA DIVAS 2010.

This time, apart from State level function at Bhubaneswar, we must have ODISHA DIVAS official functions at New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai & Chennai in collaboration with Odiya residents of respective cities to create emotional bonding among Prabasi Odiyas and develop attachment for the state while making a foundation for larger than life Brand Odisha.

The main function at Bhubaneswar should be organized in a large scale that we have recently seen with the opening ceremony of 15th National Youth Festival. We must invite eminent people from all continents from various walks of life to introduce ancient prosperous state of Kalinga, currently named after Odiya language- Odisha and its rich history; one documentary film could be premiered on the occasion. Further, Odisha could be represented in a star studded cultural function depicting Odisha’s rich dance form Odissi and other folk dances from north, west and south Odisha. Foreign Guests and dignitaries could be shown places of tourist importance in collaboration with Hotel & Restaurant Association of Orissa; with suitable arrangement for live coverage in NDTV good times and similar TV channels to promote tourism in the State. Further, Business delegation could be shown potential venue for investment in the State.

74th Birth Day bash of Odisha should be able to entertain global audience, attract global talent and entice global capital to make this birth day memorable for along time and one epoch making event once a year.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Government Listens

Bikash Choudhury

Gulam Nabi Azad, the union health minister announced about Short-term medical course at district level in Govt. run schools to reach out to rural population across the country, on 16th Jan 2010 at Nagpur. The main objective is to staff the primary health centers and other rural based hospitals with rural based health professionals from the short-term course; which is one of the biggest challenges encountered by health administrators-Hospitals without Doctors in Rural areas. Further, this step would bring improvement in the ratio of doctors to population which currently stands at 576 per million populations. If the announcement is actually followed up with action then Health Minister and UPA Government would go down in the annals of history as a Govt. that has altered the life of rural masses very significantly. Apart from that, this scheme if successfully executed across the country has the potential of increasing the country’s GDP by 1-2% on its own. It is personally amazing for me because within five months of writing to Govt. on the subject, announcement of decision of short-term medical course came through. I do not wish to claim that the decision of short-term medical course announcement was based on our suggestion alone but just in case we assume that decision was based on the input given by ordinary people then we must concede now that popular Governments actually listen to people if approached to the decision making eco-system of Govt. on a valid proposal and other thing is Govt. can choose to be efficient. This author had actually written a letter to union health minister, medical council of India and health secretary of State & union territory Governments to consider introducing a diploma level medical course for rural areas. Our hypothesis was if we approach the entire ecosystem of health sector then our ideas would be evaluated appropriately and may be Govt. and medical council in this case would act with alacrity. Our hypothesis has been vindicated and therefore wishes to appeal to all media professionals and thinkers having Ideas that could impact the lives of ordinary people must have the courage to approach the Government with their ideas to respective eco-system in Govt. A carpet bombing of new ideas would help make this country prosperous and peaceful at the same time.
There is a tail piece to this story. During July 2009 this author was invited by a close relative to negotiate with the management of a private medical college to reduce the capitation fees for his son. However, this author was brow beaten by the young director of the medical college with arguments like the cost of capital for setting up of a medical college and still higher cost of running a medical college in current times when technology obsolence adds to the cost further. While entirely agreeing with the contention, this author dropped out from further negotiation on the subject. However, Idea struck-private medical colleges alone are no solution to the challenges faced by health sector in the country; as you can not expect a student of private medical college working in rural areas after spending a family fortune in his medical education. Therefore, a diploma level MBBS course(Short-term medical course) is the way forward.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

This refers to the public discourse of His Holiness Dalai Lama at Bhubaneswar on 14th Jan 2010. In a brief intervention of 25 minutes, he was able to put across his message of love and compassion loud and clear in very simple terms. In his inimitable style,called India as the land of Budha and therefore his Guru and as a good Chela he wish to give back pure Budhist tradition and knowledge to India after holding it for centuries in Tibet .Called for dialogue between religions in the interest of mankind.Emphasised more on human welfare than on building Budha statue.Being a Budhist monk himself preached not to develop attachment for Budhism inorder to appreciate other religions and spiritual followings.Attachment to one's own religion creates condition for violence in name of religion.

At a personal level, advised to practise love and compassion inorder to keep the mind calm and stable to appropriately handle ups & downs in life.'Objective reality is always multi dimensional in any matter and field' said Dalai Lama.Impressed upon the listeners to see unity in diversity for better understanding and to stay away from sufferings.Wished us to develop confidence by analytical meditation and deeper investigation about absolute truth.Dalai Lama stole the hearts and minds of his listners with his jokes on himself and his informal demanour and his serene presence.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Drat Mission and Vision – Bank of Odisha

Bikash Choudhury

Over 25 lakh Odiya people live in 8 cities outside Odisha in the country. Therefore, Bank of Odisha must tap odiya people for funds i.e., savings & investment. Kolkata, Vizaq, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Ahmeadabad.Apart from mobilizing low cost funds (CASA), BOO must also networkwith Business Community and persuade them to invest in commercial venture, manufacturing units in MSME sector independently or in collaboration with Odiya Business men/women. Further, BOO can show case ODISHA as a potential Investment/Business destination in continuous manner in all eight cities in India. To an extent, BOO should represent unique culture and tradition of Odisha.FDI would play a vital role in further development of Odisha;And therefore, BOO should be able to work on higher flow of FDI to the state.

BOO if set-up must be an autonomous commercial bank within OSCB. The top management of BOO must have required skill set in retail, corporate, investment Banking and Venture capital funding. At this time, BOO must adopt a low cost model with suitable technology and branch presence in all 8 cities in India having Odiya domicile in large number. Venture Capital Fund can also be set-up by BOO to tap Odiya HNI, exclusively for projects in the state.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year Greetings for Chief Minister of Orissa

From:Bikash Choudhury

Esteemed Mr. Naveen Pattanaik.

Greetings for the New Year 2010.Good wishes for your Govt. and party Biju Janata Dal on the eve of New Year. Hope, again in this year your govt. would take commendable steps to make Orissa economically strong and peaceful. I have also a dream for Orissa and wish your Govt. in Collaboration with civil society execute our plans for a resurgent Orissa and let the State be known and seen not only in the country but also in the outside world as a Creative, Prosperous and Peaceful land in India.

Cleanliness is Godliness: People of Orissa are not attaching much importance to Hygiene and cleanliness in their daily life, therefore, we have problems in the areas of health; which is extremely important for sustainable economic up-liftment when the base of the economy is lower. It needs articulate leadership of your Govt. and party to work along with education institutions and students to spread the message across the State and to each family and Inculcate a New habit of Aesthetic and Hygiene in each home and office in the State.

To begin with our Sri Jagannath Temple at Puri must be an example of Aestheticness and Hygiene inside the temple and outside periphery just like Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship: We have to concede that currently Oriya people generally prefer a white collar job than starting a new commercial venture. However, our rich past history, replete with examples of flourishing trade, commerce and entrepreneurship. Konark temple, Barabati Fort is silent testimony of our past achievement. Therefore, it is important for our Political Leadership to remind our young people, Students about our past laurels and encourage them to create a Mindset for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

To begin with our top leadership in Biju Janata Dal, Ministers in Govt., Senior Bureaucrats and Leaders of Political parties must visit our academic institutions across the State to exhort the students to consider and pursue Innovation & Entrepreurship inside their temple of learning.

Thanking You.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bank of Odisha

Bikash Choudhury

Recent news report on Orissa State Co-Operative Bank receiving commercial banking license from RBI. Unlike many other States, Orissa does not have a commercial Bank of its own; and, neither, any Nationalized Bank is head quartered at state capital. This scenario continue to plug the demonstratable development of industrialization in SME sector without being prejudicial to the efforts of commercial banks present in the state. However, the need of “Bank of Odisha” can’t be over emphasized for speedy growth of ancillary industries along with and in & around, heavy metal based industries present in the state. Further, currently approximately 2.5 million Odiya with high income live in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vizag and Ahmedabad. Again equal number of people lives overseas. If our State Govt. takes step to set-up Bank of Odisha in near future then, such bank can attract deposit of over $2.5 billion USD per year which is equivalent to State annual plan. Bank of Odisha, if conceptualized appropriately can usher in a new eco system for entrepreneurship, faster development and growth in MSME sector & ancillary units and harness growth of low cost fund for Agriculture sector.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Ideas for Governance

Bikash Choudhury

Midnight announcement on Telengana State was either a strategic error or a tactical move to placate TRS. Off late, it seems ballooning turmoil in Andhra Pradesh must have some connection with the disaffection of YSR loyalist groups on leadership issue which was not foreseen by INC high command. The central idea of this article is not the current impasse at Hyderabad. However, through this event I wish to question the governance model which has outlived its time; and country needs one new collaborative model that would help the system to reach out to the last man on the street effectively.

In last sixty years the complexity of running this diverse country has increased manifold; however, the governance model and decision making system on broad policy still rests only with the Prime Minister. Keeping in view the competing demands for prime ministers time; it is extremely difficult for prime minister to give quality time to examine each issue of importance before taking his final decision. Therefore, now it is time to think of creating constitutional position of Dy. Prime Minister for each region; East-West & North-South. Each Dy. Prime Minister apart from running any of the four ministries like Home, Defense, Finance and External Affairs; must be responsible for development of all States of their assigned region. If this arrangement is suitably designed with the objective to free the CEO of the country to think about broad strategic issues having larger and long term impact on greater number of people and allowing the four COO’s to run their respective regions (profit centers) more effectively; then apparently the quality of central govt. decision would improve substantially. And further, the chief ministers of States can be held accountable more prudently for development of his or her State vis-à-vis central fund allocation and other plan and non-plan assistance. Again with this mechanism, working relations can be established with central govt. and chief minister of states; which can be used by centre to share perspective on State of Nation(Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, first prime minister of India used to follow the convention of writing letters to chief ministers of States on the state of nation once in a month) and consult CM’s on broad policy of the country pertaining to external affairs, finance, internal security ect., Every step forward towards better governance can’t be without its political backlash; however, INC, now has gained immense strength in terms of grass root support and critical mass in parliament to prudently choose structural change in the system of governance to again reach out to those ‘Aam Admi’ the slogan that has caught the fancy of the masses to weather any storm on the way.

Currently, UPA Govt. is well poised to effect necessary constitutional changes; because the undisputed leadership of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has now been institutionalized in the Congress Party and moreover, the young gen-next leader Mr.Rahul Gandhi has firmly established his credential in last general election 2008.Further, Mr. Man Mohan Singh has been leading his govt. impeccably into his second term with his amiable manners but much more sure than in the last term; in spite of a few avoidable glitziest. And, again Congress party is filled with loyal stalwarts like Pranab Mukherji, Digvijay Singh, P.Chidambaram and A.K.Antony and many others. Why not give these gentlemen a chance to lead from the front towards a better living condition for this country? Congress party had promised for judicial reforms, Police reforms, public funding of election in its election manifesto in last general election and however, those issues are languishing without keen attention of competent political managers. Therefore, it is now left to the leadership of Congress party to make-up its mind about change or status quo.
Young people are genuinely interested in better living condition for themselves and their family and also understand that without structural reforms in governance; what they would console their family is with some incremental alteration which is neither sufficient nor just in comparison to even our Asian neighbors. How long Indian farmers would continue to commit suicide, Culprits of Ruchkia go unpunished, Maoist with a free run consistently destroys economic assets of the country and parallel economy keeps flourishing? Some day at some time and some one has to say enough is enough. Why not Mrs. G this time?