Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Love and Happiness

 Bikash Choudhury 

Love, this four letter word runs riots inside adolescent and young minds both boys and girls alike. And, we have seen how an old man ( Amitav Bacchan) also fell in love with a young girl (Jiya Khan) in a movie which made a big headline in all the pink newspapers and filmy magazines of that time. Now, we know how tragically this young starlet committed suicide for another boyish actor Suraj Pancholi for discord in their love affairs. Now,. we must think again what is that innocent and innocuous emotion that makes someone take his or her own life; and, readers would know it well from news reports that for love people have taken the life of their partners mercilessly. Is there any contrast or contradiction you find in this extreme human behavior? The emotion that brings you closer to another homo sapiens of opposite sex, so much so that he or she becomes centre of your life much above than parents who conceived you and reared you for years and even siblings who share your DNA. But, when things go wrong as you know our lives are symmetrical to a roller coaster ride--- some time up in the air and in others, down in the dumps of our BMC garbage dump yard; you do not hesitate to take his or her life with your own hands even. Where was that "Pyaar '' that bit both of you at the same time so much so that you both preferred to live in Hallucination. Can we therefore conclude that those stories of Heer & Ranjha, Soni & Mahiwal and our Radha & Krishna are all bakwaj. I guess Love as we know it has many forms. Some time just a physical attraction between two individuals of opposite sex may be a short term infatuation or could turn into a deep and abiding amorous relationship for a life time and beyond. Here, the defining factor being the Chemistry between the two individuals and also permutation and combinations of complex factors like socio- economic background of not just the Lover's couple but also their respective family and their background, their education and on top of it their value system. 

Love, the four letter word has a myriad of colors. Some of my readers say " Love is indefinable in any language; it can only be felt deep inside your heart and still, much deeper recesses of one's mind that is located somewhere in the thalamus". Usually, the heart symbolises Love; but it is the mind which activates emotion and feelings. However, your heart performs at optimum level when your mind is filled with Love.

Today, I wish to share with you about the fourth dimension of Love. Have you ever been kissed by a Labrador on the Lips? Sadha Guru Jagi Vasudev of Isha Foundation opines that " if your heart is filled with Love for animate and inanimate beings around you is the simplest way to remain always happy and joyful". How does it work? If you are capable of giving Love unconditionally and without judgement to all Living and even so called non living objects around you then even most Negative Thinkers can't snatch away your joy and happiness for the Life and Living ever. So don't be scared of Loving anybody irrespective of their shortcomings which we all have in ample measures; because, we are humans with a beating ❤️

Heart. Perfection in humans is a myth as stupid contention that “everything is fare in Love and War". Humanity, Ethics, Rule of Laws and social etiquettes plays a pivotal role in how we Love and get loved; without that we become an inanimate object, only. What do you feel, my dear readers? 


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