Monday, January 5, 2015



Sacrifice of hundreds of innocent school children at Peshawar even did not change the Pakistan Military a bit. It is apparent now that Pak Military has hardened its stance and would like go down with the Sovereign Country of Pakistan; not, a day earlier. It has taken complete ownership of its Govt. and people. Just two weeks after Peshawar massacre it has started raining bullets on Indian borders and simultaneously planned to conduct terrorist attack on the western part of the country; however, luckily boat with explosives caught by Indian Coast guards which later exploded on sea. While writing this piece firing from Pakistani side continues since the night of New Years Eve. It is quite possible that Pakistan Military & ISI have some sinister plan to conduct a large scale military strike in India directly or indirectly during the visit of US President Barak Obama to shock India and discredit its security forces. India has to keep a constant vigil on the evil forces and put the Pak Govt. and it’s Military on sufficient notice; that, should there be a terrorist strike in India from Pakistan soil; then, India would reciprocate in kind on all Military Installation inside Pakistan at a time of its own choosing. India Govt., howeve, could reach out to Pakistani people through Pakistan Diaspora about its genuine desire for peace and prosperity in the region. There should be an attempt by India to rope in all SAARC members against Pakistan on Terrorism and Aggression. India could share information with the Govt. of SARRC Nations on the materials available about the sinister designs of Pakistan Military and ISI. God forbid if there were another terrorist strike any where in India then SARRC Nations could be persuaded to cut Diplomatic Relations with Pakistan Military State to corner it for Good. This should control the Adventures Pakistan Military substantially.      

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