Friday, February 7, 2014


Apropos Crumbling Capitalism. Author says “with capitalist prescription failing the nation and its people, time now to take a look back at socialism”. This would be as good as prescribing open heart surgery; where, a simple medication would do. However, it is true over a period of time Capitalism leads to concentration of wealth with a few and with very wide disparity of income; but, solution to the problem lies else where and certainly not in socialism. Speaking for India, in totality Nehruvian socialism has done more harm than good to Indian economy in comparison to ‘Bombay Plan’. In hindsight, we can say Bombay Plan if accepted and implemented by Nehru along with ‘Gramya Swaraj’ policy of Gandhiji; then, our country would have become a developed country by now in all its parameters. Socialism only creates more of License and Permit Raj with bolted bureaucracy which is inefficient and devoid of creativity, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Capitalism could undergo course correction that would encourage philanthropy in the larger interest of Capitalist while providing opportunity to more and more people to lift themselves from poverty with their own sweat and blood. Modified CSR policy is just a small step in this direction and the pioneering work of Azim Premji Foundation in the domain of primary education is another path breaking example how Capitalist could be put into self correcting mode; but, it is true that quantity and quality of such efforts are in nascent stage which require more awareness and activism. However, one would have to concede that no economic system in the World could completely eradicate disparity of income; as it is God who created Rich & Poor, Talented & Average and Hard Working & not so Hard Working people on earth and he must have very good reason to do so. Can we challenge the wisdom of God?  

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