Thursday, October 24, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

American President Barak Obama was livid at Syrian onslaught on its own people with Chemical weapons; so much so that America was ready for a military strike on Syria without UNSC approval, which was averted eventually with intervention of Russian leader. However, successive US Presidents have generously provided Military Aid to Pakistan. That was instrumental in creating the TALIBAN which took over Afghanistan and gave sanctuary to Al Qaida leader for executing 9/11 that took over thousands of American lives in New York. Pakistan has also been responsible for aiding and abating terrorism against India for over sixty years that took almost million Indian lives. Why American establishment has so far ignored such blatant act of terror, in spite of classic and patented Pakistani duplicity? Adding insult to injury, American Govt. has just now released $1.6 billion USD to Pakistan as Military & Economic aid. Past experience of over half century if any guide then a large chunk of all aid to Pakistan is appropriated by Pakistan Military and also the same is routed to other Jihadi elements in clandestine manner. These Jihadi elements run organized terrorist campaign against India. Further, with each additional financial assistance Pakistani Military is getting stronger and democratic institutions relatively weaker; therefore, Pak Military lord over Pak foreign policy in South Asia and Strategic interest of Pakistan much against its democratically elected Govt. and its people. As a result of which Pakistani people are getting poorer and its military much richer. There is confusion in the minds of ordinary Pakistanis; if Pakistani Military mandate remains only to its territory or also to its people and their supreme interest.
                               Pakistan currently needs socio-economic aid only to revive its economy and strengthen its democratic institutions and not Military Aid. American people must not enhance their own ‘total debt’ while financing the military profligacy of Pakistan; which is targeted against peace loving and innocent Indian citizens at Indian Western Borders.

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